Pleurisy Adhesive

Adhesive pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura, in which the adhesiveness of the layers of the pleural membranes increases. Etiology. It has an infectious and non-infectious nature of origin in 90% of patients. Factors leading to adhesive pleurisy are: frequent acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung overload (hypokinesia, obesity), diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney disease, liver disease, alcohol abuse, smoking, diabetes mellitus. In addition, adhesive pleurisy develops after viral hepatitis, especially with severe cholestasis, pulmonary and myocardial infarction, toxic-allergic changes after pneumonia, rheumatism, aspergillosis, malaria, toxoplasmosis. For the development of adhesive pleurisy, the presence of predisposing factors and factors contributing to the onset of the disease is necessary. It is usually a combination of a virus and a bacterial infection. The frequency of recurrence of pleurisy depends on the disease that caused it. About 60% of acute relapses of pleuropleurisy are caused by infection.

Clinical picture. The disease begins acutely. High intensity pain appears in the chest, reaching a maximum in the morning. When inhaling, the patient does not have enough air, he takes a forced position “on