Pleurisy Placiform

Pleurisy Plaitoid: Exudative Disease of the Pleura

Mantled pleurisy is one of the forms of exudative pleurisy, characterized by a uniform distribution of exudate over the entire surface of the lung. This medical term describes an inflammatory disease of the pleura, the membrane that covers the lungs and lines the inside of the chest cavity.

Mantled pleurisy usually occurs as a result of infections, inflammatory processes or other pathological conditions that cause the accumulation of exudate in the pleural cavity - the space between the outer and inner layers of the pleura. Exudate consists of fluid, cellular elements and protein, and its presence causes various symptoms and limitations for the patient.

The main symptoms of mantle pleurisy are chest pain, which can be aggravated by deep breathing or coughing, as well as a feeling of shortness of breath and coating of the inner surface of the lung with inflamed exudate. Other possible symptoms include fever, weakness and loss of appetite.

To diagnose cape pleurisy, your doctor will do a physical examination, including listening to the lungs and chest area, and may also order a chest X-ray or CT scan to get more information about the condition of the pleural cavity.

Treatment of mantled pleurisy is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that caused inflammation of the pleura, as well as relieving symptoms and preventing complications. Depending on the cause of pleurisy, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, or other medications may be prescribed. In some cases, drainage of the pleural cavity may be required to remove accumulated exudate.

Plaque pleurisy is a serious condition that requires medical intervention and observation. Patients are advised to contact their doctor if they experience chest pain, shortness of breath or other unusual symptoms to receive prompt diagnosis and treatment. Following the doctor's recommendations and treating the underlying disease will help prevent complications and promote the patient's recovery.

In conclusion, capillary pleurisy is a form of exudative pleurisy characterized by an even distribution of exudate over the entire surface of the lung. This inflammatory disease of the pleura requires timely diagnosis and treatment, as well as contacting a doctor if characteristic symptoms appear.

Pleurisy flake-shaped

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the diaphragm and pleura, accompanied by the formation of effusion (pleural fluid).

There are: acute pleurisy; chronic pleurisy. Acute more often develop in connection with viral diseases, chronic - with tuberculosis