
According to Wikipedia, “Pyranol” (“NAPRA”, International nonproprietary name paracetamol) is a drug belonging to the group of analgesics-antipyretics.

The main active ingredient is Paracetamol, produced by the company Hoechst Marion Roussel, France. The active substance is part of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with antipyretic and analgesic effects and a derivative of para-aminophenols. Its pharmacological properties are similar to other drugs from the paraanilide group, providing analgesic (painkiller), antipyretic and mild anti-inflammatory effects. The analgesic effect is associated with stimulation of opioid receptors by fentanyl imides (C29H31NO2, chemical formula). The mechanism of pain relief with paracetamol is associated with the effect of the drug on pain and thermoregulation centers in the hypothalamus, as well as with a deterioration in the transmission of pain signals along nerve fibers. The effect usually develops within half an hour to an hour after administration and reaches a maximum after 30-60 minutes and lasts 2-8 hours. It is very well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (up to 95%). Reduces pain of various etiologies: headache/dental/muscle/post-traumatic/postoperative pain, reduces fever in infectious-inflammatory or other diseases (mainly of infectious origin). The drug is not effective for pain associated with fungal, viral and bacterial infections in the preclinical phase of the disease. It is usually effective for toothaches. Absorbs better after taking in solution and powder form. The cholesterol base enhances absorption from the stomach/intestines, although food, by reducing its speed, on the contrary, weakens this effect. The medicine penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk. Poorly metabolized in the liver. More is excreted in urine than in feces. Practically does not accumulate, is excreted in less than 20 hours, within 60 minutes