Why are there dry lips?

90% of people have encountered a situation where their lips dry out and peel at least once in their lives. This condition is very unpleasant. Many people think that it is easily eliminated with moisturizing lipsticks, but this is not so. There are many reasons why lips dry out. Sometimes it is enough to increase the amount of fluid you drink, sometimes it is a symptom of a serious disease that needs to be treated by specialists for a long time.

A little about the structure of lips

Purely functional, these are musculocutaneous folds that cover the entrance to the oral cavity, help to capture food, and also participate in the articulation of speech. But from time immemorial, lips have also performed an aesthetic function, especially for women. Their beauty is sung by poets and captured by artists. They convey a person's emotions to a greater extent than all other parts of the face.

Therefore, when lips dry and crack, it is not only unpleasant, but also not aesthetically pleasing, it is the cause of psychological discomfort.

The lips are covered on the outside with skin, on the side of the oral cavity – with mucous membrane. And the place where the skin transitions into the mucous membrane has a special structure. This is the red border, which we actually call lips. It is covered with a thin non-keratinizing epithelium, through which blood vessels are visible, which causes the red color of this part of the face.

Thus, the lips are deprived of a full-fledged horny epithelium, which would protect them from adverse factors. Sebaceous glands, which provide natural moisture to the skin, are found only in the corners of the mouth. There is no melanin in the skin of the lips, which protects against ultraviolet radiation and photoaging.

Due to the lack of protective factors, this part of the body is so sensitive to various changes both in the environment and within the body.

This is why the condition of dry lips occurs so often. The reasons for this can be divided into groups:

  1. Adverse environmental factors.
  2. Lack of fluid in the body.
  3. Imbalance of some vitamins and microelements.
  4. Infections.
  5. Allergy.
  6. General diseases.

Meteorological reasons

Cold, heat, wind, low humidity, prolonged solar radiation are common causes of meteorological cheilitis (inflammation of the red border of the lips). Lips become very dry in people who are forced to work outdoors for long periods of time, especially in unfavorable weather conditions. We often use the expression “chapped lips.”

Prevention and treatment of this condition consists of protection from harmful factors, the use of fatty creams or sunscreens.

There is a special form - actinic cheilitis, which occurs in people who spend a long time in the sun. With this form, only the lower lip often dries out; the condition is seasonal (spring-summer) and is combined with other photodermatoses.

Lack of fluid

Dry lips may be the first sign of a lack of water in the body. We drink little and don't even notice it. For the normal functioning of our cells, we need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This need increases in hot weather.

Lips react to the lack of moisture not only within us, but also in the surrounding air. This is observed during the heating season in our apartments. Therefore, the air in your home needs to be humidified. There are special devices for this. Containers of water placed in the room for natural evaporation are also quite effective.

Difficulty in nasal breathing

Normal breathing for a person is breathing through the nose. If for some reason we begin to breathe only through our mouths, the evaporation of moisture from the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips occurs faster. If it is short-term (a runny nose with a normal ARVI), then there is no need to worry too much.

But there are situations when nasal breathing is difficult for a long time (polyps, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, deviated nasal septum). In addition to all the other unpleasant consequences of this, the person complains that his mouth and lips are dry. The skin on the lips may crack and the wounds may become infected.

Habit of licking and biting lips

Many people think that licking them more often will keep them moisturized. However, in reality, evaporation of saliva causes even greater dryness. In addition, our saliva contains enzymes that can also harm delicate skin.


If a woman's lips become dry, the cause may be exfoliative cheilitis. This is a chronic inflammation of the red border of the lips in women who like to bite them. It is often observed in people with unstable psyches and neuroses.

In this case, not the entire surface of the red border is affected, but only a narrow band from one corner of the mouth to the other. The lips burn and dry, and scales resembling mica form on them.

External influences

The cause of dry lips can also be an allergy to substances that come into direct contact with them. Moreover, the direct connection “contact - allergy” cannot always be discerned. It is clear that when a woman’s lips swell and itch after applying a new lipstick, she herself will guess about the allergy.

But it happens that the lips dry, hurt, peel without a pronounced inflammatory reaction, and the cause may be chemicals contained in toothpaste and dentures. Many people have the habit of chewing pens, pencils, and putting various other objects in their mouths. Occupational contact cheilitis occurs: for example, in brass band musicians.

If your child's lips are dry and cracked, you should think about an allergy to latex pacifiers or toys that children constantly put in their mouths.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

Lack of vitamins C and B (B12, B2) is characterized by burning and dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue, and lips. Small scales and cracks form on the red border, and they often bleed.

With pellagra (lack of nicotinic acid), the red border becomes shiny, covered with cracks and erosions.

With a lack of iron, the corners of the lips often dry out and seals form. This symptom is combined with general pallor, weakness, and hair loss.

Side effects of drugs

Some medications can cause dry and flaky lips. The most well-known medications with this side effect are Accutane, propranolol, and prochlorperazine.

Many people ask: if your lips dry out, what vitamin should you take? So, increased dryness can be caused not only by a deficiency, but also by an excess of vitamins. This is how, for example, excessive consumption of vitamin A manifests itself. Various forms of this vitamin (retinoids) are used by cosmetologists, dermatologists, gynecologists, and reproductive specialists. The daily dose for various types of treatment should not exceed 25,000 IU.

General diseases

Many patients diagnosed with chronic diseases also complain that their lips are constantly dry. This condition can occur with diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, Sjögren's syndrome, ichthyosis, kidney and liver dysfunction, and dysbacteriosis.

What to do

As you can see, there are many reasons for dry lips. It’s no secret that few people immediately go to the doctor with this problem; we try to deal with it on our own.

The most important thing to do is to analyze the possible reasons, which are often quite obvious.

  1. This is primarily the use of protective moisturizing balms and creams if you are forced to be outdoors in hot, cold or windy weather.
  2. Protect your lips from ultraviolet radiation using special cosmetics with SPF filters.
  3. Indoor air humidification.
  4. Drink enough fluids. Many people miss this point because they think that if we drink only when we want, then this is our need.
  5. Visit a psychotherapist if you cannot get rid of the habit of biting your lips.
  6. Restore normal nasal breathing. This advice is more difficult to follow, especially for people who have had nasal problems for years. Sometimes this requires surgical interventions. You need to decide on this. Normal breathing through the nose will eliminate not only dry lips, but also other serious problems.
  7. Taking multivitamin preparations will not hurt.
  8. Use the right lip moisturizers. They should contain petroleum jelly, dimethicone, shea butter or hyaluronic acid. If the peeling of the lips persists, it is worth using balms with keratids. Various flavors in balms and lipsticks can only aggravate the situation.
  9. If we have taken all measures, but the problem remains, we need to go to the doctor. Perhaps this is chronic cheilitis, which needs to be treated with more serious medications. You can contact cosmetologists, dermatologists, dentists. You may also need to visit a therapist to schedule a comprehensive examination.


The content of the article

The skin of the lips is highly sensitive and reacts sharply to both external irritating factors and internal pathologies of the body. This is due to its structure: the intermediate zone and the border of the lips are areas of very thin skin, which contains a large number of nerve endings and small blood vessels located close to the surface. Dry lips are a common problem faced by women, men and children. If the problem is limited to mild dryness, it can be solved with the help of special care products that provide the skin with additional nutrition, protection and softening. If we are talking about more serious disorders, one of the signs of which is very dry skin of the lips, drug treatment may be required.

Dry lip skin: causes

The problem of dry lips can have both external and internal causes. In the first case, we are usually talking about such provoking factors as:

  1. Insufficient air humidity. This problem is especially relevant during the heating season, when the indoor air becomes hotter and drier. To prevent dry lips from causing discomfort at this time, it is recommended to additionally saturate the air with moisture: both special humidifiers and water containers placed along central heating radiators are suitable for this purpose.
  2. Exposure to frost, wind, sunlight. Both high and low temperatures are a real test for the skin. Exposure to harsh weather conditions can result in very dry and chapped lips. The reason for this problem is explained by the fact that during frost and wind, the skin becomes covered with microscopic cracks, loses its own supply of moisture, and loses elasticity. As for exposure to direct sunlight, lips are more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation compared to other areas of the face. Due to the negative effects of UV rays, their skin dries, flakes and ages faster.
  3. Using inappropriate cosmetics. Long-lasting decorative cosmetics (especially matte lipsticks) tend to dry out the skin. As a result of frequent use of such cosmetics, many women complain of dry lips, peeling and the appearance of microscopic cracks on them. Therefore, if you use long-lasting lipsticks, choose products that contain caring ingredients - vegetable oils, animal fats, beeswax, vitamins, etc.
  4. Habit of licking and biting lips. When a person bites his lips, small cracks form on their surface, and when licking, their water-lipid protective layer is disrupted.
  5. Smoking. Smoking leads to decreased salivation. Due to this, the smoker licks his lips more often, disrupting their protective water-fat balance and leading to dry skin.

Dry lips as a sign of disease

In some cases, internal pathologies of individual organs and systems can manifest themselves through the skin. What, besides external factors, can cause dry lips? What disease can cause this unpleasant symptom?

  1. Fungal infection. The most common cause of inflammation of the skin around the mouth is the fungus Candida Ablicans. This microorganism causes peeling of the lip borders and also provokes the appearance of small wounds in the corners of the mouth.
  2. Cheilitis. This disease can affect both the lips themselves and the skin around them and the mucous membrane. The disease manifests itself in the form of peeling, the formation of small crusts and wounds. If these symptoms are present, the patient experiences difficulty eating, drinking, and talking.
  3. Herpes. The presence of herpes simplex virus type 1 in the human body manifests itself in the form of dry lips, itching, and the appearance of fluid-filled blisters on their surface.
  4. Endocrine system diseases (diabetes, hypothyroidism)
  5. Low hemoglobin level. One of the signs of low hemoglobin levels in the blood is the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  6. Some medications (hormonal drugs)
  7. Psoriasis. With this disease, areas of the skin around the mouth may suffer: they begin to peel off, itching and pain appear.
  8. Allergy. Dry lips can be a sign of an allergic reaction to components included in decorative cosmetics and toothpaste, as well as to a number of other allergens - household dust, pollen, food, etc.
  9. Hypovitaminosis. A lack of vitamins B2, PP, E, C and A often causes dry lips, peeling and the formation of cracks on their surface.
  10. Dehydration. Dry lips can be a sign of insufficient fluid intake. Dehydration can also be caused by the body losing large amounts of fluid due to diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, or taking diuretics (water medications).

Dry lips in newborns and older children

Dry corners of the lips, cracks on them, the appearance of itching and small wounds cause a lot of inconvenience to both the baby and his parents. The child experiences discomfort and pain while eating, becomes irritable and whiny. Often parents cannot understand the reason for this condition of the baby. It is difficult to detect dry lips in a baby in a timely manner because the problem is not always visible externally, and the child himself is not yet able to explain to mom and dad what is bothering him.

Why are lips dry and flaky? The reasons for this problem in children may be as follows:

  1. Atopic dermatitis. Peeling and redness of the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, accompanied by severe itching, is a common symptom of atopic dermatitis. In addition, cracks and small wounds may appear on the lips.
  2. Licking lips. Small children have a habit of putting things into their mouths and licking them. Because of this, saliva gets on the skin, which is a rather aggressive alkaline liquid that causes irritation.
  3. Nasal congestion. If a child has difficulty breathing through his nose, he does it through his mouth. As a result, lips become chapped and dry.
  4. Increased body temperature. High fever is often accompanied by dry skin, including dry and cracked lips.

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, dry lips in a child can be caused by dehydration, systemic pathologies, exposure to high/low temperatures, etc.

Dry lips: treatment

If dry lips are a symptom of some internal pathology, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the dryness. In this case, therapy is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the general condition of the patient. To speed up recovery, vitamin therapy, correction of the daily diet, and the application of special nourishing and moisturizing external agents may be recommended. If dry lips are accompanied by the formation of wounds and cracks on them that become infected, resulting in inflammation, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications.

Dry lips: treatment at home

If the feeling of tightness and the formation of microcracks on the lips is caused by external factors and you have no internal pathologies, treatment may be limited to the use of folk remedies.

The following recipes are good for softening the skin:

  1. 0.5 tsp. chamomile flowers are poured into 100 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew until it cools completely. Moisten a cotton pad with the resulting infusion and place it on the lips for 10 minutes.
  2. Honey works well for cracked lips. It should be applied to the affected areas for 10 minutes and then washed off.
  3. Sea buckthorn, mustard and linseed oil provide softening and nourishment to the skin. It is necessary to apply any of the indicated oils for 5-10 minutes, and then gently blot the residue with a soft cloth.

Dry lip skin: what to do for prevention?

If you don’t want to have the problem of dry and flaky lips, follow these simple preventive tips. What basic rules of care should you remember?

  1. Don't lick your lips - especially on the street.
  2. Avoid eating both very hot and extremely cold foods.
  3. Before going outside, use hygienic lipstick for dry lips. La-Cri lip balm is well suited for this purpose. The product contains active ingredients such as almond and castor oil, shea butter and rosewood, licorice, aloe and vanilla extracts, as well as vitamins A and E, panthenol, allantoin and bisabolol. They have a beneficial effect on the skin of the lips, nourishing, moisturizing, regenerating and softening it.
  4. Minimize the use of long-lasting matte lipsticks.
  5. Don’t forget to remove makeup residue every day, do gentle exfoliation from time to time, and make nourishing lip masks.
  6. Eat properly and balanced.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you can not only avoid the problem of dry lips, but also maintain their elasticity, softness and youth for a long time.

Clinical researches

In the course of clinical studies conducted by an expert group together with the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, it was found that La-Cri lip balm relieves the feeling of dryness and discomfort, and also restores dry and cracked lips, moisturizes and protects lips from wind, cold and sun . Based on the results of the research, it became possible to place a special sign on the packaging of TM “La-Cri” products - “Recommended by the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.”

Consumer Reviews

Janice Dickinson (irecommend.ru)

“This often happens to me that unplanned purchases actually turn out to be very successful. For a long, long time I grieved over the sudden disappearance of Nivek from the windows of cosmetic stores and pharmacies, that is, the “sos - restoration” lip balm, which was, well, just a lifesaver for my capricious lips, which were often flaky and extremely finicky.

My lips were suffering, my eye was still missing, and my friends advised me to get the well-known “carmex”. To my shame, I have never heard of such a miracle. But, after reading the reviews on the Internet, I galloped to the pharmacy. I grabbed the yellow tube.. But then my attention was also drawn to the line of children's cosmetics `La-Cri` (❣), in which lip balm is also listed. And the price differs significantly from its American counterpart in favor of the thrifty buyer. I specifically looked for reviews of La-Cri and for a bit of money I added it to my shopping cart.

..and I decided to start, in my unprofessional lip-maniac opinion, with less heavy artillery, that is, with children’s “licorice”. And, to my great surprise, already on the second day of use, the skin of my lips literally came to life.

On the third day, small cracks were completely healed, and the peels disappeared. This is how effective baby balm turned out to be.

I liked it so much that my lips tried “carmex” only after a month and a half. Because the “licorice” coped with the task with a bang (❣), and no other care was required, and absolutely did not want to.

  1. I also really liked its mmmm..m delicious creamy vanilla aroma
  2. The balm will last for a very long time, the consistency is favorable for this, and the volume is impressive (a whole 12 ml).
  3. A big plus of “la-cree” is that it reliably protects sponges from aggressive UV rays.
  4. At the same time, it is not super sticky, and when applied to the skin of the lips, it collects all the flying insects.

One bad luck... I don't find licorice anywhere else... Although there is still a lot of balm in the tube... for a couple of months mixed with the rest it will definitely be enough. I just wish I had such a delicious sponge saver as a spare in my cosmetic bag.

Well, if I’m lucky enough to come across such a wonderful lip care in pharmacies, I’ll grab a couple or three at once.

You can read more about the balm on the official website of `La-Cri` (the design of the tube has now, however, changed). This is a rare case when I agree with every promise of the manufacturer.

Well, for my part, I undoubtedly recommend the balm for use. And I will be happy to use it myself and be proud, so to speak, of a domestic manufacturer.”

maharishta (otzovik.com)

“Hello friends and guest readers of the review! I saw this lip balm quite by accident in one of the online pharmacies: I needed to “catch up” the amount to a round amount in order to get a good discount: I was looking for something useful to buy. And I found it: winter was just around the corner, such balms are usually not superfluous.

The balm was packed in a box with a lot of useful information...

...The balm fulfills all the promises of the manufacturer, the St. Petersburg pharmaceutical company JSC "Vertex": sponges, even the most weathered ones, smooth out before our eyes and take on a completely healthy appearance (example below)

The box with the balm included a leaflet with information about other products they produce (photo can be enlarged):

The balm can be applied directly outside in severe frost - it will still do its job! The result pleased me, since I am always looking for a decent lip balm. There is something to compare with. So, don’t be alarmed, I was specifically waiting for the “weathered” moment for clarity, and the age of my lips is “post-Balzac”, and without any modern upgrade)) Despite the fact that the balm is absolutely transparent: and very reminiscent of Vaseline from childhood, it somehow removes pigmentation from coffee, for example. »

tami88 (otzovik.com)

“Our sponges need care at any time of the year, but they especially need protection in winter. The main thing is to choose the right care product. A few years ago, I discovered La Cree balms. The purchase was spontaneous, I wanted to try something new and now they are a permanent resident of my cosmetic bag. The balm is additionally placed in a cardboard package; inside, in addition to the product, there is a small booklet that describes all La-Cri products.

My review today is about a balm for sensitive and dry lips. As you can see on the package it costs 0+, which means it can be used from birth. There are other balms in the same series, but they have a 3+ limit; it is better to pay attention to this when purchasing.

The manufacturer describes in great detail all the properties of the balm:

  1. softens, soothes and moisturizes;
  2. provides anti-inflammatory and healing effect;
  3. protects lips in windy and cold weather;
  4. creates a barrier that prevents moisture loss.

The fulfillment of all these stated promises is based on the fact that the composition includes extracts of aloe, licorice, panthenol, vitamins and some healthy oils.

The shelf life of the balm is indicated on the packaging - 2 years, and it is also duplicated on the tube.

Small bottle/tube. It is convenient to take with you and takes up virtually no space.

A slightly unusual method of application, compared to some balms and hygienic lipsticks.

There is no need to make any special efforts to extract the product. Light pressure and the balm appears.

It lays on the skin in an even, thin layer.

The smell may put someone off; at first it seems too rich and active, but then only light herbal notes remain.

It looks very natural on the lips, almost instantly moisturizes and removes all imperfections. In my case, it helps cope with dryness and small cracks.

The balm is practically not felt. It is comfortable throughout the day, lips look well-groomed and moisturized.

Let me summarize:

  1. long lasting hydration
  2. practically not felt on the lips
  3. copes even with severe weathering, heals small cracks.
  4. not sticky
  5. affordable price
  6. can be used from birth
  7. looks natural...

...I can recommend Vertex “La-Cri” restoring lip balm for purchase as a reliable product for protecting the skin of the lips in cold and windy weather.”

In this article we will tell you about why lips dry out, what are the main causes of this condition and how to deal with it correctly and effectively.


Why lips dry out - causes and diseases

With changing weather conditions, especially with the onset of the cold season, many are faced with the problem of dry lips, which manifests itself in the appearance of cracks and peeling.

But it happens that this problem occurs regardless of the time of year and weather conditions.

And then it is quite reasonable to raise the question of the reasons for this phenomenon and methods of treatment.

Why do women's lips crack?

A disease, the symptoms of which are dryness, peeling of the lips and cracks on them, is called cheilitis, during which the stratum corneum of the skin becomes inflamed.

It is worth noting that this problem occurs not only in women, but also in men, and even in children.

Moreover, these reasons can be completely different:

  1. dehydration of the body;
  2. allergy;
  3. eating disorders;
  4. viral or infectious diseases;
  5. bad weather;
  6. side effects from medications;
  7. presence of bad habits.
  1. Lack of water in the body is a fairly common cause of dry lips, which can be caused by a person's insufficient fluid intake or being in a dry environment.
  2. Also, quite often peeling and dry lips appear in the cold season, especially with a sharp change in temperature and air humidity (for example, when a person comes from the street into a warm room with fairly high humidity).
  3. Similar dehydration also occurs during a person’s illness, when an infection or virus absorbs all the person’s energy.
  4. There is a particularly high risk that the corners of the lips and the lips themselves will peel and crack if a person has a runny nose.
  5. If treatment is accompanied by the use of antibiotics, this can cause dysbiosis, which in turn will cause chapping and peeling.
  6. Particular attention is paid to cases of peeling lips due to allergies or side effects of medications, since in most cases it is necessary to consult a doctor. In addition, both factors are necessarily accompanied by a number of other symptoms in the form of redness, itching, rash, etc.

Why do men and children have chapped lips?

A rather serious cause of dry, flaky and cracked lips is an improper diet.

Indeed, in the absence of certain vitamins and nutrients needed by the body, a similar reaction occurs.

Especially if the body is deficient in vitamin B or if a person has low hemoglobin.

And an equally common reason for the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms in both men and women is bad habits that have a negative impact on the immune system, weakening it, thereby the skin is much more susceptible to negative influences and begins to “sick.”

Sometimes dry lips and their peeling can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poor oral hygiene, thermal or mechanical irritation of the lips as a result of eating excessively hot food, liquids containing caffeine, allergies to toothpaste, lipstick, etc.

Experts also highlight a number of toothpastes that contain excess fluoride, which negatively affects the condition of the skin around the mouth, especially if it is very sensitive to any influences.

Dry lips in children are in most cases associated with dehydration or vitamin deficiency.

The baby develops cracks on the lips or corners of the mouth, which is quite painful, especially when the child eats.

So, the most well-known causes of cracks in children are:

  1. The skin is affected by a fungus. This usually manifests itself in the appearance of a whitish coating on the lower lip.
  2. Dehydration caused by dry and hot air in the room where children are.
  3. Lack of vitamins and nutrients.
  4. Impaired nasal breathing, which can be caused by diseases of the nasopharynx or allergies.

It is necessary to ensure that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins, is in rooms with normal humidity, and drinks the right amount of various liquids.

In addition, the appearance of these symptoms in men and children is due to the fact that they do not use certain cosmetics in their daily routine that are actively used by women.

To accurately determine the cause of cheilitis, consult a therapist, who in turn will refer you to a doctor of a more specialized specialization (immunologist, dermatologist).


What to do if your lips dry out - treatment and prevention

As soon as the cause of dry and flaky lips is determined, you need to begin a course of treatment.

Typically, it includes vitamin therapy, treatment with local medications, and the use of cosmetics.

The first two forms of treatment are prescribed by a doctor, but you choose cosmetics yourself.

For treatment to be effective, each such remedy must include:

  1. Complex of fat-soluble vitamins.
  2. Components that promote the healing of cracks (chamomile extract, string, propolis, honey, aevit) –
  3. Elements designed to create a protective layer and strengthen the immune system (beeswax, vitamins C).
  4. Components that moisturize the skin around the mouth (plant oils).

Lip massage is characterized by quite high efficiency, thanks to which blood flow improves and dead cells are exfoliated.

The massage itself can be carried out using a toothbrush or fingertips and using almond or sea buckthorn oil.

In addition, there are a sufficient number of recipes for special masks that provide moisturizing, nourishing and peeling effects.

We recommend that you pay attention to these natural lip glosses. They are not only used as decorative cosmetics, but also moisturize lips well and help prevent the formation of chapped lips.


Prevention of dry lips

Prevention of cheilitis is also essential:

  1. Normalization of the diet with a complete composition of vitamins and nutrients;
  2. Drinking enough fluids;
  3. Getting rid of bad habits, especially smoking;
  4. Using balms or creams when going outside, regardless of the time of year.

Important Tips

If your lips are constantly cracking and peeling, then under no circumstances should you remove pieces of exfoliated skin, lick or bite it, this will only worsen the situation and increase the risk of infection.

Also, it is very important for women to remove makeup from their faces every evening so as not to expose their skin to prolonged harmful effects.

And a significant problem is licking and biting lips, which has an extremely negative effect on their condition and contributes to the occurrence of the described symptoms.

The problem of chapping, peeling, dry lips and the appearance of cracks on them is relevant for all people, regardless of gender and age.

It is important to understand that there are various reasons for the appearance of such symptoms, since in some cases it can be caused by a fungal infection or allergy, then the help of a specialist is required.

You should not self-medicate if you certainly do not know why cheilitis occurred or why your lips dry out; remember that the lack of proper help will lead to a serious deterioration of the situation.