Why do bags under the eyes hurt?

Swelling of the area under the eyes is a very common problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. The subcutaneous tissue in these places has a very loose structure and contains almost no collagen fibers. In addition, the skin under the eyes is constantly subject to compression and stretching - when a person closes his eyes, blinks, etc. All this creates the preconditions for the appearance of so-called bags, which give the face a tired and painful appearance and visually add age.

The immediate causes of fluid accumulation in the under-eye area can be very different - from easily removable flaws in the daily routine to serious diseases of the internal organs.

Power supply errors

People suffering from swelling of the areas around the eyes often attribute this to excessive fluid intake. This reason does indeed occur, but not always. The body only retains excess fluid that was drunk immediately before bed - then the kidneys simply do not have time to remove the water. However, swelling is observed both in “water drinkers” and, on the contrary, in people who limit fluid intake: because of this, the body begins to reduce the activity of the kidneys in order to create water reserves in the tissues.

Fluid retention in the body is also facilitated by excessive indulgence in smoked, spicy and salty foods, and alcoholic drinks.

Household reasons

Puffiness of the undereyes often occurs as a result of the most common life events. It can be caused by:

  1. fatigue of the eye muscles after prolonged work at the computer, reading, sewing, doing small handicrafts, driving a car;
  2. lack of sleep or interrupted night rest;
  3. prolonged crying (especially against the background of severe nervous strain);
  4. incorrect posture while sleeping. Thus, the habit of sleeping without a pillow contributes to the formation of bags under the eyes;
  5. being in a smoky room (including active or passive smoking);
  6. entry into the eye of a foreign body or contact with an aggressive agent (acid, hot fat, caustic vapors).

A bag under the eye can be the result of a head injury (most often in the forehead, bridge of the nose or temple). Moreover, swelling sometimes plays the role of a protective cushion, protecting the eye from force. However, this phenomenon should not be considered positive, since the subcutaneous tissue, oversaturated with fluid, is easily infected.

Excessive passion for cosmetics

Abuse of cosmetics by representatives of the fairer sex creates additional factors contributing to the appearance of bags under the eyes. The reason may be:

  1. excessive amounts of foundation, powder or shadows on the eyelids and area around the eyes, as well as incomplete removal of decorative cosmetics before bedtime;
  2. use of poorly selected or low-quality cosmetics;
  3. improper use of moisturizers. Each such product contains from 80 to 90% water. When applying too thick a layer of cream to the face, some of the liquid may be absorbed into the skin and create swelling;
  4. cosmetic procedures. So-called beauty injections based on botulinum toxin (“Botox”, “Dysport”) create temporary disruptions in the lymphatic drainage system and contribute to the appearance of subcutaneous fluid accumulations.

Puffiness under the eyes can occur in women at the end of the menstrual cycle due to excess estrogen. In expectant mothers, swelling is often observed in the later stages of pregnancy, when the kidneys have difficulty coping with the increased load and do not remove water from the body quickly enough.

Physiological features

Some people have a hereditary trait - excess fat content in the subcutaneous tissue. Because of this, their eyes always look slightly swollen, which has nothing to do with their state of health.

Swelling of the area under the eyes can also appear if you are overweight, as well as in old age due to changes in the structure of the skin and a decrease in the tone of the eye muscles.


If swelling under the eyes is accompanied by lacrimation, pain in the eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, photophobia and redness of the eyelids, the cause may be an allergic reaction. Tap water, pet hair, plant pollen, food products, and medications often act as aggressive agents.

In this situation, discomfort and bags under the eyes disappear when contact with the allergen ceases. Antihistamines and anti-itching creams or gels will help speed up recovery. But medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

Eye pathologies

Edema often occurs against the background of eye diseases, such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis, ptosis, ectropion and malignant neoplasms.

Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or sinuses

If an unsightly bag forms under only one eye, this often occurs due to infection of nearby tissues - an abscess in the oral cavity, flux, inflammation of the gums, a purulent process in the nasal sinus, inflammation of the facial nerve or lacrimal gland.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine

When the cause of swelling is a herniated disc, the cosmetic defect is accompanied by:

  1. impaired coordination of movements;
  2. weakness;
  3. persistent headaches and other pains;
  4. feeling of “goosebumps” all over the body;
  5. pain in the cervical spine;
  6. stiffness;
  7. disruption of the peripheral nervous system. This is manifested by a change in the sensitivity of certain areas of the body.

The listed symptoms appear gradually, and in the initial stages of the disease, puffiness under the eyes may be its only sign.

Kidney diseases

Edema due to dysfunction of the urinary system is sometimes called free-floating due to the ability to move from one area of ​​the body to another. At the same time, bags under the eyes regularly appear in the morning. Uniform swelling of the face is also observed (patients notice imprints of the folds of bed linen on the skin after sleep).

As the disease progresses, other symptoms develop: a decrease in the amount and change in the color of urine, dysuria, and increased blood pressure. “Renal” edema is considered particularly difficult to treat.

Liver pathologies

Liver diseases are manifested not only by accumulations of fluid under the eyes, but also by swelling of the hands (especially fingers). In addition, patients complain:

  1. for nausea, belching;
  2. a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  3. for pain in the hypochondrium on the right.

People suffering from liver pathologies may experience changes in the color of the skin and sclera (yellowness), as well as urine (darkens) and feces (becomes light). Such conditions are dangerous because they clearly manifest themselves when the disease is already thoroughly advanced.

Problems with the heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular pathologies are manifested by cyanosis or pallor of the skin, unilateral swelling of the face, instability of blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, pain in the heart, and a feeling of coldness in the extremities.

If bags under the eyes are accompanied by evening swelling of the lower legs (legs, ankles and feet), as well as the listed symptoms, this is an alarming sign that requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Vitamin deficiency

Swelling under the eyes may indicate a lack of vitamin B5 in the body. Along the way, headaches and muscle pain, fatigue, numbness of the feet, insomnia, and depression are observed.

In this case, you need to take vitamin preparations or brewer's yeast, as well as include in the diet milk, eggs, green vegetables, buckwheat and hazelnuts, which are natural sources of this vitamin.

The causes of swelling under the eyes are not always harmless. Such a cosmetic defect can be a consequence of serious problems in the body. If bags under the eyes occur regularly, this is a good reason for a medical examination.

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Bags under the eyes can appear in people of different ages and genders. They are not always just a cosmetic defect or indicate that a person is consuming too much liquid. It is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, since facial swelling can be a manifestation of many serious diseases. If the causes of bags under the eyes are only physiological features or age-related changes in the skin, then you can use special methods and means for cosmetological elimination of the defect.


  1. How bags under the eyes form
  2. Reasons for the formation of bags
  1. Why does swelling form?
  2. Why do fatty hernias form in the eyelid area?
  3. Bags under the eyes during pregnancy
  4. Why do bags appear in children?
Diagnostics and treatment Diagnosis of diseases Cosmetological treatment Traditional methods of eliminating bags under the eyes


How bags under the eyes form

Bags are swellings that appear due to edema or as a result of the formation of a hernia under the lower eyelid.

The appearance of edema is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. There are a number of anatomical prerequisites for the formation of swelling around the eyes. The skin of the eyelids is weakly stretched, there is no fat layer in it, so it easily swells and sags, forming “bags”. The accumulation of fluid is facilitated by the presence of an extensive network of blood vessels. The skin in this area of ​​the face is thin and stretches easily. Any disturbance in the outflow of fluid leads to the appearance of swelling in the eye area.

The second type is bags formed as a result of the penetration of particles of periorbital fatty tissue under the skin, separating the eyeball and the orbit. The function of this layer is to protect the eye from shocks and shocks during human movement. Fat particles can pass through the pores, form lumps and fill the subcutaneous space, resulting in the formation of a fold (hernia) under the eyes.

This defect can appear in both young and old people. Most often, it does not cause any discomfort, but it affects a person’s appearance. In addition, the skin in the area of ​​the bags darkens, which leads to the formation of bruises. If the hernia is large enough, it compresses the tear ducts. As a result, the eyes become watery.

Video: Edema formation. How to fix a defect

Reasons for the formation of bags

The occurrence of swelling and the formation of a hernia can occur both for completely natural reasons, and as a result of pathological processes occurring in the body. If bags are formed due to illness, then, as a rule, other unpleasant symptoms appear.

Why does swelling form?

“Non-dangerous” swelling does not last long, disappears on its own, and can be eliminated with simple home methods, as well as with the help of cosmetic procedures. Pathological edema is associated with various diseases requiring medical or surgical treatment.

Non-hazardous reasons

These include irritation of the organs of vision and temporary disruption of the water balance in the body. They can appear only in the morning or are observed at any time of the day.

Morning swelling under the eyes. The reasons for their appearance are:

  1. Drinking too much liquid during the day and especially before bed. In this case, the kidneys cannot cope with its removal from the body, and it lingers in the tissues. First of all, swelling of the skin becomes noticeable in the eyelid area.
  2. Fluid retention in tissues due to drinking large amounts of alcohol.
  3. Addiction to salty and spicy foods. With its constant consumption in large quantities, the water-salt balance in the body is disrupted. Sodium is able to retain water in tissues, causing them to swell.

Warning: Edema forms if a person, on the contrary, drinks very little liquid. In this case, the balance is also disturbed; the body reflexively begins to store it in the tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day (including liquid meals, water, tea, coffee and other drinks).


The cause of bags under the eyes may be the habit of sleeping without a pillow. The outflow of venous blood and lymphatic fluid from the head is disrupted, which leads to the formation of edema.

Watery eyes and eye irritation. During the day, bags appear after crying, as well as due to lack of sleep or eye fatigue when doing work that requires eye strain. Watery eyes can be caused by eye irritation from caustic substances (for example, onion juice or household chemicals), smoke, or foreign bodies.

Violation of the outflow of fluid and the formation of edema occurs due to rubbing cosmetics containing large amounts of water into the skin. It is especially important to cleanse the skin around the eyes of cosmetics before going to bed.

Physiological processes in the body. Bags under the lower eyelid can be a genetic feature of appearance. Moreover, they occur in a healthy person and have no connection with diseases.

Swelling can appear as a result of age-related changes in the condition of the skin. However, they will exist for life; other symptoms are often absent.

Physiological fluid retention in the body occurs in women in the last days of menstruation. The reason for this is an increase in estrogen levels, which contribute to the accumulation of sodium, which retains fluid.

Due to hormonal changes in the body, slight swelling under the eyes may appear during pregnancy. If there are no deviations in your health, then there is no need to worry about this.


As we age, the skin ages and loses elasticity due to decreased collagen production in the body. Therefore, folds under the lower eyelid and swelling of the face appear in older people.

Pathological causes of edema

These include diseases of various organs, as well as eye injuries. As a rule, the occurrence of a particular disease can be judged by the presence of other characteristic symptoms. Swelling in the area of ​​the visual organs appears in the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. Inflammatory kidney diseases. It is characteristic that in this case the bags appear immediately a few hours after the onset of the inflammatory process. There is an increase in body temperature and blood pressure. Pain in the lower back appears, the nature of urination changes. With glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney vessels), blood appears in the urine. Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis) is manifested by cloudy urine and pain in the groin area. Possible weight gain due to fluid retention in body tissues.
  2. Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). In addition to the fact that within a few days of illness, swelling forms under the eyes, purulent discharge from the nose and impaired nasal breathing appear. The temperature rises.
  3. The body's reaction to exposure to allergens. In this case, swelling can appear quickly. The person’s condition worsens: the eyes become red and watery, nasal discharge appears, frequent sneezing, itchy skin, and shortness of breath occur. At the same time, the body temperature does not increase.
  4. Thyroid diseases. When a goiter or tumor forms, the blood vessels are compressed. Impaired blood flow from the face leads to bags in the eyelid area. You can guess the disease by a thickening of the neck, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and other symptoms. Hypothyroidism is characterized not only by the formation of bags under the eyes, but also by the appearance of general weakness, depression, and obesity. Women experience menstrual disorders.
  5. Diseases that lead to disruption of blood flow from the head. The superior vena cava is compressed, resulting in swelling on the face, increasing its size. Specific symptoms such as nosebleeds, headaches, cough, and wheezing in the throat appear. As a rule, the cause is malignant diseases of the lungs, mammary glands, liver, and ovary.
  6. Heart failure. In this case, bags occur simultaneously with the worsening of other symptoms of the disease (shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, physical weakness). In this case, swelling intensifies in the evening, and by morning it decreases.
  7. Eye diseases. These include conjunctivitis, blepharitis, tumors and others. In this case, swelling occurs under the affected eye.
  8. Head injuries, especially to the face and eyes.
  9. Intervertebral hernia. If it is located in the neck area, then swelling often occurs on one side of the face. Associated symptoms are headaches, poor coordination of movements, and pain in the spine.
  10. Liver diseases. In addition to bags under the eyelids, swelling of the hands, pain in the hypochondrium, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, and yellowing of the skin and eyes occur.

When pathological conditions are identified, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Video: Formation of swelling under the eyes. Diagnosis and treatment

Why do fatty hernias form in the eyelid area?

The cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes (in the form of hernias) may be a hereditary predisposition to insufficient production of skin proteins that make it elastic. Fat folds also appear due to the structural features of the orbit.

The formation of fat folds can occur due to overwork and lack of sleep, as well as exposure to UV radiation (prolonged exposure to the sun or frequent visits to the solarium). Often a hernia appears after an eye disease. In women, the cause of such a defect on the face may be a hormonal imbalance.

The formation of thickenings in the eyelid area is promoted by smoking and frequent alcohol consumption.

Note: How can you find out that there is a hernia under the eye? If you lightly press on the eyeball, the thickening increases in size.

Bags under the eyes during pregnancy

During this period, women's kidneys work with increased load. If they do not have time to remove fluid, then physiological swelling appears under the lower eyelid, and skin moisture increases. There may be accumulation of fluid in adipose tissue, the amount of which increases during this period. This is what explains the increase in body weight in the first months of pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus is still very small.

However, the increased load on the kidneys and other organs also leads to the appearance of pathological edema in pregnant women. Based on some signs, you can understand whether the formation of bags is a natural process or indicates the emergence of some kind of health threat.


For example, the pathology is too rapid an increase in body weight and the simultaneous appearance of bags in the lower eyelid area. Normally, a woman’s weight should increase by 10-12 kg throughout pregnancy.

The formation of edema in late pregnancy is not as dangerous as in the first months. The appearance of bags under the lower eyelid may indicate acute kidney disease (for example, kidney inflammation or stone formation). Edema often becomes a symptom of exacerbation of chronic kidney or heart diseases.

Why do bags appear in children?

The causes of bags under the eyes in children are not always dangerous. There is nothing special, for example, in the fact that swelling appeared in a child after he cried.

It is harmful for children, as well as adults, to consume a lot of salt and get carried away with spices. If you give your child salty foods or smoked foods, he will drink a lot and then wake up in the morning with swelling. You should not give your baby watermelon, or a lot of tea or milk before bedtime.

“Harmless” swelling disappears on its own, you just need to establish a drinking regime and change your diet accordingly.

The pathological causes of swelling and circles under the eyes in children are:

  1. congenital disorder of the development of the genitourinary organs, in which urine is thrown back from the bladder into the kidneys;
  2. the presence of kidney stones;
  3. acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  4. Congenital heart defect;
  5. hypothyroidism is a malfunction of the thyroid gland (as a rule, a child with this disease experiences excess body weight, swelling of the face and neck, and developmental delays);
  6. allergies to certain types of foods, pollen, animal hair;
  7. increased intracranial pressure. In infants, a sign of this condition is a bulging fontanel. An example of a disease associated with increased intracranial pressure is hydrocephalus (fluid accumulation in the skull).


If the eyes suddenly swell, watery eyes appear, and a runny nose begins, this may be a manifestation of “Quincke’s edema,” an extremely dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention. Parents usually know the cause of pathological edema in children, since there are pronounced symptoms of such diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment

If the bags do not disappear on their own, it is advisable to visit a doctor, since their appearance may be an early sign of serious diseases that occur secretly.

Diagnosis of diseases

Diagnosis uses methods such as general and biochemical blood and urine tests, X-rays, ultrasound, CT and MRI of various organs. To study the state of the cardiovascular system, an electrocardiogram is taken.

Based on the results of the examination, therapy is carried out to eliminate the cause of edema. If the defect remains even after eliminating the disease, you can try using folk remedies or consult a cosmetologist. It is recommended to adhere to a diet (reduce the content of foods that increase thirst in the diet), as well as stop smoking, limit the consumption of coffee and alcohol.

Cosmetological treatment

This treatment is not a way to eliminate the causes of swelling and hernias on the face. However, it helps prevent further development of the defect and improve a person’s mental state (women often seek such help). Cosmetologists have developed various techniques to help correct facial defects and make them attractive.

Electrical stimulation – increasing skin elasticity, improving blood circulation (and therefore nutrition) by exposing it to low frequency current.

Lymphatic drainage. This is the name of massage, which helps to enhance the outflow of lymph. It is carried out either manually or using a special apparatus.

IR irradiation area of ​​the face around the eyes. It is carried out to eliminate skin inflammation.

Creams and masks based on hyaluronic acid with the addition of plant extracts of parsley and sage (Evelyn, Laura), as well as vitamin masks with mineral salts help improve the outflow of fluid from the skin to the eyelid area. In addition, patches containing extracts of aloe, ginseng, and red algae are used.


Mesotherapy is a procedure in which a subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid is given. Mesotherapy is carried out to moisturize the skin and improve the processes of collagen and elastin production in it. Not only bags under the eyes are eliminated, but also age-related wrinkles.

Skin peeling in this area, treatment with paraffin or special substances allows you to cleanse the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Blepharoplasty – a surgical method for removing fat bags under the eyes. This treatment is performed by trimming the skin in the area of ​​its natural folds. After removing the bags, cosmetic seams are practically invisible. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about half an hour.

Traditional methods for eliminating bags under the eyes

There are many folk recipes for preparing face masks that help effectively fight swelling.

It is recommended, for example, to use infusions of string, chamomile, and mint as lotions for the skin around the eyes. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain vitamins. Bags under the eyes disappear faster if you use masks made from ingredients such as boiled potatoes or grated cucumber with milk. You can prepare a mask from finely chopped parsley and sour cream.

Video: Eliminating edema at home

The appearance of swelling on the face for most representatives of the fairer sex becomes a real tragedy; it takes a lot of money and effort to combat the problem. Meanwhile, a specialist should analyze bags under the eyes, causes and treatment in women. Often this is not just a defect in appearance, but a sign of a serious illness.


Causes of bags under the eyes in women

The main reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes are the following:

  1. accumulation of excess fluid under the skin;
  2. decreased elasticity of the dermis;
  3. proliferation of tissue surrounding the eye.

In the latter case, bags under the eyes in women are more often hereditary and are formed due to the physiological characteristics of the periorbital tissue.

Swelling is caused by the following:

  1. in the area under the eyes there is a branched vascular network, and the skin is quite thin. The combination of these factors forms swelling and causes dark bags under the eyes;
  2. the eyelids are constantly in motion (when we squint or blink), the skin stretches and weakens;
  3. loose structure of subcutaneous fat in this part of the face;
  4. free space to retain moisture.

Swelling on the face is traditionally considered a problem for the weaker sex. But this is only because women are much more concerned about their appearance than men. Although swelling is common to everyone, it is provoked by similar causes.

If swelling of the face is caused by everyday factors, it is possible to get rid of bags under the eyes forever by adjusting your lifestyle.

Why do they form under the eyes in healthy women?

The main cause of puffiness in the eye area in women is lack of sleep. The problem may also arise due to:

  1. alcohol abuse;
  2. eye strain. This is especially true for ladies who work in an office using a PC;
  3. love of salty and spicy foods;
  4. frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun or solarium.

Natural causes include age-related skin changes, which cannot be avoided, but it is quite possible to prolong youth.

Why bags under the eyes in women, reasons, how to treat

There are several factors that provoke edema and are unique to women. Surprisingly, the face often undergoes negative changes precisely in the pursuit of beauty.


Bags under the eyes can be caused by:

  1. abuse of foundations and shadows;
  2. the habit of applying moisturizer too thickly. This will not add any benefits, but swelling may appear, because such products consist of approximately 85% moisture;
  3. sleeping with decorative cosmetics not removed;
  4. Botox injections, which destabilize the lymphatic system;
  5. applying low-quality makeup products to the face or after their expiration date.

Not drinking enough is just as harmful as drinking too much. When little water enters the body, it begins to accumulate it, and the lower eyelids are the most suitable place for this.

Another natural cause of bags under the eyes in women is the period of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body is exposed to excessive stress, and the kidneys cannot cope with them.

Minor swelling in pregnant women is normal in most cases, but if it develops in the first trimester or is very pronounced, you should consult your doctor. Voluminous bags under the eyes can be evidence of the development of dangerous pathologies that threaten women’s health problems and termination of pregnancy.

Swelling of the eyelids in women can also indicate other “problems” in the body’s functioning or lifestyle. Let's take a closer look at the most common reasons.

Love for parties

The holidays are certainly pleasant, bring pleasure and positive emotions, but they can noticeably affect your appearance in the morning.


The food offered at parties cannot be called healthy. It involves the consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, which contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

Alcohol is a toxin that has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, disrupts metabolism, and the processes of water removal. In addition, after alcohol abuse, blood pressure increases, blood is retained in the tissues, and together with fluid leads to the formation of bags.

Love for salty

Table salt (or sodium chloride) is an element without which normal life activity is impossible. It is responsible for retaining moisture in the body. With its excess intake, a feeling of thirst arises, excess water enters the circulatory system, and from there into the tissues. The kidneys become overloaded and lose their full functionality; fluid settles in the porous periorbital tissue.


All of the above fall into the category of external factors for the formation of bags under the eyes, but there are also internal ones that require medical monitoring.

Swelling of the eyelids is typical for women prone to allergies. In addition to the formation of bags, this pathology has the following symptoms:

  1. runny nose;
  2. burning sensation in the eye sockets;
  3. lacrimation;
  4. pain when looking at bright light;
  5. redness of the sclera.

To solve the problem, you need to immediately eliminate contact with the allergen. Medicines of various pharmacological groups prescribed by a doctor will speed up recovery. Depending on the severity of the disease, the following are used:

  1. antihistamines. For example, Suprastin, Loratadine, Zodak, etc.;
  2. decongestants (Octilia or Visine).

Sometimes the allergen is administered in small doses to develop immunity. In difficult cases, corticosteroid creams are recommended.

Edema causes diseases of the organs of vision:

  1. blepharitis;
  2. scleritis;
  3. tumor formations in the orbit;
  4. trypanosomiasis;
  5. eversion of the century.

Bags under the eyes are rightly considered the main symptom of kidney pathologies of various natures. They usually appear in the morning and disappear by evening.

Swelling is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. high temperature;
  2. weakness;
  3. pain in the lumbar region;
  4. pallor;
  5. changes in the color and volume of urine;
  6. problematic urination.

At the first symptoms of impaired renal function, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe blood and urine tests, as well as other examinations necessary to clarify the diagnosis. This could be: x-ray of the kidneys, ultrasound, bacterial culture and others.


Women's hormonal levels constantly change throughout the menstrual cycle. Bags under the eyes can occur during PMS due to increased production of estrogen and aldosterone. These hormones promote the accumulation of fluid in the fat layer.

Another common cause of puffiness, common to both men and women, is an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). In addition to bags, the disease is characterized by:

  1. rapid fatigue;
  2. causeless weight gain;
  3. loss of strength;
  4. hair loss;
  5. deterioration of memory and intelligence;
  6. brittle nail plates;
  7. drowsiness;
  8. constipation

To select adequate treatment, you will have to take tests for thyroid hormones.

Love for spas and solariums

Ultraviolet rays trigger the body's defense systems, which, experiencing prolonged overheating, begin to store liquid for future use, which leads to the formation of swelling of the eyelids. A similar effect occurs not only under the influence of sunlight. Tanning bed lovers also run the risk of waking up with puffy eyes.


Fatigue and permanent fatigue

A day spent at a personal computer, long trips behind the wheel of a car, working with documentation, and other excessive strain on the eyes very often cause swelling of the eyelids.

It is also important that overwork causes excessive nervous tension, which reduces the tone of the vascular walls and causes stagnation of lymph. The liquid “goes” into the fatty tissue of the eyelids. Such bags will disappear on their own if you give your eyes a good rest.

Age-related changes

This is the most painful for women, but, alas, the inevitable cause of the formation of bags under the eyes. It is associated with the natural aging process. With age, the skin loses moisture, collagen production stops, and the number of elastic fibers in the dermis decreases. The skin sags and loses its ability to hold the periorbital tissue inside the orbit. It “sticks out” in the form of bags. The problem can be solved in a beauty salon.

How to remove bags under the eyes of women

To get rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect, you need to balance your diet. Women who want to maintain youth for a long time should exclude from their diet foods that are too spicy, salty, or rich in spices. It is advisable to give up alcohol completely and drink about two liters of plain water per day. A couple of hours before bedtime, you should stop drinking liquids.


Cosmetics will speed up the solution to the problem.


There are a lot of anti-puffiness remedies, so it’s better if a cosmetologist can help you choose the most effective one.

Most drugs do not contain synthetic derivatives, but are based on the action of plant extracts.

If you need to quickly remove bags, use bag creams with caffeine: Caffeine Roller Gel (Garnier), Bark, Green Coffee, etc.

When swelling appears from time to time, it is better to choose a product that includes:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. elastin;
  3. horse chestnut;
  4. collagen.

This group includes Green Pharmacy, Belita-Vitex, etc.

If the skin of the eyelids turns blue, a cream with vitamin K and whitening agents is suitable. For example, Eye Cream with Vit. K & Matrixyl.

Salon treatments

Beauty salons will help you quickly and efficiently tighten your skin. The procedures offered here to women are targeted methods.


The most effective of them:

  1. lymphatic drainage;
  2. biorevitalization;
  3. contour plastic with synthetic fillers;
  4. electrical stimulation;
  5. chemical peeling;
  6. mesotherapy;
  7. mesothreads - lifting facial contours with correction threads.

All these manipulations are aimed at renewing the epidermis, removing excess fluid, and stimulating the body’s production of its own collagen and elastin. They provide a course of treatment, but are practically painless and do not require adherence to a postoperative regimen. The duration of most procedures is 15 minutes.

The methods are selected individually and have some contraindications. Therefore, it is very important to contact a qualified specialist. "Bushers" can cause serious harm to health.


Massaging the eyelids helps increase the flow of lymphatic fluid from the problem area and tones the muscles. It can be carried out in a beauty salon or at home. The massaging technology is very simple.

Every day in the morning, tap the lower eyelid with your fingertips for a couple of minutes, first to the corner of the eye, then to the bridge of the nose.

Another technique involves gentle, targeted pressure on the area between the nose and the inner corner of the eye, moving to the edges of the eye orbits. Before the massage, you should lubricate your eyelids with cream.


Special gymnastics will not take much time either. An excellent way to prevent swelling is to exercise, which is advisable to do four times a day. Lower your eyelids and fix the outer corners with your fingers, avoiding the formation of folds on the skin. Close your eyes, hold the pose for five seconds, then relax your muscles. Ten approaches should be performed at a time.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies in the fight against bags under the eyes of women have long proven their effectiveness. They are easy to prepare at home, and they compare favorably with industrial eyelid cosmetics due to their low cost.


As eye lotions you can use:

  1. brewed herbal tea bags;
  2. a pulp of cabbage, potatoes and parsley roots, ground in a blender;
  3. pieces of black bread, chilled in the freezer;
  4. a quarter teaspoon of soda dissolved in half a glass of cold water.

These compounds need to be soaked in cotton pads and applied to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour.

Well-known traditional medicines are decoctions of medicinal herbs. Best for bags under the eyes:

To prepare the solution, take a teaspoon of any crushed plant (or mixture), add 150 g of hot water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Refrigerate or freeze. Wipe your face with the resulting pieces of ice.

If cosmetic methods are used, but there is no result, the bags under the eyes do not get smaller - consult a doctor. Probably, a dangerous pathology is developing in the body.

What do permanent bags under the eyes mean?

The condition of the skin in the periocular area can be used to judge the condition of most internal organs. The cause of persistent swelling is usually a disease. The color of the bags is of great importance.

Cosmetologists conduct a special test to determine the causes of swelling. To do this, use the tip of your finger to lightly press on the lower eyelid and release. If the skin becomes darker, it means that characteristic age-related changes are occurring. A non-changing color indicates exposure to an allergen, and faint circles indicate problems with blood vessels.

Doctors also often look at the shade of the bags when visually examining a patient to make the correct diagnosis.

Blue circles

The most dangerous thing that dark circles under the eyes can indicate is heart disease, including such a dangerous pathology as heart failure.

Additional symptoms of heart disease:

  1. pain behind the sternum on the left;
  2. rapid pulse;
  3. dyspnea;
  4. constant malaise;
  5. fatigue.

In this case, you should contact a cardiologist as soon as possible, who will conduct the necessary examinations (ECG, X-ray, ECHO), based on the results of which he will prescribe adequate treatment.

Other causes of bluish bags on the face in women are:

  1. too thin skin;
  2. lack of sleep;
  3. smoking;
  4. hormonal imbalances in pregnant women;
  5. alcohol abuse.

Often blue swelling of the lower eyelids appears as a result of head injury. Severe injuries are characterized by the formation of “spectacles” around both eyes. The situation requires a visit to a traumatologist and an X-ray examination.

Brown circles

Bags of a brownish tint bother women with impaired pigmentation and tan lovers.

Dark circles also form with an incorrectly selected diet, which results in a lack of vitamins and nutritional deficiencies.

Red circles

Redness around the eyes is a classic symptom of inflammation. The most common cause is inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. The nature of the disease may vary. Experts distinguish: viral, bacterial, gonococcal, allergic conjunctivitis. They have similar symptoms and require treatment by an ophthalmologist.

Another common pathology that leads to red circles is sinusitis. The sinuses are located directly under the eyes, so when one of them (or both) becomes inflamed, a reddish swelling forms in the lower eyelid.

If sinusitis is unilateral, a bag may form under only one eye. Additional symptoms of the disease:

  1. persistent nasal congestion;
  2. low-grade fever;
  3. headache in the frontal region;
  4. general malaise.

An ENT doctor treats sinusitis. If the disease is acute, antibacterial drugs and physiotherapy are usually prescribed. In chronic cases, a puncture is performed.

Yellow circles

Yellow eyelids in women indicate the likelihood of the following problems:

  1. liver pathologies;
  2. increased levels of carotene;
  3. disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  4. constant stress;
  5. gallbladder diseases;
  6. prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  7. insufficient rest;
  8. alcoholism and smoking.

If the cause of yellowness is pathology of internal organs, you will need the help of a specialist. When it is caused by everyday factors, it is enough to correct the lifestyle.


Women who have just begun to develop bags under their eyes or have a genetic predisposition to them can prevent negative changes in facial contours by following a few simple rules.
Preventive measures:

  1. drink about two liters of water per day;
  2. train yourself to sleep on your back;
  3. spend more time outdoors;
  4. sleep eight hours a day;
  5. avoid stress and overwork.

It is advisable to include in your diet foods that help remove fluid from the body: pumpkin, cereals, whole grain bread. Do not eat salty or spicy foods at night.

Bags under the eyes are not always just a harmless cosmetic defect. Sometimes they are a symptom of serious diseases. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of swelling in pregnant women; there may be a threat of interruption or abnormal progress in the process of bearing a child. In any case, before entering the battle for beauty, it is worth undergoing a medical examination.