Kidney Pillars

The renal columns (columna renales) are paired formations located on the posterior surface of the kidneys. They are triangular in shape and consist of renal pyramids and renal pedicles.

The renal pyramids are the most prominent parts of the renal columns, which consist of the renal cortex and contain the nephrons. Each renal pyramid has two blood supply vessels - the renal artery and the renal vein.

The renal pedicles contain arteries, veins and nerves that supply and innervate the renal pyramids.

The functions of the renal columns include regulating blood pressure and maintaining homeostasis. The renal columns are also involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Diseases of the kidney columns can lead to impaired kidney function, which can lead to the development of kidney failure. Such diseases include kidney stones, kidney tumors, nephritis and others.

To prevent kidney disease, you need to monitor your diet, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking, and undergo regular medical examinations.

Renal-pelvic columns **(renal columns)** are structures that connect the pelvic bone to the left and right kidneys. A kidney pill is also called a kidney pillar. This concept is often used to refer to the inside of the body and kidney stones. The colloidal renal cell is an element of the structure of the renal tubule. They perform important functions in the body and ensure normal kidney function. In this article we will look at the structure of the renal pillars, the functions of these structures, their importance in the functioning of the kidneys and possible diseases associated with their disorders.

**Kidney tables have the following functions:**

1. **Provide a functional connection between the lower extremity and the kidneys**, helping to maintain muscular balance in the lower extremities. 2