Flat feet Professional

Modern production has led to the widespread expansion of a number of “light industry” sectors. These include, in particular, the footwear industry, where the latest technologies and fundamentally new equipment are used. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the incidence of foot deformities among workers in the leading risk group is at least 95%. For those working in charge production, the predominant type of deformation is transverse flatfoot, while in average production and other types, longitudinal flatfoot is more common with the subsequent development of transverse one. Women and specialists who have a sedentary nature of work and a heavy load factor are more susceptible to deformation. As a rule, the initial stage of deformity is characterized by pain and the appearance of pain it progresses and causes discomfort. For example, when bending forward, pain arising from friction of the bones of the upper ends of the tibia and the head of the talus leads to painful numbness of the plantar surface of the foot and the surrounding area. Over time, the work contributes to the further development of deformation and “degeneration” of cartilage tissue. This leads to the progression of the process, aggravates pain and increases numbness, which in turn leads to the inability to carry out physical work. Lack of attention to this problem and dishonest attitude towards health conditions have led to a number of cases of serious diagnosis of flat feet and the adoption of measures to eliminate the disease. At the moment, among diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the leading position is occupied by the “plantar” type of pathology. The problem is typical for many industrial activities such as metallurgy, construction industry, mechanical engineering and machine tool manufacturing, shoe manufacturing and repair, etc. The human body is adapted to the environment and not only does not interfere with its load and exploitation, but even undergoes physical changes, which often become the root cause of the development of various pathologies. Professional deformations are intended to be, to a certain extent, an obstacle and protection from the harmful effects of the environment and play the role of some kind of compensation in connection with this, a person may seem not so much sick as clumsy and awkward, since the functional state of motor activity is disrupted. Destabilization of the state can also occur through mental disorders and manifestations of mental symptoms. For these changes in place, there are different manifestations: gait disturbance, vision loss, inability to perform any activity, “psychological intoxication syndrome”,