Population Ideal

Ideal population A hypothetical panmictic population, infinitely large in number, persisting through generations, not subject to the action of natural selection and does not depend on the external environment and mutation pressure. The concept of an ideal population is used to model the process of evolution.

There is a hypothesis about the existence of an ideal population. We are talking about a genetic empty island without hereditary variability and isolation. Ideal populationization according to Spatgard: 1. population is infinitely small 2. its members are of any size and any possibility of survival 3. no time limit 4. no death 5. no

An ideal population is a hypothetical idea of ​​some population outside of natural selection. It implies infinite numbers, absence of generational changes and immunity to external environmental influences. Typically used to model evolutionary processes.

The ideal population hypothesis is a theory that connects the concept of the optimal relationship between the parameters of a system and the results of its activities.