Why does the skin around the eyes dry out?


The skin of the eyelids is very delicate, has a small number of sebaceous glands, is thin and quite vulnerable, therefore it is susceptible to negative factors much more than other areas of the skin on the human body.

For women, the acute question often arises: what to do if the skin of the eyelids is dry? What measures and procedures will help the skin of the eyelids not to lose elasticity because in the future this can lead to expression wrinkles if no measures are taken. To understand how to escape from dry flaking eyelid skin, you need to understand the reasons why they occur.

Causes of peeling and dry eyelids

1. The first and main reason is chronic inflammation of the eyelids, which manifests itself in itching, redness, and irritation around the eyes. If you are prone to allergies, then one of its symptoms may be dry eyelids; this is how the body responds to the action of any remedy or product that you previously used. The problem may even be in your shampoo, so allergy sufferers are advised to use only hypoallergenic products.

2. Another reason for dry eyelids may be your decorative cosmetics, which you apply to your eyelashes or eyelids, so you need to carefully select your decorative cosmetics. It happens that having purchased a new eye cream with a different composition, the skin reacts instantly, then we can safely say that it was the new cream that caused the dryness, which needs to be replaced.

3. Heredity also plays an important role in the problem; dryness can appear both at 20 and at 50 years old - it depends on predisposing hereditary factors. The scorching rays of the sun, strong wind, frost, polluted air - all these factors negatively affect the condition of the eyes and eyelids.

4. Stress is another factor that affects not only the condition of the eyelids, but also the condition of the eyes. It is necessary to monitor your diet, eat a lot of foods that are rich in minerals, microelements and vitamins; you should not eat canned food, instant food, or fast food, such food will only cause harm.

5. Lack of water in the body leads to dryness and flaking, it’s not for nothing that a person consists of about 80% water, so its lack also threatens such a problem as dry eyelids.

6. Poor sleep, if a person sleeps poorly or little, this negatively affects the entire body, dryness appears around the eye area, elasticity is lost, skin color becomes gray, uneven, facial wrinkles form - all this is a consequence of poor sleep and lack of rest.

7. It often happens that dryness was caused by a lack of vitamins in a person’s orgasm such as: A, B, C, D, B, E. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, based on his recommendations, select the most suitable course of vitamins.

Treatment of dry and flaky eyelid skin

Of course, at the first symptoms of dry eyelids, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist, who will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary treatment and give the necessary recommendations for caring for the skin of the eyelids. Dry eyelids may hide corneal disease or blepharitis, eye infection, conjunctivitis, including allergic conjunctivitis, so in any case you need to go to the doctor, do not let the problem take its course. You should not try to solve the problem yourself, especially if your eyelid dryness is constant or has appeared recently and does not go away; it may hide a serious problem that only an experienced doctor can solve.

If the doctor assures that there are no serious problems, then you just need to follow the rules that will help prevent the appearance of dry eyelids.

To prevent dryness and flaking, you must follow simple rules:

- drink plenty of fluids (at least 1.5 liters);
- eat right, in some cases follow a diet;
- use moisturizing eye cream;
- wash off makeup (one of the main points)
- do not allow care products and decorative cosmetics to get into your eyes;
- use day and night eye cream;
- giving up bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes) that negatively affect not only the skin of the eyelids, but also the condition of the entire face as a whole;
- have a good rest
- avoid exposure to sunlight, try not to stay in severe frost or wind for a long time.

In order not to get such a problem as dry eyelids, you should just follow these tips; it is always easier to prevent a problem than to cure it later. There is also a huge number of folk remedies that will help you get rid of dry eyelids, all of them are time-tested.

Products and simple recipes to combat dry eyelids

With the problem of dryness, simple recipes can help you, as well as products that are almost always on hand.


— Quail eggs (have beneficial properties), you need to use the yolks, they will perfectly help in nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the eyelids.
— Sour cream with a high percentage of fat content, sour cream can be replaced with yogurt, yogurt should be without additives so as not to cause allergies.
— Honey – the beneficial properties of honey can be listed for a long time, so it is also an assistant in the fight for healthy eyelid skin.
— Olive oil (vegetable, peach, jojoba), banana and cucumber are also suitable for softening and nourishing.
— Aloe is an excellent healer, as well as an assistant in the fight for beautiful and healthy eyelid skin.
— Cosmetologists recommend after 36 years of age to nourish the skin with grape seed oil for prevention.
— Preference in choosing a cream or care product should be given to products with collagen and hyaluronic acid.
- Last but not least are cosmetics that will help eliminate dry eyelids. It is necessary to use micellar water or hydrophilic oil, which in turn has a gentle composition, removes dirt, and does not remove moisture from the skin at all.


An expressive look lies not only in eye health, but also in well-groomed eyelid skin, so it is important to monitor your diet, eat a lot of fruits, drink a lot of water, properly care for your eyelid skin, wash off makeup every evening, avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays, and also protect yourself from severe frost.

One comment for “Dry and peeling eyelids: causes, treatment”

It should be noted that dry skin and peeling of the lower eyelids in some cases become a sign of further development of stye. After two to three days, a swelling forms in the irritated area. If you go to the doctor in a timely manner, it is not difficult to cure stye, but it is not recommended to treat it yourself, otherwise complications cannot be ruled out.

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Dryness of the top layer of skin (epidermis) is most often caused by a lack of moisture. Cellular metabolism slows down, and skin wrinkles form. Additional symptoms such as itching, redness, swelling are a reason to consult a doctor. It is important to preserve beauty and prevent complications of a possible disease.


Dry skin around the eyes is a serious problem. Not only is it ugly, unpleasant, and often painful.

Dry skin, which is easily injured, can cause the development of an infectious disease in the tissues.

Finally, the inability to use cosmetics causes serious psychological discomfort for women.

The problem is that the skin in the eye area is very thin and practically devoid of subcutaneous fat. There are no sebaceous glands or muscles in this zone, and the collagen fibers that form the elastic frame are located far from each other. As a result, the skin quickly loses its elasticity, and we begin to age right from the eyelids.

The causes of dry skin around the eyes vary:

  1. lack of water in the body;
  2. low-quality or unsuitable cosmetics for your skin type;
  3. violation of eyelid skin care rules;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. lack of sleep, etc.

These are the most common causes of drying out of the epidermis, not associated with any disease. Consequently, a person himself is able to correct the situation.

  1. skin,
  2. inflammatory,
  3. infectious,
  4. ophthalmological,
  5. endocrine and other diseases.

In this case, correct diagnosis and adequate treatment are important, which only a doctor can prescribe.

Water scarcity

Yes, a simple lack of water can have the most unhealthy consequences for the human body. It’s no joke: a person physiologically loses one and a half liters of water per day due to breathing, sweating, and maintaining vital functions.

Scientists have long calculated that to maintain normal cell functioning, you need to drink 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight per day, which is from one and a half to 2.5 ml.

If this does not happen, then the skin catastrophically loses its elasticity, dries out, and especially quickly in the eye area.

Inappropriate cosmetics

The delicate skin around the eyes is capricious and requires special care. If, after using inappropriate cosmetics, it becomes dry, sensitive, painful, then you urgently need to change care and decorative products.

The fact is that there are special cosmetics for the area around the eyes. The composition of creams, mousses, and gels for the eyelids differs from the composition of products for the care of the face, neck, and décolleté.

It is no coincidence that every line of skincare cosmetics has three basic creams: day, night, and eyelids. They have different compositions and different concentrations of active substances.

What to pay attention to:

  1. lanolin in cosmetics often causes dryness of the dermis;
  2. Thick textures of cosmetics can cause not only swelling, but also dryness. For the eyelid area, light gel-like creams are preferred;
  3. it is important that the pH level in a cosmetic product is neutral

Not only the cream, but also the cleanser may not be suitable for the skin. If after using gel, foam, or cosmetic soap, the skin around the eyes feels tight and becomes dry, this product is not suitable and should not be used.

Wrong care

It is important to take proper care of the skin in the eyelid area, otherwise it will become dry and age quickly. The main rule is to ensure regular hydration. If this is not the case, then negative processes will begin very quickly. The older the woman, the more thorough the care should be.

What mistakes do people with dry skin around the eyes most often make?

  1. do not moisturize it with special creams;
  2. ignore the need for consistent daily care;
  3. do not wash off makeup at night;
  4. the cream is applied incorrectly to the eyelid area;
  5. use creams that are not suitable for age.

The sooner you start eyelid skin care, the better. There is no need to wait until age-related dryness appears: you need to moisturize the dermis from the moment the skin fully matures, which occurs after 20 years.

  1. cleansing,
  2. toning,
  3. applying eye cream.

Incorrect use of anti-aging cosmetics causes enormous harm to the skin. Before the age of 30, you should not buy creams labeled “anti-age”, so as not to harm the skin or cause dryness.


A common cause of dry eyelids is an allergic reaction. The leader is, of course, allergies to cosmetics. However, one should not think that this is the only reason.

The list of potentially dangerous substances and products that can cause a negative skin reaction around the eyes includes:

  1. care and decorative cosmetics;
  2. highly allergenic food products (chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, honey, cocoa, eggs, some types of fish, etc.);
  3. household chemicals;
  4. pet hair and dander;
  5. taking medications and vitamins;
  6. flowering of plants, including indoor plants;
  7. tap water.

It is not always possible to trace which allergen caused dry skin. However, it is extremely important to do this, since it is impossible to get rid of the problem without knowing its cause.

Scientists have proven that lack of sleep leads to accelerated aging of facial skin. Dryness of the area around the eyes, loss of elasticity, dull, uneven skin color, formation of wrinkles - all these are consequences of inadequate night rest.

In addition, improper sleep organization can cause dry eyelids. If the room is stuffy, the air is stale, the pillow is too high, and the pillowcase is stale, the danger of drying out the skin increases significantly.

Video: In the beauty salon

What does itching in this area indicate?

If the skin around the eyes is not only dry, but also itchy, several reasons can be assumed:

  1. severe allergic reaction;
  2. severe conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);
  3. hypovitaminosis (deficiency of essential vitamins for the body);
  4. indigestion.

In the first two cases, immediate help and a correctly chosen treatment regimen are required. The fact is that dry and itchy eyelids can lead to secondary infection. Sometimes a person has dry skin around the eyes and it itches so much that one can involuntarily, for example, in a dream, scratch and injure the eyelids.

If we are talking about conjunctivitis, then this will aggravate the course of the disease and spread the infection throughout the tissues.

Only a doctor should treat the disease, and you need to contact him as quickly as possible. If you tighten it, the skin will become very dry and begin to peel off.
