Pleurisy Diaphragmatic

Pleurisy of the diaphragm The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest and abdomen. She participates in the act of breathing. Pleural inflammation (pleurisy) is becoming a common cause of the development of superior vena cava syndrome. Pleuritic fluid accumulates in the free pleural cavity inside the chest. Most of the time it can be treated with medication, but when it doesn’t respond well to treatment, you need someone to help. Even if ascites is detected, massage can reduce body weight and reduce the size of the abdomen.

Where does the diaphragm begin? Like any disease, diaphragm pleurisy has its causes. The main ones are the occurrence of indolent infections and allergic reactions. The acquired variety is a symptom of other diseases. For example, it is observed with hernias or tuberculosis. The diaphragm also develops quickly if there is no infection, but there is an allergy. It is characterized by symptoms such as severe pain when inhaling, the formation of reddish plaques near the sternum. In addition, the following symptoms are present: dry cough; nausea; moderate pain when swallowing; difficulty breathing. As the pleuritic condition develops, the mobility of the diaphragm and the amplitude of respiratory movements decrease. General symptoms can sometimes take up to a week to appear. Since the disease