Plate Full Duoflex

Plate Full "Duoflex": Innovative System for Ostomy Patients

Plate Full "Duoflex" is one of the leading products in the field of ostomy patients. This system, manufactured by Convatek in the UK, is designed to provide convenience and comfort to patients with an ileostomy or colostomy.

An ostomy is a medical procedure that creates an artificial opening in the patient's abdomen (ostomy) to drain waste from the intestines or bladder. Ostomy patients require special care and support, and the quality of the medical devices used is of great importance.

The Full Duoflex plate is a comprehensive system designed specifically to ensure reliable and comfortable ostomy. It consists of several components, including a plate, a bag and additional accessories.

The main feature of the Duoflex plate is its innovative design, which ensures optimal fit and tightness. The plate is made of high-quality materials that provide wearing comfort and minimize the risk of irritation or damage to the skin.

In addition, the Duoflex system is highly adaptable, allowing patients to select the most appropriate components depending on individual needs and preferences. This includes different plate sizes, bags and additional accessories such as adhesives and fasteners.

The Full Duoflex Plate is manufactured in the UK, a country with a wealth of experience and advanced technology in the field of medical manufacturing. Konvatek, the manufacturer of this system, is known for its innovative developments and high quality products.

The international name of the Duoflex system indicates its recognition and use in many countries around the world. It also has several synonyms that reflect different aspects of its application and functionality.

The Full Duoflex plate is a reliable and innovative solution for patients requiring ostomy. Its high quality, comfort and adaptability make this system an attractive choice for healthcare professionals and patients around the world.