
Pneumomammography is a method of x-ray examination of the mammary glands by introducing air into the ducts.

With pneumomammography, air is introduced into the ducts of the mammary gland, which allows you to obtain a clearer image of the structures of the gland on x-rays. This method is used to detect various pathological changes in breast tissue, such as cysts, tumors, and inflammatory processes.

The advantage of pneumomammography is its higher information content in identifying pathology compared to conventional mammography. The injected air contrasts the ducts and lobules of the mammary gland, making them clearly visible on the image. This allows you to accurately determine the location and size of the formation.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is more painful than classical mammography due to the need for catheterization of the ducts. In addition, there is a risk of air embolism and breast infection.

Thus, pneumomammography is an effective method for diagnosing breast diseases, which has a number of advantages, but also has some limitations. Its use must be strictly justified and carried out by experienced specialists.

Pneumomammography is a method for diagnosing breast diseases that uses compression of the chest during exhalation. This method allows you to obtain a more accurate image of the mammary glands and determine the presence of tumors in them.

Advantages of pneumomammography:

+ Safety: with this method it is impossible to damage the mammary glands or thoracic ducts, since it does not require the use of tools and chemicals.

+ Accurate: Pneumomammography can be used to diagnose different types of cancer, including early-stage diseases that are often hidden by conventional mammography. In addition, the technique allows you to obtain more detailed information about the size, shape and location of the mammary gland.

Pneumomammology is a safe and effective procedure for diagnosing various diseases of the mammary glands. It can be used as an addition to standard mammography to clarify the diagnosis and select optimal treatment tactics. To obtain the best results, it is recommended to undergo pneumectomy