
Possum: how an innovative device helps people with severe paralysis

Possum is a device that allows people with severe paralysis to use various types of technology, including typewriters, telephones and other assistive devices. Modern Possums are based on the operation of special microswitches, for which a light touch is sufficient.

Initially, Possums worked under the influence of air blowing on them or under the influence of air suction through a special tube. However, today there are many different variants of Possums that can work using different types of touch, including tongue touch, cheek touch, lip touch, or even eye touch. This allows people with many different types of paralysis to use the Possum and remain connected to the world around them.

The name Possum stands for "Patient-Operated Selector Mechanism (POSM)". This reflects Possum's core idea of ​​giving people with severe paralysis the ability to control and manage their lives using the technology available to them.

With Possum's help, people with severe paralysis can write letters, send emails, make phone calls, and even control their homes. Some Possums can be programmed to control a variety of devices, including lights, heating and air conditioning.

One of the main advantages of the Possum is that it can be customized for each patient depending on their individual needs. This allows people with severe paralysis to maintain their independence and live more fulfilling lives.

In conclusion, Possum is an innovative device that helps people with severe paralysis stay connected to the world around them and in control of their lives. Thanks to modern technology and customization, Possums can be adapted to the individual needs of each patient, making them an indispensable tool for improving quality of life.

Possum is a device that allows patients with severe paralysis to use a typewriter, various assistive devices, telephones and many other types of equipment. It operates on the basis of special microswitches.

The operation of these devices is based on the fact that they only require a light touch to operate. At first they worked by blowing and sucking air, but now more modern technologies are used.

The name of the devices stands for “Patient Operated Selector Mechanism”. This term describes the fact that the patient himself controls the operation of the device, and not someone else.

The Possum is a very useful device for patients with severe paralysis. With its help, they can communicate with the world, work, study and even play games. This helps them feel more independent and capable of living independently.

Possum is a unique device that allows patients with severe mobility impairments to use various electronic devices, such as typewriters, telephones, televisions and many other types of equipment. This device was made possible by advances in technology and the development of new medical technologies that allowed patients to access various devices without the assistance of others.

The operation of the Possum device is based on the use of special technology that allows you to control the functions of the device using light movements of the patient’s fingers. For this purpose, special microswitches are used that respond to a light touch of the fingers. At the same time, the patient does not need to exert much effort to control the device, which allows him to remain independent and independently carry out various actions.

The history of the emergence and development of the Possum device was closely connected with the development of scientific thought and medical discoveries. In the 1960s, scientists began exploring the use of blowing and sucking air to control electronic devices. However, these methods had a significant impact on the health of patients due to the possibility of breathing problems. At the same time, microswitches were developed to control devices using finger movements, making this method the safest and most effective.