

Polymyositis is a disease that causes inflammation and muscle breakdown. It is characterized by muscle pain, weakness and impaired movement. This is a serious disease, but it is treatable. In this article we will look at the causes and treatment of polymyositis. We will also discuss the impact of polymyositis on quality of life and the importance of seeking medical help if symptoms of this disease appear. - What is polymyositis?

Definition of disease

The disease is inflammatory in nature and was first described back in 1926, but there is still no clear version of the origin of the disease. With polymyositis, muscles in different groups become inflamed: from the pectoral to the arm muscles, often affecting the arms, shoulders and legs. Due to the disease, the patient's muscle strength is significantly reduced. This condition can occur acutely or chronically, affecting various systems of the body, and with a long course