Why are there bags under the eyes in women?

Even if a woman is completely healthy, the presence of bags under her eyes makes her look like an overly sick and tired person. This is why bags under the eyes of women spoil their appearance so much: after all, beauty is primarily associated with health and strength. However, it is quite possible to get rid of such “decoration”. Let's talk about why bags appear under the eyes of women and ways to remove them.

Why black bags appear under women's eyes: causes and secrets of anatomy

To understand why bags under the eyes appear so often in women, you need to delve a little into the anatomy of the eye and face.

So, our eyeballs are separated from the sockets by the so-called periorbital tissue. This is a layer of adipose tissue that acts as a shock absorber. The periorbital tissue is separated from the skin of the eyelids by a connecting membrane called the orbital septum. This septum holds the fatty tissue inside the eye socket.

Previously, ophthalmologists and other doctors, when asked why bags under the eyes of women appear so often, answered as follows: because the connective membrane, which has lost its elasticity, stretches and bulges outward. Thus, it ceases to contain fatty tissue inside and ultimately results in a kind of hernia. This is why bags under the eyes of women were previously removed by plastic surgeons by strengthening and suturing the orbital septum.

Almost ten years ago, to the question of why bags under the eyes of women are such a common occurrence, a more accurate answer was found: they appear when the volume of that very “cushioning” fiber increases. And if it becomes larger than the orbital septum is stretched, it protrudes outward. The amount of adipose tissue can grow after swelling or proliferation.

If the cause of bags under the eyes in women is swelling, they should be noticed after sleep. The closer it gets to the evening, the more active blood circulation and gravity are, which is why the bags under the eyes of women in the second half of the day are almost invisible: the liquid simply sinks into the lower half of the body.

If the growth of adipose tissue is to blame, they are permanent. However, to the question of why bags under the eyes appear in women, you can find a more detailed answer related to lifestyle and some characteristics of the body.

Bags under the eyes in women photo

Why bags under the eyes in women, reasons, how to treat

Facial anatomy cannot be changed. But bags under our eyes are often to blame for our bad habits. Here are a few of them.

You can't crush genes with your finger

Genetics is one of the main answers to the question of why bags under the eyes of females sometimes appear at a very young age. Most likely, the growth of fiber here is hereditary, and mom and dad also have a similar “decoration” of the eyes.

Love for parties

There's not even anything to say here. Simply one of the most common answers to the question of why women have bags under their eyes (and how to remove them too). Lack of sleep plus alcohol leads to fluid accumulating in the periorbital tissue and swelling occurs, making bags under a woman’s eyes noticeable in the morning and telling everything about how she spends her nights.

Love for salty

Quite a popular answer to the question why women have bags under their eyes. The reasons for the love of pickles, snacks and other salty foods are different for everyone, but salt perfectly retains liquid in our body, and there is enough liquid in fatty tissue. In the fiber that is in the eye socket, by the way, too. So if your favorite candy is a salted tomato, fish, or cucumber, don’t be surprised by the reflection in the mirror.

For health

In case of health problems, the cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes in women is also swelling of the periorbital tissue. Liquid may be retained there due to the following ailments:

  1. allergies, conjunctivitis, rhinitis;
  2. kidney diseases;
  3. diseases of the genitourinary system;
  4. thyroid problems;
  5. inflammatory processes in the sinuses;
  6. problems with blood vessels and heart;
  7. nervous diseases;
  8. excess weight;
  9. respiratory infectious diseases.


Another answer why women have bags under their eyes. The reasons need to be looked for in the phases of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, along with changes in hormonal levels, swelling of the entire body, including periorbital tissue, occurs.

Love for spas and solariums

No, the culprit here is not the solariums themselves, much less the resorts, but the ultraviolet radiation, of which there is so much. Swelling causes severe bags under the eyes. The reason for women is that they are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and the body responds to its excess with swelling.

Fatigue and permanent fatigue

If black bags appear under the eyes, the cause in women is often hidden in general fatigue, as well as eye strain. If you work at a computer and relax at the same time or in front of the TV, don’t ask why there are bags under your eyes: women’s bodies are generally more delicate.

Age-related changes

Over the years, the periorbital tissue grows, which is why the bags under the eyes in women also grow and become permanent.

Other causes of bags under the eyes in women

But this is not all that can cause severe bags under the eyes. The reason for women may be the use of cosmetics for other parts of the face, or simply poor quality or expired. In addition, the culprit may be an incorrect diet with a lot of baked goods, smoked, spicy, alcohol, sweets and meat, as well as the habit of overeating at night. Why bags under the eyes of women still appear is because of the love of tobacco. There are other answers to the question of why women have bags under their eyes. The reasons can also be found in improper sleep, for example, on a pillow that is too high, in the wrong sleeping position, or lack of sleep. Why bags under the eyes of women still appear is due to stress and constant anxiety. They also appear after poisoning.

Regardless of the cause of bags under the eyes in women, they lead to changes in eyelid pigmentation and the appearance of dark circles on the lower eyelids. All this is aggravated by translucent capillaries.

Here are just a few answers to the question why women have bags under their eyes (reasons). How to treat them is another question.

How to remove bags under the eyes of women

So, you have bags under your eyes. How to remove such a defect? First, eliminate the cause of their appearance, if possible. If this is a disease, then begin its treatment. Be sure to normalize your sleep and change your pillows. Maintain a drinking regime, but do not drink tea and coffee at night. And it’s also worth normalizing your diet. No one is suggesting giving up your favorite junk foods, but don’t eat them at night. Take a break from the computer and TV. To eliminate the cause of bags under the eyes in women, you also need to control the amount of alcohol.

What to do if black bags appear under the eyes

If black bags appear under the eyes, the cause in women most often lies in swelling. However, you should not get rid of them with diuretics. Firstly, they can be addictive, and secondly, they are harmful to health, and they won’t help much. In addition, diuretics will negatively affect our appearance, ruining the skin of the face, hair and teeth. However, you can try drinking an infusion of rosehip or another diuretic herb. At least it's harmless.


Cosmetologists are also actively fighting such a scourge as bags under the eyes. How to remove such bags using cosmetics? Find the perfect ointment or cream for bags under the eyes of women. Secondly, apply it correctly. There is no need to put it in too thick a layer, it’s not a matter of quantity. In addition, it is better to apply a night cream at night. As for creams, here are the most popular ones.

  1. Neolid. The product is expensive and you only order it from the manufacturer, but you will see results within a few days.
  2. Dermahil. This is a whole line of different products. Dermahil preparations are the most effective for mesotherapy. But it needs to be done exclusively in a good salon, where professionals work who know what bags under the eyes of women are, how to remove them and how to do mesotherapy correctly. To see a tangible result, you need to do a dozen sessions.
  3. Troxevasin. This is not only a remedy against hemorrhoids or varicose veins, but also a fairly effective ointment against edema. But you need to use it in very small quantities and so that it does not get on the mucous membranes (this is very important).
  4. Heparin ointment. Relieves swelling and strengthens capillary walls. It dries a little, so it’s better to use it mixed with cream.

And they can also be disguised. For this you need a good concealer and foundation. In addition, you will need a highlighter.

Folk remedies for bags under the eyes in women

They also help remove black bags under the eyes. The reason they are so popular among women is simple: they are quite effective and affordable.

Potato masks. They can be made from either boiled or raw potatoes. Mix with sour cream or lemon juice. Boil potatoes for the mask in their skins.

You can simply cut the cucumber into slices and place it on your eyes and eyelids. You can also use cucumber juice. This vegetable relieves swelling and whitens.

Dill or parsley. They do a great job with swelling and also whiten. They can be crushed and mixed with sour cream, and can also be used to make cosmetic ice or contrast compresses. We just make two decoctions and cool one. We apply them one by one using cotton pads.

For these purposes you will also need the following herbs:

And also black or green tea can be useful for such compresses.

Salon treatments

This is not only the mesotherapy mentioned above, but also electrical stimulation, as well as massage to normalize lymph circulation.


You can do a massage that normalizes the flow of lymph on your own. Japanese massage is done as follows:

  1. relax;
  2. We place the middle, index and ring fingers along the edges of the eye sockets and towards the eyebrows. Press three times so as not to touch the skin with your nails;
  3. With your index fingers, press from top to bottom on the lower edges of the eye sockets;
  4. press on your eyelids with your thumbs for ten minutes straight.

Spoon massage is done using teaspoons. We cool them and place them near the inner corner of the eye. We move the spoons towards the temples in waves. Press the temple three times and move the spoon to the ear. Now we move it to the eyelids. We repeat three times. Don't forget to apply gel or eye cream to your skin before the massage.


They can also help reduce bags under the eyes. For example, you can blink quickly. To make it more difficult, open your mouth wider and look up. Blink for a quarter of a minute.

One more exercise. We place the index fingers on the temples, the middle fingers on the bridge of the nose. Now we carefully squint. We do it once for each approach. Three approaches are needed.

Bags under the eyes in women video

Bags under the eyes of women are a serious aesthetic problem, which also indicates many diseases. To remove them, you need to change your lifestyle and take certain measures.

Good day, my dear readers. I think that you will not deny that the beauty of your face directly depends on the health of your skin. The most capricious area of ​​the face is the area around the eyes. This is where the first signs of skin aging appear - crow's feet, bags and dark circles. Something needs to be done about this. To begin with, I propose to understand why bags under the eyes of women appear. It’s not for nothing that they say: informed means armed 😉

Why do bags appear under the eyes?

This problem can be caused by various factors. Often it serves as a symptom of serious diseases occurring in the body. There are the main reasons that cause swelling of the eyelids in women:

  1. Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and other kidney pathologies. Because the kidneys stop functioning properly, fluid accumulates in the body. Naturally, this leads to swelling, including the eyelid area. The surest way to deal with bags is to consult a doctor to be cured of kidney pathologies.
  2. Allergic reaction. Swelling can occur when an allergy-causing substance is inhaled or through the conjunctiva. This reaction can occur after using low-quality skincare and decorative cosmetics. If the problem is caused by cosmetics, you need to replace them with better products. If even after this the swelling does not go away, you need to go to an allergist.
  1. Diabetes. Swelling occurs when glucose levels increase. To eliminate the problem, you need to normalize your blood sugar.
  2. Strict diet. Wanting to be slim, women follow very strict nutritional systems. During such weight loss, the body does not receive enough nutrients that are important for it. As a result, this is reflected in the skin - it becomes pale and thinned. Hyperpigmentation appears on it. To cope with this problem, you need to replenish your diet with foods rich in vitamins A, K, E, C. Food containing zinc and iron will also help remove puffiness and dark circles.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels. Swelling can be observed several days before menstruation, as well as during pregnancy. When carrying a baby, you need to consult a doctor.


Why do they form under the eyes in healthy women?

Even healthy women have eyelids that swell from time to time. This could be due to various factors. Most often it is lack of sleep. The recommended sleep duration is 7-8 hours. If you do not get enough sleep regularly, this will lead to exhaustion of the body and weight gain.

Lack of sleep causes overstrain of the eye muscles. As a result, their oxygen demand increases

The body triggers hyperperfusion in this area of ​​the body. Dark circles appear under the eyes. Against the background of pale skin (this is exactly what it becomes due to chronic lack of sleep), the bruises will be clearly visible.

Prolonged wakefulness leads to lymphostasis and venous stagnation. Bags appear under the eyes. Quality rest and correction of sleep patterns help cope with this problem.

In addition, prolonged stay at the computer can provoke the formation of bluish bags in the eyelid area. A high-risk group includes girls who sit in front of a monitor all day. Due to severe eye strain, blood flow increases. As a result, the vessels expand and are more clearly visible through the thin skin. At the same time, swelling is observed.

To get rid of this problem, it is important to take regular breaks from work. During such breaks, I advise you to go out into the fresh air. And don’t be lazy – do eye exercises every day.

Here are simple gymnastics for bags and circles under the eyes. You can do this exercise every day.

In addition, swelling can be provoked by ultraviolet radiation. The body, wanting to retain moisture, accumulates it in the fat layer. Therefore, sunbathers should think about whether their hobby is safe.

Reasons for appearing in the morning

This problem can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Accumulation of fluid in the body. Usually the eyelids become puffy in the morning if you eat salty food at night. As you know, salt retains water inside the body, which is why edema occurs. The same effect is observed after drinking alcohol before bed. By eliminating the consumption of salty foods and alcohol, you can prevent the development of this problem.
  2. Incorrect position of the head during sleep. When you sleep, your head should be slightly higher than your body. Otherwise, in the morning you will be looking at a swollen face in the mirror. To avoid this, take your choice of pillow seriously.
  3. Not drinking enough water during the previous day. As paradoxical as it sounds, to avoid bags under your eyes, you need to drink enough water. If you don't drink enough, your body begins to store liquid in reserve, like a camel 🙂 The minimum daily intake is 2 liters. In this case, 2/3 of this volume should be consumed before 2 pm.
  4. Tears before bed. They say that crying is sometimes useful, because with tears the body is freed from toxins. But I don’t recommend doing this before bed. You won't look very attractive in the morning.
  5. If you don't remove makeup in the evening. The skin will not rest at night and swelling will appear after sleep. To prevent this from happening, use micellar water to remove makeup.
  6. Oxygen starvation. This problem is more often encountered by those women who spend most of their time indoors. And also those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. To prevent this from happening, spend more time in the fresh air and play sports.

I think you will be interested in this educational video. Be sure to watch it.

What do permanent bags under the eyes mean?

It turns out that the color of the skin in the eye area can tell a lot about a woman’s health. And also choose an effective remedy to combat this problem.

By the way, cosmetologists use a rapid test that determines the causes of such puffy dark circles. You need to gently press the lower eyelid with your fingertips. Then the skin should be slightly pulled down and held in this position for half a minute.

If the skin darkens after such a procedure, then the reason is rooted in age-related changes. If its color remains unchanged, the problem is caused by an allergen. But circles that have become less noticeable indicate that you have a problem with blood vessels.

More often, puffiness of reddish, brownish, yellowish or bluish tints occurs under the eyes. Why they appear and how to remove them, I will tell you. A lot of useful information on this matter is contained in the article “how to get rid of dark circles using cosmetic methods.”

Blue circles

Bruises often appear due to a hereditary predisposition. Typically, such women have very thin skin on their eyelids. Capillaries are visible through it. They give blue to this area of ​​the face.

Bruises can also be caused by deterioration of venous outflow. Their presence may indicate that cerebral circulation is impaired. They also indicate that there are problems with blood pressure.

Moreover, blueness under the eyes is observed due to lack of sleep. This “beauty” can occur after prolonged work at the computer or as a result of recent stress. Blue circles are also observed in pregnant women and women whose bodies are experiencing strong hormonal changes. Those who have bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol – may face the same problem.

In some cases, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the problem, and the bags will go away on their own. And sometimes it’s enough just to change your lifestyle by giving up bad habits. For details on what needs to be done at home, read this article.

Brown circles

Such dark bags are in most cases nothing more than pigmentation. Melanin is simply unevenly distributed on the skin. Typically, this phenomenon is encountered by those ladies who have impaired pigmentation. Sunbathers are also susceptible to this problem.

Moreover, a brownish tint to the eyelids can be observed with vitamin deficiency. This happens with poor nutrition, and also when girls go on strict diets.

Diseases of internal organs can also provoke brown circles. Therefore, if, after tidying up your diet, you do not notice any improvements, do not hesitate. Seek help from your doctor. He will refer you for diagnostics, and based on the results, he will prescribe medications. If you follow the doctor's instructions, you can remove even large dark bags.

Red circles

One of the reasons for this phenomenon is infectious and inflammatory diseases occurring in the body. These include adenovirus infection, sinusitis and conjunctivitis.

Redness in the lower eyelids is also observed due to microhemorrhages in the blood vessels located under the eyes. The released red blood cells are oxidized. As a result, the area turns reddish-purple.

Red circles also appear in women with a hereditary predisposition. Usually such women have snow-white, delicate skin. It is very thin in the eye area. Therefore, here the skin is translucent, and the blood capillaries underneath are clearly visible.

If the problem is provoked by dysfunction of certain organs and systems, then you will not be able to cope with “beauty” on your own. First you need to eliminate the disease - the root cause. After this, the red circles usually go away.

Yellow circles

Yellowness under the eyes develops under the influence of the following factors:

  1. excessive stress;
  2. high levels of carotene;
  3. problems with the gallbladder or liver;
  4. lack of rest;
  5. dysfunction of the circulatory system;
  6. prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  7. bad habits - excessive drinking and smoking.

If the problem is not caused by serious illnesses, it is enough to get rid of bad habits and rest. Usually the circles go away pretty quickly. Homemade cosmetics and folk recipes will help speed up the process.

And yellowness in the lower eyelids, caused by pathologies of internal organs and systems, requires additional medical intervention. The doctor will monitor the situation throughout the treatment, focusing on the patient’s condition and test results.

I think that today's article will be very useful to you. Now you can constantly monitor the condition of your eyelid skin. And if necessary, act immediately to prevent the situation from worsening. Be sure to send the link to the article to your friends - they also want to look perfect. And don't forget to subscribe for updates. And that’s all I have for today: bye-bye!

Swelling of the area under the eyes is a very common problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. The subcutaneous tissue in these places has a very loose structure and contains almost no collagen fibers. In addition, the skin under the eyes is constantly subject to compression and stretching - when a person closes his eyes, blinks, etc. All this creates the preconditions for the appearance of so-called bags, which give the face a tired and painful appearance and visually add age.

The immediate causes of fluid accumulation in the under-eye area can be very different - from easily removable flaws in the daily routine to serious diseases of the internal organs.

Power supply errors

People suffering from swelling of the areas around the eyes often attribute this to excessive fluid intake. This reason does indeed occur, but not always. The body only retains excess fluid that was drunk immediately before bed - then the kidneys simply do not have time to remove the water. However, swelling is observed both in “water drinkers” and, on the contrary, in people who limit fluid intake: because of this, the body begins to reduce the activity of the kidneys in order to create water reserves in the tissues.

Fluid retention in the body is also facilitated by excessive indulgence in smoked, spicy and salty foods, and alcoholic drinks.

Household reasons

Puffiness of the undereyes often occurs as a result of the most common life events. It can be caused by:

  1. fatigue of the eye muscles after prolonged work at the computer, reading, sewing, doing small handicrafts, driving a car;
  2. lack of sleep or interrupted night rest;
  3. prolonged crying (especially against the background of severe nervous strain);
  4. incorrect posture while sleeping. Thus, the habit of sleeping without a pillow contributes to the formation of bags under the eyes;
  5. being in a smoky room (including active or passive smoking);
  6. entry into the eye of a foreign body or contact with an aggressive agent (acid, hot fat, caustic vapors).

A bag under the eye can be the result of a head injury (most often in the forehead, bridge of the nose or temple). Moreover, swelling sometimes plays the role of a protective cushion, protecting the eye from force. However, this phenomenon should not be considered positive, since the subcutaneous tissue, oversaturated with fluid, is easily infected.

Excessive passion for cosmetics

Abuse of cosmetics by representatives of the fairer sex creates additional factors contributing to the appearance of bags under the eyes. The reason may be:

  1. excessive amounts of foundation, powder or shadows on the eyelids and area around the eyes, as well as incomplete removal of decorative cosmetics before bedtime;
  2. use of poorly selected or low-quality cosmetics;
  3. improper use of moisturizers. Each such product contains from 80 to 90% water. When applying too thick a layer of cream to the face, some of the liquid may be absorbed into the skin and create swelling;
  4. cosmetic procedures. So-called beauty injections based on botulinum toxin (“Botox”, “Dysport”) create temporary disruptions in the lymphatic drainage system and contribute to the appearance of subcutaneous fluid accumulations.

Puffiness under the eyes can occur in women at the end of the menstrual cycle due to excess estrogen. In expectant mothers, swelling is often observed in the later stages of pregnancy, when the kidneys have difficulty coping with the increased load and do not remove water from the body quickly enough.

Physiological features

Some people have a hereditary trait - excess fat content in the subcutaneous tissue. Because of this, their eyes always look slightly swollen, which has nothing to do with their state of health.

Swelling of the area under the eyes can also appear if you are overweight, as well as in old age due to changes in the structure of the skin and a decrease in the tone of the eye muscles.


If swelling under the eyes is accompanied by lacrimation, pain in the eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, photophobia and redness of the eyelids, the cause may be an allergic reaction. Tap water, pet hair, plant pollen, food products, and medications often act as aggressive agents.

In this situation, discomfort and bags under the eyes disappear when contact with the allergen ceases. Antihistamines and anti-itching creams or gels will help speed up recovery. But medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

Eye pathologies

Edema often occurs against the background of eye diseases, such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis, ptosis, ectropion and malignant neoplasms.

Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or sinuses

If an unsightly bag forms under only one eye, this often occurs due to infection of nearby tissues - an abscess in the oral cavity, flux, inflammation of the gums, a purulent process in the nasal sinus, inflammation of the facial nerve or lacrimal gland.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine

When the cause of swelling is a herniated disc, the cosmetic defect is accompanied by:

  1. impaired coordination of movements;
  2. weakness;
  3. persistent headaches and other pains;
  4. feeling of “goosebumps” all over the body;
  5. pain in the cervical spine;
  6. stiffness;
  7. disruption of the peripheral nervous system. This is manifested by a change in the sensitivity of certain areas of the body.

The listed symptoms appear gradually, and in the initial stages of the disease, puffiness under the eyes may be its only sign.

Kidney diseases

Edema due to dysfunction of the urinary system is sometimes called free-floating due to the ability to move from one area of ​​the body to another. At the same time, bags under the eyes regularly appear in the morning. Uniform swelling of the face is also observed (patients notice imprints of the folds of bed linen on the skin after sleep).

As the disease progresses, other symptoms develop: a decrease in the amount and change in the color of urine, dysuria, and increased blood pressure. “Renal” edema is considered particularly difficult to treat.

Liver pathologies

Liver diseases are manifested not only by accumulations of fluid under the eyes, but also by swelling of the hands (especially fingers). In addition, patients complain:

  1. for nausea, belching;
  2. a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  3. for pain in the hypochondrium on the right.

People suffering from liver pathologies may experience changes in the color of the skin and sclera (yellowness), as well as urine (darkens) and feces (becomes light). Such conditions are dangerous because they clearly manifest themselves when the disease is already thoroughly advanced.

Problems with the heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular pathologies are manifested by cyanosis or pallor of the skin, unilateral swelling of the face, instability of blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, pain in the heart, and a feeling of coldness in the extremities.

If bags under the eyes are accompanied by evening swelling of the lower legs (legs, ankles and feet), as well as the listed symptoms, this is an alarming sign that requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Vitamin deficiency

Swelling under the eyes may indicate a lack of vitamin B5 in the body. Along the way, headaches and muscle pain, fatigue, numbness of the feet, insomnia, and depression are observed.

In this case, you need to take vitamin preparations or brewer's yeast, as well as include in the diet milk, eggs, green vegetables, buckwheat and hazelnuts, which are natural sources of this vitamin.

The causes of swelling under the eyes are not always harmless. Such a cosmetic defect can be a consequence of serious problems in the body. If bags under the eyes occur regularly, this is a good reason for a medical examination.

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