Polyneuritis Dysenteric

Polyneuritis is an inflammatory process in peripheral nerves caused by various infectious and non-infectious diseases. Dysentery Dysentery is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium difficile and is one of the most common diseases in the world. In this text we will look at polyneuritis associated with dysentery.

Dysenithria: symptoms and causes. The diagnosis of dysenteric polyneuritis is based on clinical symptoms and identification of the infectious agent. The main symptoms are: diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. Common causes of dysentery include: contact with infected people or products, as well as poor hygiene. Symptoms of dysenteric polyneurotitis can appear gradually or quickly, the severity depends on the severity of the infectious process. Patients may complain of general weakness, fatigue, and pain in various parts of the body. In more severe cases, the pain can be sharp and excruciating. The nature of the pain can be either constant or periodic. Sensory disturbances may also occur.

Clinical features of dysentery and polyneuritis changes. Key