Iliopectineal Eminence

The iliopectineal eminence (lat. eminentia iliopectinea) is a bone formation on the inner surface of the pelvic bone.


The iliopectineal eminence is located on the inner surface of the ilium. It is formed at the junction of the ilium and pubic bones. The eminence has a rough surface and serves as the attachment point for the iliopsoas muscle.


The main function of the iliopectineal eminence is to serve as an attachment point for the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. Due to the presence of roughness on the surface, the muscles are firmly fixed to the bone.

Thus, the iliopectineal eminence plays an important role in ensuring mobility of the pelvis and lumbar spine.

Iliopectineal Eminence: Anatomical feature and functions

There are many structures in human anatomy that play an important role in the maintenance and functioning of the body. One such structure is the iliopectineal eminence, also known as the eminentia iliopectinea. This anatomical feature is located in the pelvis and has several important functions.

The iliopectineal eminence is a convexity on the inner surface of the ilium. It is formed as a result of the contact of two structures: the ilium and the iliac crest. Visually it looks like a small protrusion or hump.

One of the important functions of the iliopectineal eminence is to support and protect the internal organs in the pelvic area. Due to its position and structure, it serves as a support for many muscles of the pelvis, including the abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks. These muscles play an important role in maintaining the stability of the pelvic girdle and enable a variety of movements, including walking, running and lifting.

In addition, the iliopectineal eminence also serves as a site of attachment for ligaments and tendons. This allows for proper coordination of movements and improves the functionality of the muscles associated with this area. Some of these ligaments and tendons play an important role in stabilizing the pelvic joints and preventing excessive mobility.

The clinical significance of the iliopectineal eminence is manifested in many aspects. Doctors and surgeons can use it as an anatomical reference when performing various manipulations and operations in the pelvic area. It can also be important in the interpretation of radiological studies such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, where its shape and size can provide additional information about the condition of the pelvic region and adjacent structures.

In conclusion, the iliopectineal eminence is an important anatomical feature of the human body. It serves not only structural but also functional roles, providing support and protection to the internal organs, as well as playing an important role in the movement and stabilization of the pelvic girdle. Understanding its anatomy and functions is of great importance not only for medical specialists, but also for anyone interested in the structure and functioning of the human body. Thanks to the iliopectineal eminence, our body has reliable support and the ability to perform a variety of movements necessary for everyday activities.