Sanitary Transport Post

An ambulance post (PTS) is one of the most important elements in the work of a medical institution. It ensures the safety and comfort of patients and helps medical staff perform their tasks quickly and efficiently.

PST is a special vehicle equipped with everything necessary to provide medical care. It contains medications, equipment, instruments and other materials necessary for the treatment of patients.

One of the main advantages of the PST is its mobility. The car can quickly move around the city, which allows you to quickly deliver a patient to a hospital or other medical facility. In addition, the PST is equipped with an air conditioning system, which ensures a comfortable temperature in the cabin.

However, the PST not only performs the functions of transporting patients, but is also a place of work for medical personnel. Here doctors and nurses provide consultations, conduct examinations and prescribe treatment.

In general, the ambulance post plays an important role in the operation of a medical institution and helps ensure the safety and comfort of patients.