Why do creams cause acne?

Improper skin care can lead to the most unpleasant thing - clogged pores and, as a result, the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Horrible dream? To prevent it from becoming a reality, read our tips on what mistakes to avoid so that your skin is always clean and flawless.

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Why do women get acne?

Creams with the wrong composition

Most often, this is caused by nourishing creams, which, on the one hand, are very necessary for our skin to saturate it with vitamins, and on the other hand, are often comedogenic. Carefully study the packaging of your cream: if it contains lanolin acetate (Acetylated lanolin alcohol) and butyl stearate (Butyl stearate), there is a high probability that these components will cause clogged pores.

Natural oils

We have talked more than once about the benefits of natural oils, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them - some oils can cause clogging of skin pores. These are olive and almond oils, as well as cocoa butter. Be careful with them! It is best to use cosmetic mixtures - in this sense they are completely safe.

Insufficient cleansing

Simply removing makeup with water and foam or gel is often not enough. Residues of cosmetics are not visible to the naked eye, but can very soon “come out” on the skin in the form of blackheads, pimples on the face, and clogged pores. What to do? Wash your face correctly! First with warm water and remover, then remove possible residues with micellar water or hydrophilic oil. After using the latter, you need to wash your face again.


Thick foundations do not allow the skin to breathe and contaminate the pores - any cosmetologist will tell you this. If you already have acne on your skin, don’t even think about covering it up with foundation—you’ll only make the situation worse. If you can’t do without concealing products, then better use modern foundation serums - they are much more gentle on our pores.

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Poor nutrition

How many times have they told the world... Poor nutrition harms not only your figure, but also your skin. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands is provoked by spicy and fatty foods, sweets and other pleasures... What to do? Of course, limiting yourself in everything is an idea doomed to failure in advance, but if you dream of clear skin, eat more vegetables, drink a lot of plain water and try to give up really unhealthy goodies like french fries and pork chops.

Lack of zinc in the body

Another fairly common cause of comedones is a lack of zinc in the body. This element is very important for the beauty of not only the skin, but also hair and nails - it regulates the balance of hormones, the functioning of the immune system and the normal rate of cell division. A lack of zinc also leads to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Have you noticed that your pores have started to become more clogged? Then run to the pharmacy for vitamins!

Lack of vitamin B5

Another internal reason why skin rashes and clogged pores may appear is a lack of vitamin B5. In the last paragraph we already told how this problem is solved - you know what to do.

Too active cleansing

Frequent peeling and scrubbing can cause the sebaceous glands to “think” that the skin is too dry and begin to work with a vengeance - they are generally very hardworking comrades. To deceive the sebaceous glands, the skin, on the contrary, needs to be moisturized more, and scrubs should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. The same thing, by the way, applies to drying lotions containing salicylic acid - instead of clear skin, they can have the opposite effect.


All diseases are caused by nerves, as we know. And clogged pores can also occur as a result of severe stress and a general malfunction of the body. What to do? Calm, just calm.

Forum members, please help, maybe someone had such a situation:((
I have oily skin, thick, and break out from time to time, mostly from the cold. and if everything is fine, then only black dots. The fact is that I don’t use creams at all, since as soon as I apply any cream (from baby cream to non-comedogenic ones, a pimple will still appear, and sometimes several. I’m very tired of this, I also want to moisturize and nourish my skin, helpeeee. P.S. foundation and powder don’t make acne go away

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Boyko Inessa Borisovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Prokopenko Elena Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Reutskaya Inga Gennadievna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khabirov Marat Adipovich

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Smirnova Olga Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist Coach. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Medvedeva Inna Viktorovna

Psychologist, Supervisor, Psychoanalyst, Training Analyst. Specialist from the site b17.ru

The mice injected themselves, cried, but continued to eat the cactus. Creams don't work, so why use them? Moreover, the skin is oily.

The mice injected themselves, cried, but continued to eat the cactus. Creams don't work, so why use them? Moreover, the skin is oily.

Try thermal water. It moisturizes perfectly!

Try thermal water. It moisturizes perfectly!

use light fluids and always after using lotion

use light fluids and always after using lotion

Related topics

and how much does it cost?

I can’t say for sure, I live abroad. I think 300-500 rubles.

Try thermal water. It moisturizes perfectly!

Heh, author, I have the same problem... My skin is the same... I can only save myself by drinking enough water and living in a humid climate, and in winter I turn on a humidifier at home. But I still can’t find a cream for myself.

You have 100% mites, so you get pimples from creams, since this is food for the mite, so it begins to be active. Therefore, stock up on Skinoren and lubricate your face with it 2 times a day, but do not use makeup remover milk, any kind of wash, and wash your hair very carefully. so that the shampoo does not get on the skin of the face, you will notice the effect in a couple of months.
P/S. How the mite manifests itself: frequent appearance of subcutaneous inflammatory acne, redness and peeling near the sinuses

Most likely, your pores are clogged, which is where acne comes from, because... the skin is clogged, and you still cover it up and don’t let it breathe. Have your cleanings done by a cosmetologist and let a professional choose a treatment for you and then everything will be OK

You have 100% mites, so you get pimples from creams, since this is food for the mite, so it begins to be active. Therefore, stock up on Skinoren and lubricate your face with it 2 times a day, but do not use makeup remover milk, any kind of wash, and wash your hair very carefully. so that the shampoo does not get on the skin of the face, you will notice the effect in a couple of months.
P/S. How the mite manifests itself: frequent appearance of subcutaneous inflammatory acne, redness and peeling near the sinuses

You have 100% mites, so you get pimples from creams, since this is food for the mite, so it begins to be active. Therefore, stock up on Skinoren and lubricate your face with it 2 times a day, but do not use makeup remover milk, any kind of wash, and wash your hair very carefully. so that the shampoo does not get on the skin of the face, you will notice the effect in a couple of months.
P/S. How the mite manifests itself: frequent appearance of subcutaneous inflammatory acne, redness and peeling near the sinuses

I have the same garbage, although there are some whitening creams, and I just want to use them ((
The strangest thing is that lately acne has begun to appear on my neck from the creams. I wonder what that would mean? The skin there is always drier.

I have the same garbage, although there are some whitening creams, and I just want to use them ((
The strangest thing is that lately acne has begun to appear on my neck from the creams. I wonder what that would mean? The skin there is always drier.

Heh, author, I have the same problem... My skin is the same... I can only save myself by drinking enough water and living in a humid climate, and in winter I turn on a humidifier at home. But I still can’t find a cream for myself.

Forum members, please help, maybe someone has had this situation:((I have oily, thick skin, pimples appear periodically, mainly from the cold. And if everything is fine, then only blackheads. The fact is that I’m not at all I use creams, because as soon as I apply any cream (from baby cream to non-comedogenic ones, a pimple will still appear, and sometimes several. I’m very tired of this, I also want to moisturize and nourish my skin, helpeeee. P.S from the foundation and powder pimples don't come out

GuestHeh, author, I have the same problem.. My skin is the same.. I can only save myself by drinking enough water and living in a humid climate, and in winter I turn on a humidifier at home. But I still can’t find a cream for myself. It’s the same with foundations. or what about me? :))

try consulting a cosmetologist :) this is a good one (tested!)

Why use cream if there is no need? Cream is not a mandatory remedy; it is used to solve some problems.
You have been brainwashed by advertising.

You have 100% mites, so you get pimples from creams, since this is food for the mite, so it begins to be active. Therefore, stock up on Skinoren and lubricate your face with it 2 times a day, but do not use makeup remover milk, any kind of wash, and wash your hair very carefully. so that the shampoo does not get on the skin of the face, you will notice the effect in a couple of months.
P/S. How the mite manifests itself: frequent appearance of subcutaneous inflammatory acne, redness and peeling near the sinuses

Why use cream if there is no need? Cream is not a mandatory remedy; it is used to solve some problems.
You have been brainwashed by advertising.

try consulting a cosmetologist :) this is a good one (tested!)

You have 100% mites, so you get pimples from creams, since this is food for the mite, so it begins to be active. Therefore, stock up on Skinoren and lubricate your face with it 2 times a day, but do not use makeup remover milk, any kind of wash, and wash your hair very carefully. so that the shampoo does not get on the skin of the face, you will notice the effect in a couple of months.
P/S. How the mite manifests itself: frequent appearance of subcutaneous inflammatory acne, redness and peeling near the sinuses

The fact is that the skin needs 28 days to adapt to new care. I, too, had never used creams before until my facial skin became dehydrated and it became incredibly dry. Pimples started because of this. I started using creams, and my skin also initially reacted with rashes and subcutaneous pimples. But after a month, the acne began to tighten and go away. You just need to let the skin know that it is hydrated and does not need to produce a large amount of sebum. Until the skin gets used to it, there may be comedones and subcutaneous pimples from creams. Wait a month, systematically use the cream consistently, if even after a month there are acne, then the cream is really not suitable. And you always need to moisturize your skin, then when you’re 30 you’ll regret not using skin care. Youthful skin can only be preserved from the age at which you started caring for it. And when the first wrinkles appear, nothing can be done about them, only fill them with fillers


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The first reason for the appearance of acne: excessive secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands; The second reason for the formation of acne: follicular hyperkeratosis. The outer layer of human skin is called the stratum corneum. Constant renewal of the skin comes precisely from the exfoliation of keratinized, dead plates of the skin of this layer.

A similar process occurs in hair follicles. Follicular hyperkeratosis is the excessive development of the stratum corneum of the follicles, which is the cause of acne, since the formation of a comedonal plug requires not only sebum, but also desquamated skin flakes.