
Polyadenitis is an infectious disease that manifests itself in the form of painful enlargement of the lymph nodes. Typically, polyadenitis is caused by viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms that enter the body through wounds or the bloodstream.

Polyadenitis can be diagnosed by a doctor based on physical signs, such as enlarged lymph nodes, tenderness when touched or pressed, and a slight increase in body temperature. Most often, polyadenine is detected during preventive examinations of adults and children. Most cases go away on their own, without requiring special treatment.

Symptoms of polyadenitis can appear at any time of the year. As a rule, this is an inflammatory process that affects large groups of lymph nodes located on the neck, head, arms, hands, and pelvic organs. The disease can occur without pronounced symptoms, however, it is necessary to visit the doctor periodically to identify the hidden course of the disease. Sometimes polyadenitis can be