Politano-Leadbettera Operation

**Politano-Lidtböter operation (PLS)** is a surgery that is performed in the oral cavity.

**PLP surgery** is a surgical intervention that is necessary for fractures of the jaw bones without displacement of fragments, complicated by purulent inflammation or encapsulating fibrosis. This operation is necessary if there is acute purulent inflammation in the mouth and the risk of its development in damaged joints and tissues.

The name of the operation comes from the names of two scientists: Julius Leadbett-Epstein. He was born on August 25, 1881 in Columbia and died on April 20, 1947. Paul Politano, PhD, is a developer of several methods of prosthetics and plastic maxillofacial surgery. He was born on March 26, 1866, died on June 3, 1926.

The principle of PLP surgery is to irrigate the wound and place a drainage tube to resolve the purulent cavity and reduce the risk of developing sepsis. This is done using general anesthesia and a special needle. The operation itself is performed jointly with a certified dentist.