Why are there bags and bruises under the eyes?

Bruises and bags under the eyes can spoil the appearance of each of us. Many people mistakenly consider them only a visual “interference” and rush to cover them up and powder them so that no one notices. While solving a momentary problem, we often lose sight of serious health problems that are reflected on the face, as in a mirror.

Bruises under the eyes: reasons, how to get rid of them

People of any age, including children, are susceptible to the appearance of dark circles around the eyes, especially during periods of intensive growth. In all cases, the mechanism of the processes occurring is the same. The vessels and capillaries located under the thin sensitive skin around the eyes, under the influence of certain factors, become translucent and give the skin a dark or bluish tint. If the adipose tissue is sufficiently developed, it hides these processes, so overweight people (and, in particular, plump babies) have almost no problems with such problems. Doctors note the following reasons that affect the appearance of dark circles under the eyes:

  1. lack of vitamin C;
  2. prolonged and regular stay in a stuffy room, as well as smoking. In both cases, the body experiences a lack of oxygen and the blood vessels narrow;
  3. prolonged exposure to the computer and eye strain;
  4. lack of sleep;
  5. nervous overstrain, stress, poor circulation, kidney disease, as a result of which the processes of removing toxins slow down and the skin does not receive the moisture and oxygen it needs.

Sometimes dark circles under the eyes remain unchanged throughout almost your entire life, regardless of the presence of certain reasons. It turns out that for some people they carry a hereditary factor caused by too thin and sensitive facial skin, through which blood vessels are always visible. In this case, only cosmetic products (foundation, powder, etc.) really help change the skin tone around the eyes.

When visiting a doctor with a complaint about dark circles, the patient, as a rule, receives general recommendations on sleep, work and rest: when working at the computer, take a break every half hour, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, follow a healthy diet. In the presence of chronic neurological diseases associated with impaired blood circulation in the brain, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment and maintenance therapy. Unfortunately, there is no universal cure for blue spots around the eyes!

If you go to a beauty salon with the same problem, you will be offered procedures aimed at strengthening the thin skin around the eyes: microcurrent therapy, ultrasonic lifting, massage. If the bruises are not so severe, lightening the skin with peeling will help. In addition, sensitive skin needs daily care. Regular creams or those intended for the face and body are not as effective. We choose special products that contain elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, as well as tonic substances.

Traditional medicine recommends using potatoes, both fresh and boiled, to combat dark circles. The recipe is simple: boil the potatoes in their skins, cut them in half while warm and place them on the eye area for half an hour. Raw potatoes are cut into slices and used in the same way. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Compresses made from a decoction of medicinal plants, such as sage, help well. To prepare it, pour one teaspoon of the herb into a glass of boiling water, cool and divide the liquid into two portions, one of which is heated. A cotton swab, moistened either in cold or warm liquid, is alternately applied to the area around the eyes. It is better to do such procedures before bedtime.

Bags under the eyes: reasons, how to get rid of them

Swelling (or “bags”) around the eyes are most often formed due to stagnation of fluid in the body, and with excess body weight - due to protrusion of adipose tissue. Problems are most pronounced in this sensitive area for the same reason as with bruises: very thin skin. But you definitely need to look for the disease that caused the swelling. In the case of obesity, getting rid of “bags” directly depends on the fight against excess fat deposits, and they will not disappear on their own. Swelling (fluid accumulation) is caused by the following reasons:

  1. strict diet or lack of protein in the daily diet;
  2. lack of sleep;
  3. excessive alcohol consumption;
  4. for women - premenstrual syndrome;
  5. fluid retention in the body due to kidney or heart disease;
  6. allergic conjunctivitis.

Bags under the eyes require a lot of attention, especially in cases where they take too long to disappear or cannot be eliminated at all. If swelling appears on the face, you should pay attention to other parts of the body, for example, the feet and hands. If your fingers have noticeably increased in size and your favorite ring is difficult to remove, or swelling in your feet has spread to your ankles and lower legs, this is a signal for urgent action. You should not treat such manifestations with disdain: there is a risk of triggering negative processes that are already occurring in the internal organs. Perhaps your heart needs urgent support or your kidneys are experiencing serious problems.

In any case, limiting fluid intake, removing accumulated “reserves” from the body and treating the underlying disease are actions that are aimed at combating “bags” under the eyes. Only a doctor can determine strategy and tactics. He will recommend medications to treat the underlying disease, microelements, diuretics or sedatives.

To treat (remove) fatty “bags” (or, in medical terms, hernias) under the eyes, cosmetologists successfully use blepharoplasty. It is also effective for sagging eyelids associated with age-related skin changes. Excess skin and fat deposits are removed with a laser: instead of “bags,” a barely noticeable scar remains, which can be avoided with transconjunctival blepharoplasty. True, there is a possibility of complications; the doctor must be informed about them. Tearing in the first days after surgery is observed in everyone, as is lagophthalmos (the inability to close the eye completely), especially with excessive skin removal. Therefore, you need to choose a doctor, as well as a clinic for blepharoplasty, especially carefully.

At home, it is useful to do a light eyelid massage using a suitable cream. It is important not to stretch thin skin, but to apply the cream by lightly tapping it with your fingertips. Traditional medicine advises freezing ice cubes from decoctions of medicinal herbs (cornflower, string, chamomile) and wiping problem areas around the eyes with them. Using fresh tea leaves as a compress is also effective. Some people apply tea bags to the eye area: the latter do not need to be squeezed hard, but are best used warm, immediately after brewing the tea. The duration of this procedure is 10 minutes, and after it you must make a compress with cold water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

An experienced doctor can tell a lot about a person’s health based on the condition of the skin around the eyes. Therefore, do not solve your problems with the help of cosmetics or after a “consultation” with a friend! Neglecting the body’s signals indicating its problems can turn minor “problems” into serious diseases with all the ensuing consequences, which will then be impossible to hide even with the help of the most expensive cosmetics.