
Polychromasia is the ability of a person to distinguish a large number of color shades. This phenomenon may be congenital or acquired through training or experience.

Polychromasia can occur in people with different levels of color vision. Some people can distinguish more than 100 shades of color, while others can only distinguish a few.

Polychromats can use their abilities to create unique works of art such as paintings, sculptures and installations. They can also apply their skills to design, advertising and other areas where a high level of color perception is required.

However, polychromacy can cause some problems for people who have low levels of color vision. For example, they may have difficulty navigating their environment, especially at night.

Overall, polychromy is a unique skill that can be used both for creativity and for solving everyday problems. However, to reach your full potential, you need to develop your skills and learn how to use them in practice.

In recent years, the format of articles on a specific topic has become very popular, as an offshoot of blogs on given topics. My choice fell on the topic of polychromasia and I will try to competently and informatively describe this type of colored crypts. Let me make a reservation right away that this term will be used to briefly denote a set of techniques - consider them yourself.

What is polychrome? Essentially, this is color graphics in the modern world. Combines many directions. The main principle is the use of different colors. Polychrome appeared