Plessimeter (Pleximeter)

A pleximeter is a small plate that is used for percussion (tapping) in medicine. It is made of bone, ivory or other material, and can be used to measure the speed of sound in various tissues and organs.

Percussion is a diagnostic method in which the doctor taps the patient's body using a special instrument - a percussion hammer. In this case, the sound that occurs when a hammer hits the body can tell the doctor about the condition of the internal organs.

A pleximeter is used to measure the speed of sound inside a patient. It is a small plate that is placed on the surface of the body and tapped with a hammer. In this case, the doctor can determine where the sound travels faster and where slower.

For example, if sound travels quickly in the lungs, it may indicate the presence of pneumonia or other diseases. If the sound travels slowly in the liver, this may indicate the presence of cirrhosis or hepatosis.

Thus, a pessimeter is an important tool in medicine, which allows the doctor to obtain information about the condition of the patient’s internal organs. It is easy to use and does not require special training, which makes it accessible to a wide range of specialists.

Plessimeters are small plates of bone, ivory or other material that are used to measure the thickness of soft tissue. They are widely used in medicine and cosmetology to determine the depth of blood vessels and nerves, as well as to assess the condition of the skin and its thickness.

The principle of operation of the plessimeter is based on the use of a percussion hammer, which taps a plate on the surface of the body. As a result of this process, vibration of the plate occurs, which is transmitted to the soft tissues and bones located underneath it.

To determine the depth of neurovascular bundles and assess the condition of the skin, a plessimeter with different plate thicknesses is used. For example, to assess the thickness of the skin, a plessimeter with a thickness of 1 mm is used, and a plessimeter with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm is used to determine the depth of blood vessels.

When using plessimeters, it is necessary to take into account some features of their application. First, you need to make sure that the record is on a flat surface and does not move while tapping. Secondly, it is necessary to use a percussion hammer with the correct impact force so as not to damage the soft tissue.

Overall, plessimeters are very useful tools that can help the doctor determine the depth of various structures and assess the condition of the skin. They can also be used in cosmetology to improve the appearance of the skin and correct its imperfections.

**Plessimeters** are small plates that are used for percussion. They can be made from a variety of materials including bone, ivory and other materials.

One of the most famous plessimeters is the **Greffner plessimeter**, which is used to determine the boundaries of the cardiac region. It consists of two parts: upper and lower. The upper part is a rectangular plate, and the bottom is a curved plate with a rounded protrusion at the end. When percussing with a Greffner plessimeter, the upper plate is placed on the patient’s chest, the lower plate is adjacent to the upper one under