Pneumothorax Traumatic


Pneumothorax is the accumulation of gas in the pleural cavity, which occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the lung wall. There are two types of pneumothoroxes: natural and traumatic. Traumatic pneumothorx is the entry of air into the free pleural cavity when the chest is damaged. This complication is characterized by excessive bleeding, fluid accumulation, difficulty breathing and other serious symptoms.

Symptoms of traumatic pneumothorax

The main symptom of traumatic pneumotarax is a sudden feeling of chest discomfort accompanied by pain and tightness in the chest. Other symptoms may include: - Difficulty breathing. - A sharp decrease in blood pressure. - Noisy breathing. - Swelling and redness of the skin around the affected area. - In rare cases, coughing up blood. If the patient does not see a doctor or medical care is not provided in a timely manner, symptoms may worsen.

Complications of traumatic pneumothorx

With traumatic pneumothorax, several complications may develop, which can have more serious consequences for the health and life of the patient: 1. Lymphopleuritis - inflammatory damage to the pleural lymph nodes. May cause chest pain and increase swelling of the skin surface. 2.Mediastinitis is a complication of pneumothorax associated with the development of inflammation of the adjacent tissue between the lung and the environment