Why do moles appear on the face of an adult?

A mole or nevus is a collection of pigmented cells. Moles have the shape of a small speck, mostly light brown in color. Throughout life, moles on the face and body can appear and disappear, so the formation of a new nevus is not a reason to panic.

Reasons for the formation of nevi

Many moles on the face are not a cause for concern, but a feature of human skin. The formation of nevi is due to the following reasons:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. endocrine disorders;
  3. hormonal changes in the body;
  4. exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  5. branching of capillaries;
  6. radioactive exposure;
  7. prolonged exposure to stress.


A mole is an area of ​​skin on which pigmented cells - melanocytes - are densely located. Essentially, this is a round spot in which a large amount of pigment has accumulated. In most cases, nevi do not pose a health risk.

Impaired pigment production can be caused by a number of internal and external factors. Genetic predisposition plays an important role in this. According to statistics, if parents have a lot of nevi on the skin, there is a high probability of pigmented spots appearing in the child. In this case, the child has both congenital moles on the face and those acquired with age.

Another reason for suddenly appearing moles is endocrine disorders and thyroid diseases. In this case, they talk about internal pathology, one of the symptoms of which is a violation of the distribution of pigment on the skin. The nevi themselves do not pose a health hazard, but endocrine disorders should be promptly identified and treated.

The amount of pigment produced is influenced by hormonal levels. Often the reasons for the appearance of moles lie in puberty, pregnancy or menopause. These conditions are characterized by hormonal imbalances, which can affect the accumulation of melanocytes on the skin. Thus, during pregnancy, women often experience an increase in the number of pigmented spots and nevi on the skin.


Another internal cause of suddenly appearing nevi is pathologies of the circulatory system, in which there is a rapid growth of capillaries close to the surface of the epidermis. In this case, they talk about a disease that requires timely treatment.

The appearance of moles can be caused by skin damage and exposure to environmental factors. There is a high probability of new spots appearing with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Damage to the skin can be caused by a sunburn, in the place of which a new mole subsequently forms.

The formation of nevi can also occur with prolonged radioactive exposure, including irradiation with X-rays. In this case, the formation of pigmented areas is associated with a special reaction of the epidermis to the influence of an external stimulus. If a mole appears after irradiation, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The indirect cause of the appearance of benign neoplasms on the face can be prolonged stress, neurosis, depression and other disorders of the nervous system.

Thus, moles occur due to excess synthesis of melanin (the substance responsible for skin pigmentation) in a certain area of ​​the skin. An increase in pigment production can be caused by internal pathologies or exposure to external stimuli. Only a dermatologist can find out the cause and analyze possible risks, so if many moles appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

To find out why moles appear on the face, the doctor may refer the patient for additional examination. If any malfunctions in the body’s functioning are detected, you should undergo the recommended treatment.

Do nevi need to be removed?


Nevi can be removed for aesthetic reasons or for medical reasons.

If a patient considers a facial mole to be a cosmetic defect, it can be removed at a dermatologist's office. If the stain does not interfere or spoil the appearance, it is not necessary to remove it at all.

Nevi that pose a health risk must be removed. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. change in spot size;
  2. inflammation, pain, itching and discomfort;
  3. bleeding or suppuration of a mole;
  4. change in the structure of the nevus;
  5. color change.

A safe mole always remains stable. It does not change in size and does not cause discomfort. Such a nevus does not remind you of itself in any way and does not interfere with everyday life.

Any sudden changes may indicate degeneration of neoplasm tissue. Although malignant degeneration of mole cells is rare, the risk of cancer cannot be discounted, so if any unusual symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor.

A conclusion about the safety of a nevus can only be made on the basis of a histological examination. To do this, the mole will have to be removed. After removal, the excised tissue is sent to the laboratory for further analysis.

It is important to remember that no qualified doctor will scrape a nevus for histological analysis.

As a result of such a biopsy, the integrity of the neoplasm is damaged, which in itself is unsafe and increases the risk of developing negative consequences.

The following methods are used to remove unwanted moles:

  1. surgical excision;
  2. freezing with liquid nitrogen;
  3. laser exposure;
  4. radio wave removal;
  5. exposure to electric current.

The method of removing the tumor depends on the location and size of the mole.

If further examination of neoplasm cells is necessary, surgical removal or laser burning is used. These methods of getting rid of moles allow you to obtain a sufficient amount of intact tissue for analysis.


Surgical removal is performed under local anesthesia. After numbing the treated area, the mole is simply cut out with a scalpel. In its place a wound is formed, on which sutures are applied. The stitches are removed after a few weeks. The removal procedure takes about half an hour. The method is not used to remove large nevi on the face due to the likelihood of scar formation.

Cryodestruction or removal with liquid nitrogen allows you to get rid of a cosmetic defect quickly and almost painlessly. The doctor applies a special composition to the tumor, which freezes and necrotizes the tissue. Then the mole is simply removed with a special tool. A small wound forms in its place, which heals within 7-10 days. Due to freezing, the removed tissue is unsuitable for histological analysis, so the method can be recommended for the removal of aesthetic defects.

A large mole on the face is removed using laser burning. This method has earned the greatest trust from patients due to its speed and effectiveness. The advantages of the procedure are painlessness and absence of scars after removal. Using a laser, the doctor burns out the body of the mole layer by layer. The whole procedure takes no more than ten minutes.

To remove nevi in ​​an adult, the radio wave method can also be used. The impact is carried out in a non-contact manner, as a result of which the procedure is absolutely painless. The method allows you to avoid the development of bleeding, since small capillaries are cauterized in the process. Radio wave removal does not leave scars or scars, the wound heals very quickly.

To speed up skin recovery after tumor removal, special ointments are used. It is also necessary to carry out antiseptic treatment of the resulting wound for several days.

It is recommended to remove emerging nevi if they interfere. Accidental damage can cause discomfort, bleeding and inflammation of the tumor. In addition, you should definitely consult a doctor if a previously removed mole reappears.

Moles are present on the body of every person. They appear on different parts of the body, but the closest attention is paid to nevi on the face, since such formations can impair attractiveness, creating psychological discomfort. Therefore, moles on the face are a topic of constant discussion, within the framework of which it is worth considering such issues as the causes of the appearance of nevi, their impact on the general condition and methods of getting rid of the aesthetic defect. Their possible influence on a person’s fate is also of interest.

Why do moles appear on the face?

The causes of nevi have now been fully studied. As a rule, the process occurs in the first years of life, but due to its microscopic size, such formations can go unnoticed for a long time. It is possible for nevi to appear on the face even at an older age.

In the medical environment, moles on the body and face are considered as a congenital or acquired defect, speaking of them as benign tumors, which by their nature do not pose a danger to the body, but, in the presence of a number of provoking factors, can degenerate into cancer (the process of malignancy starts) .

The main reasons for the appearance of new moles

From birth, every person's skin cells contain a certain amount of the pigment melanin. Over time, the pigment transforms into melanocytes, the accumulation of which results in a mole having a certain shape and color.

It is worth highlighting the following reasons for the appearance of nevi on the face or other parts of the body:

1. Regular hormonal imbalances (especially in women) due to pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, and nervous shock.

2. Staying in the open rays in the summer without a hat. This factor is the main one for the appearance of moles on the face. A similar influence of ultraviolet radiation cannot be ruled out in winter, therefore, in the absence of hats with visors and wide-brimmed hats, it is advisable to constantly use products with a seasonally appropriate level of SPF protection.

Only an emerging mole is invisible to the eye because its shade is too light, but over time the formation darkens, acquiring a certain shape (mostly regular), structure, density and color.

How are facial nevi classified?

Moles on the face are of the following types:

1. Flat nevi. These can be either large moles or fairly inconspicuous ones. The reason for their occurrence is the already mentioned accumulation of melanocytes in the upper layer of the skin. Such nevi do not pose a danger due to the almost complete lack of reaction to ultraviolet rays and the tendency to grow.

2. Hemangiomas. For the most part, these are extensive red moles that are vascular in nature. They originate on the surface of the facial skin and may look like nodules or hanging nevi. The reason is the pathology of vascular development.

3. Angiomas. Such red moles usually appear at the capillary level; their material is blood vessels. The appearance of such formations on the face is typical mainly for people who have disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas.

4. Convex nevi. Such a mole can be found on the face quite often. Externally, it is characterized by the absence of bright pigment, so its color is comparable to facial skin. Another characteristic sign is the presence of a hair growing from the nevus (in both men and women). The appearance of such a formation begins in the deep layers of the skin. On the outside it has a bumpy or smooth surface. If a mole exceeds 1 cm in diameter, there is a suspicion that it is malignant.

5. Blue nevi. These can be either large or miniature moles, the color of which varies from light blue to dark blue shades. All of them have a basically smooth and dense structure, rising above the skin in the form of a hemisphere.

Pigment spots are considered separately from moles. They are predominantly gray or brown in color and can actively grow and darken over time, even turning black.

Is it possible to remove moles on the face?

Both red moles and other types of nevi that appear on the face should be eliminated only if there are indications for such manipulation. The following are the main reasons for removing moles:

  1. Violation of facial aesthetics and attractiveness.
  2. Medical indications.

In the second case, we are talking about the presence of such factors as the constant susceptibility of the nevus to trauma (for example, when a mole appears on the forehead near the hairline, on the lower jaw, where contact with clothing and subsequent rubbing of the nevus is possible), violation of its integrity, the risk of degeneration of the formation into a malignant tumor called cutaneous melanoma.

An important nuance: you should least worry about a mole if hair grows from it, since this is a sign of a benign formation. Hair should be removed from a mole with extreme caution so as not to injure the nevus. The preferred method is trimming the hairs. But it’s better to refuse pulling out.

It is mandatory to remove moles if the following signs of malignancy are present:

  1. Violation of the uniformity of coloring of the nevus or a radical change in its color.
  2. Excessive increase in size of the mole, irregular shape.
  3. The presence of blurred boundaries.
  4. The absence of a skin pattern on a mole or a violation of its integrity.
  5. The appearance of an itching sensation, peeling of the surface of the nevus on the face.
  6. The mole is surrounded by reddened skin with signs of inflammation.
  7. The presence of crusts, cracks, nodules and seals on the surface of the nevus.
  8. Bloody discharge from a mole or the appearance of any liquid secretion.

If the doctor confirms the need for intervention, a mini-surgery on the face is planned. Today, doctors prefer laser mole removal, as this method has a number of advantages.

Features of laser removal

This method is applicable for various types of nevi on the face, including red moles. At the same time, the following positive aspects of the technique are available:

  1. The possibility of thrombosis of small vessels, due to which blood loss is excluded after laser removal of moles.
  2. If cancer is suspected, the laser can reduce the likelihood of developing metastases to zero.
  3. When moles are removed using a laser, a high cosmetic effect and tissue healing with their complete restoration are ensured, which is confirmed by before and after photos.
  4. During the mini-operation there is almost no pain, the patient may feel only minor discomfort. If desired, local anesthesia may be provided.
  5. Laser radiation installations are high-tech modern equipment that does not pose a danger to the patient.

As a rule, removal of nevi involves the following procedure:

  1. The specialist first assesses the nature of the education and its type.
  2. Laser removal is planned with discussion of the need for anesthesia.
  3. Postoperative treatment of the skin with an antiseptic is carried out.

As a result of such a gentle operation, there are no extensive and deep wounds on the face, and healing occurs within a week or two without the need for dressings, since it is enough just to lubricate the laser-treated area with an antiseptic and wound-healing composition a couple of times a day.

What do facial moles mean?

There is an assumption regarding the relationship between the location of moles on the face and their meaning. According to adherents of this theory, facial nevi should be considered as signs of karma, by which one can judge a person’s character, his inclinations and the upcoming vicissitudes of life.

1. Nevi on the face of representatives of the stronger half of humanity indicate the following:

  1. If a mole is located on the right side of the forehead, it is a symbol of glory and happiness; a formation on the left side of the forehead indicates that the man will be happy in love.
  2. The appearance of a nevus in the ear area is a sign of a carefree life.
  3. Localization of a mole on the front of the neck is an opportunity for successful career growth; if you have a nevus on the side, you can expect a difficult life.
  4. The appearance of a mole in the chin area indicates the respectful attitude of others.

If a spot is present on the jaw, a man should pay attention to his health and streamline his own life.

2. For representatives of the fairer sex, the arrangement of moles on the face is often of particular importance, so attention is paid to the slightest nuances:

  1. If there is a red nevus in the lower part of the left cheek, a girl should expect a youth full of trials, while prosperity, happiness and fame will come to her upon reaching the age of 30.
  2. The black moles present at the base of the cheek are interpreted a little differently. In youth, the situation is similar to the previous option, but the owner of a nevus should expect happiness by the age of 40.
  3. A dark mole in the middle of the forehead near the scalp is a sign of a capricious and difficult character, which will result in a woman’s tense relationship with others. When such a nevus is red in color, the meaning of a woman’s mole is an upcoming happy marriage.
  4. If you have a mole on the left side of your forehead, you should expect material success and respect from others.
  5. Moles on the right side of the forehead indicate fickle nature. Their additional meaning is the inability to complete the activities started.
  6. The appearance of moles with a greenish tint under the eyebrow on the left side of the face is a sign of the ability to create situations that contribute to monetary gain. Usually this also means the possibility of a happy marriage for the woman.
  7. The appearance of a red mole in the corner of the eye should set one up for a rather difficult life.
  8. Moles on the cheekbones mean a search for happiness away from home, which will still be crowned with success.
  9. If a nevus is present on the right side of the face on the cheek next to the ear, its meaning is the woman’s increased emotionality and an abundance of difficult life situations.

Separately, it is worth noting the importance of moles around the lips. Such nevi mean the love of others and success in life. In addition, it is precisely such formations on the face that give a woman a special charm, so some representatives of the fair sex even think about creating artificial moles in this area.

Before removing moles on your face, think about the fatal consequences that such a procedure, performed even by professionals in salons, can have. From this article you will learn what dangers they pose and what complications can be expected after operations to remove nevi from the skin.

Mole (nevus) - a congenital or acquired pigmented formation on the skin, having different colors (black, brown, red, purple). It can be located at skin level or noticeably rise above it. According to some reports, most often such bulges and spots are found on the face.

On the one hand, moles on the face, especially in women, have long been considered a sign of fate and unusual fate. On the other hand, today more and more people are turning to salons with one single request - to remove them.

If the mole is small and she is alone, of course, it gives the girl some charm. But if there are a lot of them, they are large in size or have an unpleasant purple or bright red color, the desire to get rid of them becomes quite understandable. It's time to figure out what these unusual formations on the skin are.

Causes of moles on the face

The scientific explanation of why moles appear on the face (as on any other part of the body) sounds as simple as possible and even schoolchildren can understand it. Skin cells located between the dermis (lower, deepest layer of skin) and epidermis (upper layer) at a certain point become overfilled with pigment (dye).

This turns them into melanocytes, a large number of which form a mole. But at what exact moments does the pigment saturate these same cells? What can trigger its surge? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Most moles on the face appear either at birth or in the first year of life and are hereditary and individual character;
  2. rapid growth of blood capillaries;
  3. under the influence of hormones (the formation of melanin in the skin is provoked by the melantropic hormone of the pituitary gland) during puberty: if previously a birthmark in a teenager could be barely noticeable, but now it can increase in size, change color (become darker and more noticeable);
  4. under the influence of the same hormones during pregnancy new moles may form on the face or old ones may enlarge and darken;
  5. injuries;
  6. excess sunlight and ultraviolet radiation: if you stay in the area of ​​their influence for too long (sunbathing on the street or in a solarium), melanin may begin to be produced in large quantities;
  7. viruses;
  8. during times of serious stress a hormonal explosion also occurs in the human body, which may explain the appearance of moles on the face;
  9. radiation or x-rays.

This is how moles appear on the face: the reasons for their formation have been known to science for quite a long time. Now you can determine the nature of your birthmarks: whether you inherited them or acquired them during your life.

The former pose a much lesser threat to health. And if you have set your sights on removing moles on your face, you need to understand what type you have, since this will determine whether the salon will undertake such an operation or refuse you.

Types of moles on the face

We've all seen moles on our friends' faces: their types can be completely different in color and size. In medicine, the following types are distinguished.

Vascular moles

These nevi arise as a result of the rapid growth of blood vessels. They manifest themselves as changes in the structure of the capillaries of the skin.

Pigmented moles

They arise due to an excess of melanin from pigment cells. Such moles can be congenital or acquired. The first ones are very different in size:

  1. large - more than 10 cm in diameter;
  2. average - up to from 2 to 10 cm;
  3. small - from 0.5 to 2 cm.

Large moles on the face are dangerous to health, since the likelihood of them turning into a tumor is very high.

Of particular danger are malignant neoplasms, which provoke the growth of pathological tissues and damage to various organs and systems of the human body. Acquired moles on the face can be of the following types:

  1. intradermal - accumulation of melanocytes very deep under the skin, in the dermis;
  2. epidermal - accumulation of melanocytes in the epidermis, the upper layer of the skin;
  3. border (or mixed) - an accumulation of melanocytes between these two layers.

If a mole on a woman’s face has a beautiful shape, is small in size, and pleasant to look at, no one would ever think of getting rid of it. But under the influence of various hereditary and life factors, sometimes there are too many of them, or they are too large, or their color gives the face an unpleasant expression or spoils its aesthetic appearance.

In this case, young girls and ladies of Balzac's age are asking the same question: how to get rid of moles on the face in order to look more beautiful. However, few of them realize that this procedure can be quite dangerous.

The danger of moles on the face

You need to think very carefully about whether to remove a mole on your face, study all the available information on this issue, consult with dermatologists, oncologists and therapists, and only then make a balanced, competent decision. The fact is that such operations, even in professional beauty salons, often ended very, very disastrously.

You must know, that under the influence of various external factors (mechanical trauma and ultraviolet radiation), a mole on the face can very quickly degenerate into melanoma - the most dangerous malignant tumor.

And very often the body perceives any surgical intervention to remove a mole as a mechanical injury. Burning out pigmented cells during salon procedures can miss a single melanocyte, which can subsequently cause the development of a fatal cancerous tumor.

Every woman who is looking for ways to remove moles from her face quickly and painlessly should know about this. First, assess the risk of such an event and listen to the experts.

Salon procedures for removing moles on the face

Several doctors will help you decide whether moles on your face can be removed.

Firstly, You can first contact a therapist who will assess the general condition of your body.

Secondly, If you have any suspicions, you can make an appointment with an oncologist and undergo the appropriate examination.

Third, Be sure to consult a dermatologist about this. And only after all these specialists, go to a cosmetology salon, where they will offer you ways to remove a mole on your face using modern hardware cosmetology.

All three consultations can be obtained at the Lancet Center clinic. Find out more here: delight-lancette.ru


The most popular technique today is laser removal of moles on the face.

  1. Local anesthesia is administered.
  2. The surface of the mole is treated with a laser, evaporating one layer after another.
  3. New technologies allow the procedure to be carried out with increased precision.
  4. The laser penetration depth can be controlled.
  5. The required beam diameter is also adjusted by the specialist himself.
  6. Among the main advantages are the absence of bleeding, eliminating the possibility of infection and germs.
  7. The duration of laser removal of moles from the face is less than 5 minutes.
  8. The recovery period takes approximately 2 weeks.
  9. If the operation is successfully performed, after removing moles, no traces remain on the face.

Most experts consider laser the best way to permanently remove moles on the face.

Liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction)

The salon may offer burning out moles on the face using liquid nitrogen.

  1. If the mole is superficial, a cotton swab moistened with liquid nitrogen is applied to it for a short time (no more than 3 minutes). The nevus first goes numb and then dies completely.
  2. For deeper moles on the face, hardware cosmetology is used. Using a cryodestructor (a special device), a very thin needle is inserted under the skin, through which liquid nitrogen is pumped into the dermis.
  3. The recovery period lasts about 6 weeks.

This is a more painful process than laser removal of moles on the face, however, it is often used in modern beauty salons.

Electric current (electrocoagulation)

You can remove moles on the face using electric current.

  1. Within the framework of electrocoagulation, alternating and direct current devices are used, different forms of electrodes are used.
  2. The essence of the effect is thermal damage to the mole itself and the surrounding area.
  3. A dry crust will soon form in its place.
  4. Over time, it disappears on its own.
  5. Disadvantage: the risk of scar formation at the site of a removed mole is quite high.
  6. The recovery period is about 10 days.

Among the advantages of removing moles on the face using electric current are the elimination of infection and bleeding, and the possibility of using local anesthesia.

Surgical method

Despite the fact that surgical removal of facial moles is becoming less and less popular, it has advantages over technologies such as laser or cryodestruction. These include:

  1. the possibility of further examination of skin material for histology;
  2. 100% result;
  3. relapse prevention;
  4. reduces the risk of skin regrowth in the future;
  5. low prices for the procedure;
  6. safety;
  7. no contraindications.

Modern cosmetology has advanced so much that today even a surgical method involves removing moles on the face without scars or marks.

And yet, the most optimal option for removing moles on the face using salon techniques is determined in each specific case by an experienced, qualified doctor. Initially, he must carefully examine the patient’s mole and then do everything to prevent complications from occurring.

Possible complications after removal of moles on the face

Even in the conditions of advanced modern medicine and the latest technologies in cosmetology, all of the above methods are not always able to guarantee a 100% absence of complications, which can sometimes be fatal for the patient. And even more so, you shouldn’t even think about how to remove a mole from your face at home, since it almost always ends very sadly. Complications can be very different:

  1. It is not possible to remove a mole on the face the first time, so repeated procedures are required: most often this happens during cryodestruction;
  2. when the skin is exposed to liquid nitrogen, nearby healthy tissues are affected;
  3. burns after cryodestruction are painful and can take a very long time to heal, requiring special care;
  4. after electrocoagulation and surgical excision of moles, scars remain on the face;
  5. bleeding and infection during surgical removal of nevi;
  6. The development of melanoma occurs most often in cases where the removal of a mole from the face was carried out either at home using homemade (so-called folk) methods and means, or in a salon, but without a preliminary medical examination and permission from specialists.

If you still want to remove a mole on your face because it bothers you or spoils your appearance, under no circumstances do this at home. Think about the consequences that could be fatal not only to your health, but to your entire life. Only turning to professionals will help you avoid complications and achieve your goal.