Polyarthritis Infectious Specific

Infectious specific polyarthritis

Polyarthritis is not one disease. This is a general concept for everything related to joint disease. And all polyarthritis is different. If there are any external signs, a diagnosis can usually be made accurately.

The cause of all polyarthritis is inflammation of one or more joints with varying outcomes. Reason

Polyarthritis is a widespread disease that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. However, there is a more specific form of this disease - infectious polyarthritis. This type of polyarthritis is caused by an infection in the human body, which can lead to inflammation and pain in the joints. In this article we will look at the main aspects of infectious polyarthritis, including causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Causes * Infectious polyarthritis can be caused by various bacteria and viruses. For example, some types of streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, meningococci, influenza viruses, rabies and others. * Another cause of infectious polyarthrosis is an allergy to certain foods or medications. Allergies can cause inflammation and pain in the joints. Symptoms Symptoms of infectious polyarthrosis may vary depending on the causative agent of the infection. Below are some common symptoms:

1. Inflammation and swelling of the joints 2. Pain in the joints, especially when moving 3. Aches and weakness in the muscles 4. Increased body temperature 5. Fatigue and general weakness 6. Sometimes redness of the skin over the joint may be observed * It should be noted that infectious polyarthritis can accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache, general weakness and loss of appetite.

Treatment * Infectious arthritis is treated with antibiotics in combination with pain medications. Antibiotics help fight infection, and pain medications relieve inflammation symptoms. * If you are allergic to food or medicine, you must limit contact with these substances and take antihistamines to relieve allergy symptoms. Prevention To prevent the development of infectious polyartitis, you need to monitor your health and follow simple rules: - A balanced diet and adequate rest will help strengthen the immune system. - Avoid contact with people who have symptoms of an infectious disease. - Carefully observe the rules of hygiene and the rules for using common items.