Why is there no solcoseryl in pharmacies?

"Solcoseryl" is a modern drug used mainly to accelerate regeneration processes. The main advantage of this medication is that it can very effectively increase the ability of tissues to heal themselves. However, this medicine, like any other drug, has contraindications. In addition, this medicine is not always sold in pharmacies. In some cases, analogues and substitutes can be used instead of Solcoseryl. There are quite a lot of medications in this group on sale today. And most of them are considered quite effective.

Description of "Solcoseryl"

Actually, this medicine itself can be produced in the form of a gel, ointment or solution for injection. Its active substance is produced from the blood of calves by deproteinization. Upon contact with skin or tissues, Sol Coseryl ointment accelerates the transfer of oxygen to cells, promotes the synthesis of collagen and ATP, stimulates aerobic glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation.


The medicine “Sol Coseryl” is prescribed to patients with the following diseases:

hemorrhoids and varicose veins;

dysfunction of the brain;

damage to the cornea of ​​the eyes;

Wounds (mostly only immediately after their appearance and not soaking), burns and scratches are also something that can be treated using the drug Solcoseryl. Analogs of this drug are also often used for these purposes. Intravenously, this medication, since it can improve blood circulation, is usually prescribed to patients with strokes.

Contraindications and side effects

You cannot use Sol Coseryl ointment:

people with intolerance to its components;

pregnant and lactating women;

children under 18 years of age.


Side effects of this medicine may include:

Instructions for use

Sol Coseryl ointment is used directly at the site of injury. The therapeutic effect when using it is achieved by rubbing a few milligrams into the affected area with your fingertips in a circular motion. Specific dosages, the number of uses per day and the duration of the course depend on the specific disease and are prescribed by the doctor individually.

Before using the medicine, the affected area of ​​skin must be cleaned and disinfected. The course of treatment using this ointment usually lasts two weeks. If no improvement is observed after this period, the patient should consult a doctor for advice. The lack of effect in this case may be a sign of the presence of a benign or malignant formation.


This is the instruction for the drug Solcoseryl. Analogues of this medicine are numerous, but in the form of ointments they are usually used in the same way. The advantages of this medicine are primarily attributed by patients to its effectiveness and relatively low cost. According to many consumers, it heals wounds quite well. However, some patients are still not advised to use it. The fact is that this drug belongs to a group of little-studied medications. In some countries it is even banned.


"Solcoseryl": the most popular analogues

Doctors replace this ointment in case of any contraindications, for example, with medications such as:

The best analogues of Sol Coseryl eye gel are:

Medicine "Actovegin": description

This drug is, in fact, not an analogue, but a synonym for Sol Coseryl. The instructions for use are almost the same as for Solcoseryl. The price (analogs in the form of ointment for this drug are often cheaper) is slightly lower in pharmacies. The main active ingredient in it is the same - the blood of calves processed in a special way. Like Sol Coseryl ointment, Actovegin improves blood circulation and promotes regeneration. It is available in the same forms, as well as in tablets.


There is no particular difference between these two drugs. The only thing is that Solcoseryl is more often used for external use. Doctors prescribe Actovegin mainly intravenously. Stroke is often treated with this medication. Like Sol Coseryl, this analogue is not prescribed to pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

Reviews about "Actovegin"

Many patients simply avoid this drug, like Sol Coseryl itself. It also applies to medications with an unproven therapeutic effect. There is also an opinion that a patient can become infected with mad cow disease through this analogue of Solcoseryl. However, those people who have used this tool often speak positively about it. Patients mainly praise Actovegin ointment. According to many patients, it helps with wounds and scratches very well. Some even call it a real “salvation.”

However, there are also negative reviews about this drug. This mainly applies to intravenous solutions and tablets. Some patients experience headaches or severe diarrhea after using these forms of the drug. There is also evidence that people sometimes die after injections of this drug.

At the moment, Actovegin, like Sol Coseryl, is banned in many countries. Those who decide to be treated using this drug, of course, should know about this.

"Deoxynate": description

This analogue of "Solcoseryl" is available in the form of solutions for external use, local or intravenous. It belongs to the group of immunomodulators. Like Sol Coseryl, this medication can be used for:

It is not used to treat wounds. But at the same time, “Deoxynate” is often used when the integrity of the mucous membranes is violated. This medicine is made on the basis of sodium deoxyribonucleate and, unlike Actovegin and Sol Coseryl, it can be used by pregnant women and children from the first day of life.


Reviews about "Deoxynate"

Patients have a good opinion about this drug. It is believed, for example, that it is very good at relieving teething pain in children. This medicine also helps with stomatitis.

The drug "Apropol": description

This medication is made on the basis of propolis. This analogue of Solcoseryl can be supplied to pharmacies in the form of tinctures, emulsions, ointments, aerosols and inhalations. The only contraindication to its use, unlike many other substitutes, is hypersensitivity. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic effects on the skin, mucous membranes and tissues.

You can replace Sol Coseryl with this analogue, for example, for treating wounds. It is also used for trophic ulcers, scratches and stomatitis. For Apropol ointment, instructions for use are approximately the same as for Solcoseryl. Analogs in this form are, of course, most convenient for treating wounds.

Consumer opinion about Apropol

This medicine has received good reviews from patients as a natural remedy. After all, our ancestors were successfully treated with propolis. Many consumers consider the advantages of Apropol to be that it relieves pain very quickly and quite effectively. The only disadvantage of this remedy is that some people have an individual intolerance to it.

The best analogue: the medicine "Methyluracil"

This analogue of "Solcoseryl" is supplied to pharmacies and clinics in the form of ointments, suppositories or tablets. Its main active substance is methyluracil. This drug is prescribed mainly for the treatment of wounds and burns. It has a regenerating, anabolic and anti-catabolic effect. This medicine also helps to normalize nucleic acid metabolism. Methyluracil can be used for radiation sickness, ulcers, hepatitis, fractures, burns and for the treatment of poorly healing wounds.


It is this analogue of “Solcoseryl” that can be considered the best today. This medicine is actually effective. In addition, the price for Metiuracil in pharmacies is much lower than for Solcoseryl. Analogues often deserve excellent reviews precisely for this reason.

Patients' opinions about Methyluracil

This medicine is praised by almost all consumers who have ever used it. And not only for its low cost. It is believed, for example, that Methiuracil is excellent at helping relieve pain from stomach ulcers and fractures. According to many patients, it also heals wounds very well. In terms of price, Methiuracil is perhaps the cheapest analogue of Sol Coseryl today.

The drug "Glekomen"

Patients are often interested in what to replace Sol Coseryl eye gel with. Instead of this form of medication, for example, Glekomen can be used. This drug is available in the form of a solution. Its main active ingredients are sodium heparin, sulfated glycosaminoglycans and copper sulfate pentahydrate.

This medicine is prescribed for operations on the cornea, cataract extraction, and treatment of penetrating eye wounds.

Medicine "Taufon"

This medication is also often used as an analogue of Sol Coseryl in the treatment of lesions of the cornea of ​​the eye. Unlike many other substitutes, the medicine "Taufon" has a positive effect on the heart when used. It is also capable of restoring the function of cell membranes. The main active ingredient of this medication is the amino acid taurine. The drug can be supplied to the market in the form of eye drops, solutions or tablets.

Reviews of "Glekomen" and "Taufon"

Consumers have a mostly positive opinion about these drugs, as well as most other Sol Coseryl substitutes. They treat the cornea of ​​the eyes, according to many patients, they are good.


Taufon drops, among other things, as many consumers believe, can relieve eye strain well. The disadvantages of both of these medications include the fact that they can cause allergies. Taufon also earned negative reviews for its short shelf life. After opening the bottle, you have to throw away its remains within a month.

Cost of drugs

Today there are both expensive and cheap analogues of Solcoseryl on sale. The table below shows approximate prices for some of the substitutes for this medicine described above.

I couldn’t find Solcoseryl dental paste in pharmacies, it’s not available on the Internet either, has it been taken off sale?


It happens that pharmacy managers don’t order. These are the low circulation of the product, price and demand, shelf life in the warehouse, and doctors’ preferences.

But it doesn’t happen that there is nothing similar in the assortment of the pharmacy or online. This means that most pharmacies had other dental adhesive pastes. For problem gums.

If something disappears (I don’t analyze the reason), there is almost always the same or similar. The same is Actovegin dental paste. Similar - with chamomile extract, etc. (ask the pharmacist for instructions).

Solcoseryl - contains calf blood extract. As you can see, nothing special, with unproven effectiveness. There isn't even an antimicrobial component.

The regenerating agent Solcoseryl is available in several formats for use and is used to treat wounds, burns, and frostbite of the skin. It stimulates local immunity, accelerates epithelization, and has a wide range of applications. If there is no effect from the drug, analogues of Solcoseryl are prescribed.

Composition and pharmacological action of Solcoseryl

The drug is available in several formats, differing in composition and purpose. Their features:


Content of dialysate from the blood of a healthy dairy calf subjected to deproteinization

Water, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, calcium lactate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, sodium carboxymethylcellulose

Water, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, white petrolatum, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, cholesterol, cetyl alcohol

Polidocanol, adhesive base, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, peppermint oil, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, menthol, sodium carboxymethylcellulose

Water, benzalkonium chloride, sorbitol, carmellose sodium, disodium edetate dihydrate

1050 for 5 ampoules of 5 ml




The closest analogue of Solcoseryl in ampoules is Actovegin; they differ only in the way they process the blood of calves. Gel, ointment, eye cream and dental paste have synonyms with a similar effect, but a different composition.

Solcoseryl has a regenerating, wound-healing, cytoprotective effect, improves blood circulation. It is characterized by angioprotective, antihypoxic, and membrane-stabilizing activity. Properties of the drug:

  1. increases reparative and regenerative processes;
  2. activates aerobic metabolic processes, oxidative phosphorylation;
  3. increases oxygen consumption;
  4. improves collagen synthesis;
  5. stimulates the transport of glucose into metabolically exhausted and oxygen-starved cells;
  6. improves proliferation and migration of cells after exposure to antibiotics.


Analogues of ointment and gel

Synthetic stimulants ointment and gel Solcoseryl should be used externally. Their testimony:

  1. abrasions, scratches, cuts;
  2. sun and thermal burns of 1st and 2nd degree;
  3. frostbite;
  4. haemorrhoids;
  5. varicose veins;
  6. trophic ulcers, bedsores;
  7. infected stitches.


An analogue of Solcoseryl ointment is contraindicated in cases of intolerance to the components of the composition, under the age of one year, but is approved for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women. Gauze pads are soaked in the product and used to fill the wounds. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Side effects include allergic skin rashes.

Indications for use

Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, retains its effect in the presence of pus, necrotic masses, acts against staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli.

Purulent wounds in the first phase of the wound process, sinusitis, otitis, abrasions, insect bites, burns, ingrown nails, inflammation.