Pityriasis Asbestos

Pityriasis or asbestos pityriositis is an acute infectious skin disease manifested by a rash of pink flat spots on the skin of the face and neck, in places merging and becoming covered with scales.

Asbestos lichen is a contagious skin disease, clinically and pathologically similar to red crusts and scab. Human infection occurs through damage to the skin. Most often with road injuries: abrasions, scratches or abrasions. The spot first takes on a grayish color, later fills with white-yellow scaly masses and increases to a size of 3-6 mm (“pork butt”), and then necrotizes, turning into a scaly scab—“drum skin.”

Pityriasis affects mainly men aged 20-45 years with diseases of the esophagus, thyroid gland, lungs, pituitary gland, and peripheral vessels. The disease is usually acute, accompanied by severe itching and disturbing watery eyes. In some cases, eczema-like