Fetus (Fetus, Foetus)

Fetus (Fetus, Foetus) is a term that refers to the organism that develops inside the uterus from conception to birth. This term is used in medical terminology to refer to an unborn child, starting from the 10th week of pregnancy.

Fetal development occurs over 38-39 weeks, starting from the 9th week of pregnancy. During this period, significant changes occur in the fetal body, including the development of all major systems and organs, such as cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, respiratory and others.

At the initial stages of development, the fetus looks like an embryo, but as it grows and develops it becomes more and more like a real child. It grows and develops inside the uterus under the influence of hormones and nutrients received from the mother through the placenta.

The fetal period of fetal development begins from the 9th week and continues until birth. During this period, the active development of all systems and organs occurs, as well as an increase in the size of the fetus.

Medical studies of the fetal period make it possible to determine the state of health of the fetus and identify possible pathologies. For this purpose, various studies are carried out, such as ultrasound, amniocentesis and others.

The fetus (Fetus, Foetus) is an important stage in human development. The health of the fetus depends on the health of the mother, so it is important to monitor your health during pregnancy and receive timely medical care.

**Fetus,** or fetus (*lat. fetus - “**child**”, lit. “**conceived child**”, French **foetus, lat. foetus - “**acorn**” *), - the earliest stage of human development (except for the egg with the “sleeping” unconscious soul enclosed in it), beginning during the obstruction of the major and minor sinuses of the Eustachian tubes between the uterine mesonephros and the primary sex glands (ovullia + testicle) by the fourth week of embryogenesis from fertilization and ending with the birth of a full-fledged child by the end of the ninth month of pregnancy (27-28 weeks) - the beginning of the tenth (sometimes - the middle of the eleventh) month of development, alternating days purely by genital nucleation, physiological childbirth outside the womb, after inhaling and taking in new portions of air when the semi-monthly initial volume of the lungs determined by him occurs after swallowing the air of the future due to the severity of the current epidemic; the number of words in the fetal body of an infant is approximately 26,000