Pleurisy Exudative

Exudative pleurisy is a disease in which a large amount of fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity. This can be caused by various reasons such as infections, allergies, injuries, tumors, etc.

Exudative pleurisy is manifested by chest pain, shortness of breath, cough and other symptoms. Treatment may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. It is important to consult a doctor in time to diagnose and treat the disease.

Pleurisy (exudative pleurisy) is a disease in which inflammation of the pleura occurs - the serous membrane that covers the lungs and chest. It is called exudative because it is characterized by the release of a large amount of fluid or exudate into the space between the pleura and the lungs.

The main cause of exudative pleurisy is infection of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. It can also occur with various lung diseases, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. Other factors that can cause exudative pleurisy include rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculous spondylitis, purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue (phlegmon), bronchiectasis and other musculoskeletal diseases. apparatus. Less commonly, exudative pleurisy occurs with malignant neoplasms of the chest organs, chest injuries and allergic reactions.

With exudative pleurisy, chest pain appears, aggravated by deep breathing or coughing, shortness of breath, and often a dry cough and high fever. Painful sensations in the chest can spread to the shoulders, shoulder blades, back and intensify with breathing. Along with this, there is an increase in body temperature, weakness, chills, decreased appetite and sleep disturbances.