
Polychromotophilia is a rare genetic disease that at first glance appears as a special type of color blindness. Really! If everything in the room is green-brown, then without Ashman’s table we won’t get into the space! But there is one thing here, but all of us, with such a genetic feature, one way or another see something with different colors in these complex green-coastal undergrowth. Hence the names polychromats...

Most people who carry this pathology are not afraid of armies of goblins, elves or unicorns; in such conditions you will be indistinguishable from ordinary people. But she also gives an answer to your

A polychromatophile is a person who loves colors and rainbows in all their forms. All people are different, with different characters, views, and interests. They can be distinguished into a separate species - polychromatophiles, which have one thing in common - the ability to enjoy all the colors of the rainbow. Polychromatophilia affects people who are creative, emotional, and easily excitable. The main quality of which is the presence of a vivid imagination and extraordinary imagination. Polychromatophiles have high self-esteem, are confident in their abilities, are unusual, even unique. They differ from most people in the correct appearance features, that is, somewhat thin and fit. Such people look younger than their age due to the fact that they eat properly and do not smoke cigarettes. Polychromotophiles like to argue with people - this is one of the expressions of their nature. They are cheerful and cheerful, capable of creating a pleasant atmosphere and good mood for those around them. For this they are valued by their comrades. They join the team very gracefully, without hesitation and easily finding new surroundings, as well as friends. Sometimes they become aggressive if something doesn't work out. But they cool down quickly. They love to tell stories about themselves, and they lie well, considering this a virtue. “I’ve been through so many things in my life! I’ve seen so many things! I walk, breathe the air. There are so many beautiful people around!” At the same time, a person may never think about his soul even once in his life, which cannot be said about him. Sometimes he even sincerely cares about other people's problems - he wants to be mentally rich so much. He is considered attentive to others. Possessing high empathy, he is able to abstract himself from his own loneliness and troubles. Thus, showing him as a connoisseur of the opinions and facts of other people. Unlike many, he accepts help where it is not expected and then becomes a good Samaritan. If he has knowledge in some area, he is able to correctly express his thoughts and express his point of view to his interlocutors, usually correctly justifying it.

Hello! I'm all about writing articles last, so here it is!

What is Polyc? Poly is the same as in polychromophilia (polychroma means color). And here is the Greek Chroma. And again, the same one that is also found in plant chromatosis. More precisely, even the coloring.

It turns out that people who value clothes of different colors are definitely polychromatic. Well, and those who love everything bright, and not black and white, like us. Although there may be a question about the sphere of influence. Maybe for designers and stylists, let's say red nail polish is a color! And a white ballet costume, of course, looks better if it is black.

But when we talk about polychrome in relation to individual organs (gall bladder, spleen, and so on) and the person himself, we mean a completely different meaning. This is a set of cells in a tissue or organ, cells that perform different functions, but at the same time they are all beautiful in their appearance - I’m talking about the polychromatism of microbes.

This term was coined back in 1986 by Australian researchers. They noted precisely the role of polyketides in disorienting the immune system and defeating antibiotics.

Microbiology today is more than well aware of every detail of the protective system of bacteria, but not all microorganisms are exactly the same. Some people like certain medications, some get rid of them. Some need certain conditions, others need others. Some people are treated with antibiotics only once, while others are prepared for this tactic for years.

As a result, the protective equipment of one organism may not be suitable for another! That is why various antibacterial agents have been developed: broad-spectrum and relatively narrow. This poly is such a cool thing!

Polychromatophyltia is just some kind of holiday! To be honest, I thought for a long time what exactly was included in the essence of this term, but now I understand everything!

I recently learned about the term “polychromatophylly.” This interested me very much, because I had never seen such a concept before. And you? What does “polychromophylytia” sound like and mean?

Polychromatophilia is a new craze that has captured people of all ages. This is the love for polychrome colors such as green, yellow, red, blue, purple, etc.

You may have heard that yellow and red are very popular colors in interior design. They can be used in different combinations and in any size room to create coziness and comfort. Green color can also be useful in interiors, it relieves stress and helps you concentrate. So if you love polychrome colors, then you know where to look for inspiration.