
Polychrome is a term used to describe different color combinations and shades in one object or space. This concept originated in painting and design, but is now widely used in various fields including architecture, interior design, fashion, etc.

Polychrome allows you to create complex and vibrant compositions that attract attention and evoke emotions in the viewer. It also helps to diversify the space, making it more interesting and attractive.

In painting, polychrome is used to create bright and rich colors that can convey different moods and emotions. For example, red can evoke feelings of passion and energy, while green can evoke feelings of calm and harmony.

In addition, polychrome is an important element of interior design. It allows you to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere using different shades of the same color or a combination of different colors. For example, the combination of white and black creates contrast and makes the interior more interesting.

Polychrome is also widely used in fashion. Designers use different shades of the same color or combinations of different colors to create unique and inimitable looks. For example, pink can be used as a base color, combined with other shades of pink or with white to create a soft and romantic look.

Thus, polychrome is an important element in various areas of life, which helps to create bright and interesting compositions and spaces. It allows you to convey different emotions and moods, make the interior more cozy and comfortable, and also create unique fashion images.

Polychrome (from the Greek poly, plural, abbreviated from polychromos, multi-colored) is the property or quality of a material or fabric to create bright and varied colors, which is characteristic of the natural, and not artificial, origin of an image or product, in comparison with plain paint. For polychromy in matter, several components are important: harmony of composition, bright and unusual patterns without unnecessary details, uniform saturation and compositional unity.