Plantar Arch

The plantar arch is an arch that is formed from the lateral plantar artery (mainly) and the branches of the dorsal artery of the foot that anastomose with each other.

The plantar arch is an important anatomical structure that plays an important role in the blood supply to the foot and ensuring its functions. It is formed between the lateral plantar arterial canal and the dorsalis pedis artery, which is the main source of nutrition for the skin and muscles of the foot.

In addition, the plantar arch is important in maintaining stability and balance of the foot, as well as preventing injury and damage to the foot during physical activity.

Thus, the plantar arch is an important component of the anatomy of the foot and is essential to its function and health.

**The Arch of the Plantar Arterial** is an important anatomical structure that plays a key role in the normal function of the foot. In this article we will look at the anatomy and function of the arch of the plantar arterial, as well as its relationship with diseases and pathologies related to the blood circulation.

Arch of Plantar Arteries: Concept and Anatomy

**Arch of Plantar Arteries** is an arched shape of anatomical blood vessels on the heel of the foot that anastomize (join) together to form the counter-angled arch of Arteries. They provide blood supply to the muscles and ligaments of the sole of the foot and occupy a prominent place in the blood supply to the foot.


The Plantar Arc, also known as the plantar arch, is an important anatomical element of the foot that plays an important role in maintaining the stability and health of joints, muscles and tendons. Here's what you can learn about the plantar arch anatomy:

1. The arch of the sole is an important part of the vascular system of the foot. It is formed due to the connection of the lateral (most common) plantar and dorsal arteries of the foot. These arteries are responsible for distributing blood to the feet and preventing malnutrition of the foot tissues.

2. At its core, the plantar arch has the shape of a loop or an arc with a diameter of approximately 4 centimeters. The shape of the arch is repeated by the muscle fibers of the forefoot and hindfoot. The position of the arch determines the vertical position of the foot. If the arch is deviated from the perpendicular of the shin, this can lead to disturbances in the position of the bones of the foot when walking and in an upright position.

3. To conduct an X-ray examination of the arch of the plantar anastomosis from the surface, an anterior direct projection is usually used. Due to the flat position of the sole, the top view may not visually show the plantar arch. In such cases, you can use a rear direct projection