Pneumonia Abscess

Abseding pneumonia is an infectious inflammatory process that affects the lungs. Today, this disease is quite common and accounts for 15-20% of all cases of acute pneumonia. Due to the fact that complications can appear very quickly, treatment for this disease should be started without delay. Inflammation of the lung tissue can occur with various infections, such as fungus, tuberculosis, microplasmosis, Staphylococcus aureus and many others. Pneumonia can also be caused by different types of viruses. In most cases, the disease occurs in two ways: aspiration and bronchogenic infection. If aspiration occurs into the lung, then infection can enter through the blood, lymph, or lymphogenous pathway. Infection can occur from various sources, including: inflammation of the tonsils; prolonged nosebleeds; sinusitis; inflammation of the paranasal sinuses; dental caries; gastrointestinal diseases. Since the largest number of cases of the disease occurs due to