
Portography is a method for diagnosing internal organs and the circulatory system using ultrasound equipment. This method is widely used in medicine to identify various diseases and pathologies. In this article, we'll look at how portography works and the benefits it can bring to your everyday life.

How does portography work?

Portography - a method of studying blood vessels, based on the introduction of a contrast agent into the portal vein and subsequent x-ray examination.

To obtain contrast, intravenous administration of iodolipolic acid, urotrast, verografin and other drugs is used. A suspension of barium in an isotonic sodium chloride solution is also used as a contrast.

Portography is carried out for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, pancreas, stomach and intestines, as well as for pathological processes in the abdominal cavity.

Currently, portography is used less frequently than in the past, due to the development of new research methods, in particular ultrasound, angiography.