Polyclinic Departmental

A departmental clinic is a medical organization that is not part of the health care system that serves individuals working at an enterprise or government employees. Their main feature is financing and service to patients who meet certain conditions.

Departmental clinics were created in the USSR in order to reduce the cost of maintaining medical institutions for those served directly by the organization. It was created as a structural division of the enterprise that owns the clinic. Budgetary funds are not allocated from state support, so all activities are carried out at the expense of the enterprise’s own funds.

The purpose of the clinic is usually highly specialized - treatment of specific diseases related to the professional activity of the employee


In the modern world, medicine is becoming more accessible and of high quality, but sometimes people still face difficulties in obtaining medical services. One of these problems is related to the fact that not all medical institutions are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. In this case, there is a need to contact departmental clinics, which, although they are part of the healthcare system