Polzania phenomenon

The crawling phenomenon is a phenomenon that is associated with the Bauer reflex. This reflex occurs in children aged 6 to 12 months and is manifested in the fact that the child begins to crawl on his stomach, moving with his legs and arms.

Crawling is one of the first methods of movement that a child learns. This stage of development is associated with the formation of many skills and abilities, such as coordination of movements, development of muscle strength and flexibility, as well as improvement of spatial perception and orientation in space.

The Bauer reflex is a reflex that causes the leg muscles to contract when the sole of the foot is stimulated. This reflex is an important indicator of the normal development of the nervous system in children.

The phenomenon of crawling is an important stage in a child's development, which affects many aspects of his life. For example, crawling helps your baby strengthen the muscles that will be used for walking, and also improves motor coordination and spatial awareness. In addition, crawling is an important part of social development as the baby begins to learn new skills such as communicating with others and exploring the environment.

In general, the phenomenon of crawling is an important stage in the development of a child, which helps him strengthen muscles, improve coordination and spatial perception, as well as learn new skills and abilities. The Bauer reflex, which causes crawling, is an important indicator of normal development of the nervous system in children.