Nutrition for the suffering

They should abstain from all coarse meat and dairy foods, and take everything that burns the blood, that is, hot seasonings and spices, only in quantities that are beneficial. They should eat something that is quickly digested and provides good nutrition. It is useful to feed them meat, egg yolks, fatty isfidbajs, nut dishes, and zirbajs. A decoction of chickpeas with unleavened sesame oil, as well as Indian nuts with fanise, helps such patients. If there is weakness and excessive bleeding, then rice and pomegranate soup with raisins helps. Oils that are good for this include nut oil, coconut oil, almond oil, apricot kernel oil, camel's hump oil and other good fats. Fried eggs made from egg yolks with leeks and a small amount of onion are also beneficial for them; Faniz is suitable for such patients, and figs are better for them than dates.