Why does the skin on my cheeks peel?

In addition to the causes of cosmetic skin imperfections due to unfavorable environmental conditions or improper skin care, there may be more serious reasons. Many skin diseases are also accompanied by peeling.

Ichthyosis is a hereditary disease, and its pathogenesis is not fully understood. With ichthyosis, the skin peels and itching is possible. The skin color becomes dirty gray. There are tiny scales, but some of them reach one centimeter in diameter. They are characterized depending on the clinical variant of ichthyosis. It can be pearlescent, white, shiny ichthyosis, xeroderma, and others. The skin of a person with ichthyosis is severely irritated and does not tolerate chemicals such as soap. This makes the peeling even more intense and dermatitis appears.
Psoriasis is a skin disease that has a chronic course. It belongs to the group of dermatoses and is not considered infectious. Experts believe that psoriasis is of autoimmune origin. Basically, psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of dry, flaky spots on the skin that have a reddish color. But there are cases when there are no obvious manifestations. Currently, there are no means or techniques that completely cure this disease, but stable periods of remission can be obtained.
Treatment for flaky skin

If the problem is caused by a specific medical condition, many of which are listed in this article, then the symptoms of peeling will resolve on their own once the underlying cause is treated. The treatment course is prescribed by the doctor, strictly individually.

If the cause of flaking and dry skin is caused by a simpler reason, for example, improper skin care, external irritants, or cosmetics that are not suitable for you, then in this case you need to improve your skin care and use other hygiene products.

You should know that quite often the cause of peeling skin lies in a lack of certain microelements and vitamin B. The first sign of such a deficiency is peeling skin in the face and hands. If there is even minor damage, cracks appear on the surface of the epidermis, in some cases they are quite deep. Associated symptoms include poor complexion, weakness for no particular reason, and frequent feeling of drowsiness.


Perfectly smooth skin can rightfully be considered the pride of every woman. However, what to do if there is peeling of the epidermis in the area of ​​the cheeks and the skin next to them? The probable causes of this unpleasant phenomenon and ways to get rid of it are discussed below.

What should you do first?

First of all, psoriasis, which is also known as lichen planus, should be ruled out. It is a chronic skin disease in which there is total damage to the skin, nails and joints. This phenomenon can develop with equal probability at any age, causing peeling on the cheeks.

The disease is not contagious; moreover, there are certain differences from standard peeling. We are talking about the presence of areas of skin that have undergone inflammation, namely plaques.

The diagnosis can be made solely on the basis of a whole range of examinations. Particular attention should be paid to whether similar problems have occurred in family members - parents, grandparents.

In order to stop peeling in this case, resort to the following methods:

  1. cryotherapy;
  2. blood purification, or plasmapheresis;
  3. ultraviolet ray therapy.


An absolute cure for this disease is extremely rarely achieved. As part of the body’s recovery, the disease most often transforms into a latent stage, which can last even for decades. In this regard, periodic observation by a dermatologist and systematic treatment are necessary.

About the importance of vitamins

In some cases, the skin peels due to vitamin deficiency. Moreover, the signs of hypovitaminosis are directly dependent on the deficiency of which compound is found in the body. Most often this occurs with a deficiency of those vitamins A and group B. The first manifestation of such hypovitaminosis is dryness and peeling not only of the facial skin, but also in the area of ​​the upper extremities.

Even due to minimal damage, the top layer of the skin begins to crack and peel off. This happens until extremely deep cracks form.

Side signs of vitamin deficiency should be considered causeless weakness, permanent drowsiness and a change in complexion to gray.


In this case, the recovery process can also continue for quite a long time. This is especially true when skin treatments are not combined with general strengthening measures. The best option would be to use multivitamin complexes; they should be used until the skin is restored. In this case, it is very important not to overdo it, contact a specialist in a timely manner and undergo periodic consultations.

Could it be other diseases?

Syphilis, one of those diseases that are sexually transmitted, is also called “the greatest deceiver.” He owes this comparison to the fact that the main manifestations at certain stages of the disease are peeling, as well as a red rash that appears throughout the entire skin. Similar symptoms are possible within AIDS, and they are caused by various complications associated with infections.

It is very easy to check this, so if the rules of safe sex are followed, then the process of peeling the cheeks is benign. At the same time, the likelihood of diseases such as syphilis or AIDS still remains a fairly big threat, and therefore you should visit a specialist who will help you determine the diagnosis.


All about connections with the gastrointestinal tract

As you know, facial skin is a “mirror” of the general condition when it comes to the gastrointestinal tract system as a whole. Most often, diseases such as chronic gastritis and the so-called “irritable bowel” lead to problematic skin conditions. They differ in that they can begin and reach a late stage without an obvious clinical picture, and they usually cause little concern to patients. Most often, the skin peels off in students, which is more than easily explained by the following manifestations:

  1. chronic gastritis due to irregular or poor nutrition;
  2. nicotine addiction;
  3. alcohol abuse.

In this case, it is imperative to get checked - sign up for a comprehensive examination of the body and an even more detailed study of the state of the gastrointestinal tract. A mandatory part of this treatment algorithm can be considered a diet, which should be prescribed by a specialist.


Good cosmetics are the key to health

When peeling is observed exclusively on the face, the cause should be considered an incorrect choice of cosmetics to care for it. Other products can be no less harmful to the cheeks: for example, soap or anti-wrinkle day cream, which “pulls” moisture from the skin.

In the vast majority of cases, it will be possible to reduce skin flaking by switching to mild soap categories. Certain skin cleansers have an excellent moisturizing effect, which is due to the low concentration of olive oil. After washing is completed, dry the skin by blotting it with a towel. It is important not to rub the skin so as not to provoke irritation and even more peeling of the cheeks.

You should also not leave your face wet, because if water begins to evaporate from the surface of the skin on its own, the skin will turn out to be even drier. It is recommended to use moisturizers and emollients. All pharmacies offer various components to soften the skin and get rid of flaking. However, before starting to use one or another component, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.


Could this be an allergy?

Allergies in any of their manifestations can occur in almost everyone. Reactions to certain irritants that are constant - house dust or any animal - may begin to manifest themselves in a runny nose or conjunctivitis. When peeling of the skin occurs, it is not associated with these symptoms. This is especially common in autumn and winter due to:

  1. low degree of air humidity outside;
  2. dry indoor air (artificial humidifiers can be used);
  3. natural vitamin deficiency.

In this case, it is advisable to remove or minimize any contact with the allergen. In order to exclude the possibility that the allergy is provoked by other components, it is recommended to take samples and undergo specialized treatment.

There is one excellent remedy that is effective when the skin of the cheeks and hands begins to peel. So, you should grate the carrots on a fine grater, then add the yolk of a raw egg and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. The composition is applied to the problem area and held for 30-40 minutes. After this, it is removed using a cotton swab and rinsed with cold water.

There can be many reasons why the skin begins to peel. In this regard, you should contact a specialist who will help you choose the one whose therapy is required. It is not recommended to self-medicate, because this can further worsen the general condition.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject “Social Medicine and Health Organization”, including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-exam preparation.

Scientific and research activities: writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing interaction of the department with specialized leading clinical and cosmetology centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposiums, etc.


Everyone can face a dermatological problem where the skin peels. This causes discomfort because it feels itchy. This phenomenon may be caused by a lack of vitamins, some disease or improper care. Therefore, before eliminating peeling of the cheeks, chin or forehead, it is very important to find out the reason for the body’s reaction. Otherwise the problem will repeat again.

Possible reasons

Dermatological the problem is a lot of trouble. Sometimes the skin on the cheeks is red and peels. Sometimes the roughness is not visually noticeable, but it can be determined by touch. In both cases, it is necessary to take measures to restore the epidermis.

You can tell whether the skin is healthy or not if you touch it with your fingers. In the absence of unpleasant phenomena, the surface of the dermis is smooth and velvety. If there are irregularities, bumps, roughness, or the skin begins to peel off, this indicates a problem that needs to be dealt with.

Skin diseases

A visit to a specialist will help you find out why the skin on your cheeks is peeling. He is able to determine whether there are the following dermatological diseases:

  1. Ichthyosis.
  2. Allergic reaction of the diathesis type.
  3. Psoriasis.
  4. Seborrheic dermatitis.


The causes of ichthyosis are still unknown. There are suggestions that the disease is inherited and through contact with a sick person. As a rule, ichthyosis first affects the arms, feet or legs, and then may appear on the face. In this case, the skin on the forehead, chin, and cheeks turns red and peels, and may have a grayish-dirty tint.

Dry skin on the cheeks of an adult is due to allergies. With this phenomenon, the cheeks peel and become red. The top layer of the epidermis dies.

With psoriasis, flaky spots appear on the skin, which are difficult to hide with any means.

The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are similar to those of psoriasis, but the peeling may be more severe. The location of irritation is the area around the nose.

This does not end the list of dermatological diseases that cause flaking of the skin, which only a doctor can help identify. Based on the test results, the dermatologist will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Hormonal disbalance

When a person goes through certain stages of life, he hormonal levels can change. For example, this is puberty, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. At each of these stages, a change in hormonal levels occurs, which can affect the dermis.

The teenage period is characterized by hormonal imbalance, a surge of testosterone and progesterone. This can lead to dryness and flaking of the dermis. As a rule, this goes away with age, but there are times when a visit to an endocrinologist is indispensable.

Women's skin may become dry and flaky during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Usually the problem disappears after childbirth and after completion of lactation, but during the period of hormonal changes it is recommended to moisturize the skin well.

During menopause, women also face dermatological problems. Peeling of the dermis occurs due to a lack of estrogens, which are responsible for the regeneration of the skin. A gynecologist-endocrinologist will help solve the problem and prescribe hormonal therapy if there are no contraindications.

You should not try to cope with peeling of the dermis caused by hormonal imbalance, since self-treatment can be harmful. Therefore, you cannot do without consulting a specialist.

Lifestyle and ecology

Peeling skin on the cheeks can occur due to poor nutrition, bad habits and environmental factors:

  1. Allergy due to abuse of fried, fatty, salty and sweet foods.
  2. Dryness and dehydration of the dermis due to lack of water in the body. It is worth remembering that in addition to tea and coffee, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
  3. It is very important to get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air as much as possible. Prolonged stay in a stuffy room negatively affects the epidermis.
  4. Drinking alcohol and smoking have a destructive effect on the cells of the body. Intoxication causes thinning of the epidermis, which causes sagging, wrinkles and flaking.
  5. Unfavorable environmental factors, such as emissions of heavy metals into the atmosphere or chlorinated water, slow down growth and destroy healthy epidermal cells.
  6. In autumn and winter, special care for the skin of the face and lips is required. This will help avoid chapping and peeling.
  7. The sun's ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on the dermis. In hot weather, cell dehydration occurs. To prevent the upper layer of the epidermis from drying out, it is recommended to use sunscreen in spring and summer, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, and moisturize the skin.
  8. If the body does not receive enough vitamins, metabolic disorders occur, resulting in dryness and flaking on the face and other parts of the body. Vitamins A and B2 are especially important for the dermis.

Improper care


Very often, severe peeling of the skin is caused by improper care. The problem arises when using some means:

  1. It is not recommended to use lotions that contain alcohol. It is especially undesirable to do this if you have dry skin.
  2. For washing, it is better to choose soap that does not contain alkali, fragrances or fragrances. Such chemistry causes dryness, dehydration and allergic dermatitis.
  3. The cream should be chosen according to your skin type and age.

Solving the problem yourself

Help the problem skin can be done at home using special cosmetics:

  1. Natural oils, such as olive, orange, coconut or almond, are an excellent remedy for peeling the epidermis.
  2. You can make face masks with the addition of essential oils.
  3. Hot water and soap harms the dermis. It is better to use gel or foam for washing.
  4. It is recommended to take multivitamins; the presence of vitamins A, B and E is especially important.
  5. Do not use moisturizer before going outside in frosty weather.
  6. Sunscreen and thermal water will help protect your skin from crusting in summer.
  7. A homemade cream made from cream and butter will help cope with peeling of the dermis.
  8. It is very important to monitor your diet and follow the drinking regime. Your skin will be healthy if you give up cigarettes and alcohol and limit your coffee consumption.
  9. Exercising will relieve the body of stagnation of blood and lymph. Thanks to this, the cells will receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients and get rid of toxins.
  10. Frequent exposure to fresh air will help prevent dry skin.

As a rule, you can deal with rough skin yourself at home. But if the problem is associated with any disease, consultation with a specialist is necessary.