
Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by a specific virus from the picornaviridae family. It is characterized by severe inflammation and weakness in the muscles, as well as damage to the nervous system. This disease is especially dangerous for young children, as it can lead to paralysis and even death. Polio can be dangerous not only for infants, but also for adults who have not previously been vaccinated.

Epidemiology. Polyoma is a very common disease that affects people in all age groups, including children, adults and elderly patients. However, polymia is most common in children under five years of age. Epidemics of polypomylebitis are most often recorded in the winter months, which is associated with the peculiarities of weather conditions under certain climatic conditions (cold, dry winters). The peak incidence is timed to coincide with the harvesting of vegetable stores for cabbage and other vegetables, which contribute to the multiplication of the virus in the winter.

Symptoms At the beginning of the disease, there are no symptoms of the disease or they are weak - fever, malaise. Subsequently, symptoms similar to the flu appear - increased body temperature (up to 40 degrees), chills, body aches, weakness. The most characteristic manifestation of polyoma is damage to the respiratory system, which is manifested by the development of bronchitis, lungs and epidemic tracheobronchitis. When the central nervous system is damaged, paresis or paralysis of certain muscle groups develops.