Place fillers in the nasolabial lips

Age-related processes occurring in the body of every person have visible manifestations on the face and skin of the body. One of them is loss of skin elasticity and decreased muscle tone. One of the very first signs of aging is the appearance of nasolabial folds on the face.

Such changes in the nasolabium require correction. At some point, they can no longer be smoothed out simply by massage. Before and after visiting a cosmetologist and using fillers, a big difference is noticeable in your appearance.

What are fillers and how do they work?

Until the age of 30, the human body undergoes the process of active formation of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. After 30, the intensity of this process decreases sharply, less collagen is produced, and it is destroyed faster, which affects the condition of the skin. Flabbiness and the first wrinkles appear.

Even serious plastic surgery for a facelift will not be as effective if it is necessary to smooth out deep folds and eliminate volume defects in certain areas. In cases where it is necessary to lift a sunken area of ​​skin and smooth out the relief, cosmetologists use injections based on fillers.


Fillers (from the English “to fill” - “fill”) are substances of synthetic or natural origin that activate the process of collagen formation in tissues. Injected into the wrinkle area, they are evenly distributed under the skin and push out folds. This non-surgical method works great for skin rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles.

Using a very thin needle, the doctor, under local anesthesia, introduces a special gel into the deep layers of the epidermis, exactly under the sunken area of ​​the skin, and it pushes out the sunken skin, smoothing the surface. The effect of this procedure is at least 6 months.

Indications for contour plastic surgery

The effect of the nasolabial correction is perfectly reflected in photographs taken before and after the injection of fillers.

Correction of nasolabial folds, as a rule, is first performed at the age of 30-35, because if you start using fillers earlier, the procedure will be more effective and the result will last longer. Of course, there are women who, with the help of cosmetic masks and creams, massages and exercises for the muscles of the face and neck, and simply thanks to good genetics, successfully push back the signs of age-related changes.


Nasolabial fillers are a painless and sure-fire solution to rejuvenation

But at some age they still face a problem: what to do with deep nasolabial folds in order to continue to look fresh and young. To correct age-related manifestations, contour plastic surgery with fillers is performed. It allows non-surgical methods to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and generally rejuvenate aging skin.

The appearance of the nasolabial area before and after fillers is like after a successfully performed facelift. In addition, fillers are used in cases where it is necessary to add missing volume to the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, nose, build up the earlobe, make lips fuller, even out facial asymmetry, and fill in certain flaws after injuries.

The procedure also allows you to eliminate the following problems:

  1. nasolabial fold;
  2. vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  3. horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  4. crow's feet around the eyes and mouth;


  5. drooping corners of the lips - the so-called “puppet” folds;
  6. post-traumatic scar tissue;
  7. acne scars;
  8. wrinkles on the hands.


Although correction with cosmetic gels is one of the most common and safe procedures, there are still a number of conditions.

In which it is contraindicated:

  1. age under 18 years;
  2. pregnancy at any stage and breastfeeding;
  3. the presence of abrasions and other violations of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​proposed injections;
  4. herpes, viral and infectious diseases;


  5. chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  6. inflammatory processes in the acute phase;
  7. bleeding disorders, taking anticoagulants at the time of the expected procedure;
  8. dermatitis in the acute stage;
  9. autoimmune diseases;
  10. allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  11. keloidosis.

In any case, during a face-to-face consultation, a cosmetologist examines individually all aggravating factors and gives an opinion on the possibility or impossibility of carrying out the procedure.

Side effects

As with any medical procedure, some complications may occur after using fillers. This, as a rule, is redness and hematoma at the injection site, slight swelling and goes away on its own over a period of several days, without requiring additional therapy.

Most often this occurs due to infection in the wound due to insufficient antiseptic treatment during or after the procedure. But there is a very small percentage of serious side effects, most often associated with the fact that the body does not accept the foreign substance.

This may appear as:

  1. Feeling pain. May last for several days.
  2. Long lasting swelling and hematoma. Some patients have a predisposition to fragility of blood vessels and capillaries, and injection of fillers, no matter how minimally traumatic, still inevitably damages the tissue surrounding the injection. Typically, people with this predisposition bruise very easily. To eliminate this problem, you should take a preventive course of drugs to strengthen blood vessels. A gel containing heparin will help eliminate hematomas after surgery.


  3. Formation of lumps and compactions. Usually, hyaluronic acid, when it gets into the tissues, combines perfectly with them. But in rare cases, the body triggers a defense mechanism against a substance introduced from outside, and then inflammation occurs, as a result of which compactions - granulomas, and even fibrous capsules (also compactions, but even larger in size) can appear at the injection site. In this case, the patient is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes granulomas have to be removed through surgery.
  4. Compression of blood vessels (vascular embolism). Sometimes it occurs when the filler is injected too deeply. The most severe possible consequence is tissue necrosis around the injection site and subsequent scarring. Such a case should be treated with therapeutic procedures.
  5. Loss of sensitivity at the injection site. This happens if the filler gets into the tissue and compresses the nerve. It should recover over time.

In addition to the factor of individual tolerance of the procedure, side effects are influenced by the quality of the service provided.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Contact a specialized clinic.
  2. Make sure that your cosmetologist is experienced and highly qualified. This is also evidenced by how carefully the doctor asks about previous illnesses and the current condition.
  3. Make sure that the drug that will be administered during the procedure has a certificate.
  4. Carefully follow all doctor's instructions before and after the procedure.

Types of fillers in cosmetology

Contour plastic surgery performs a wide range of tasks in cosmetology, so there are different types of fillers that solve these problems. Fillers vary in composition, density, and resorption time. The doctor decides which type of filler to choose for injection, depending on the goals of the procedure and the individuality of each patient.

Today, several types of fillers are used in aesthetic cosmetology, here are the main ones:

  1. Collagen based fillers, which, after being introduced into the tissue, stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers. But collagen can cause an allergic reaction, and is also difficult to take root and can cause compaction and fibrosis of the tissue.
  2. Fillers containing polylactic acid (Sculptra) They claim the longest lasting effect – up to 2 years.


  3. Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse), a mineral found in human bones and teeth. Suspended to a gel-like state, this substance perfectly smooths out wrinkles. The administration of this drug causes the body to produce collagen on its own.
  4. Fillers with hyaluronic acid, which in turn are divided into monophasic and biphasic. Monophasic ones are lighter and more elastic, easily distributed under the skin and can be corrected. They are used for small folds, increasing the shape of the lips, and increasing skin elasticity. High-density biphasic gels are used to correct facial contours and fill deep wrinkles.

Gels with hyaluronic acid are the most popular among cosmetologists. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of human connective tissue.

The advantages of this particular filler are as follows:

  1. Hyaluronic acid is perfectly compatible with the tissues of the human body, so its administration does not cause side effects in the form of granulomas and fibrous capsules, and the recovery period is easier.


  2. Preparations containing hyaluronic acid practically do not cause allergic reactions.
  3. It is a biodegradable drug, that is, over time, the gel dissolves and is excreted from the body naturally.
  4. Since a small amount of gel needs to be injected, the procedure takes very little time.
  5. The drug is highly effective, which has been proven by many years of practice of its use in contour plastic surgery.
  6. The biorevitalization procedure, performed using a gel based on hyaluronic acid, not only smoothes out nasolabial folds, but also triggers a self-renewal mechanism: pores narrow, sebum secretion decreases, age spots lighten, and overall the skin looks younger and more beautiful.
  7. If the patient does not like the result of the intervention, using the enzyme hyaluronidase it will be possible to break down and remove hyaluronic acid from the body and return the skin to its original state.

The most popular are several brands of hyaluron-based gel that have proven themselves to be excellent:

  1. Restylane (Sweden) – widely known all over the world, highly effective and safe. In addition to the filling effect, it helps retain moisture in tissues, eliminating excess dryness. There are 7 types of the drug, developed for specific skin types.


  2. Princess (Austria) – when leveling wrinkles of significant depth, it provides a lasting effect with a minimum of complications.
  3. Juvederm Ultra (France) is a world-famous and most sought-after drug. Biologically compatible with human skin, gives a lasting and natural effect. Contains lidocaine, so the procedure is painless.
  4. Gliton (France) – a high-quality gel that allows you to obtain a lasting correction effect lasting up to 12 months.
  5. Surgiderm (France) – has proven itself to be excellent in removing scars and for correcting lip contour.

In general, all these drugs are produced by very reputable companies, have been successfully used in cosmetology for a long time and have similar characteristics.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

If a nasolabial correction is needed, a cosmetologist examines and consults the patient before and after fillers. First, in order to correctly select the active substance, as well as its density, the doctor carefully examines the patient’s skin and assesses the degree of required exposure. He plans the number of injections per procedure, as well as the required number of procedures.

If there are no direct contraindications, the cosmetologist can perform the filler injection procedure immediately after the consultation:

  1. When correcting the nasolabial area, before and after fillers, the selected injection site is treated with an antiseptic, then with an anesthetic cream, or an anesthetic injection is given.
  2. The doctor opens the filler package so that the patient can observe its actions. Fixes the name and expiration date of the drug in the journal.
  3. The product is injected subcutaneously with a long and thin needle.
  4. After giving the injection, the doctor can use massage movements to distribute the gel injected subcutaneously.


  5. The puncture site is once again treated with an antiseptic, then a cold compress is applied. The whole process takes from 10 to 30 minutes.
  6. To avoid negative side effects, the doctor gives the patient recommendations and instructions on how to care for the operated area of ​​skin.

Skin care after the session

Usually, if the procedure was successful and to avoid complications, the cosmetologist gives approximately the following recommendations:

  1. Periodically apply cold packs to the area affected by the filler during the first 24 hours.
  2. Treat puncture sites with an antiseptic solution several times over 2-3 days.
  3. Try to use facial muscles less and limit facial mobility.

In order for the filler to be properly distributed under the skin, the cosmetologist can advise the patient on a special self-massage technique. In this case, the doctor carefully instructs the patient so that he does not harm the tissues through his actions.

After the filler injection procedure, it is not recommended to:

  1. Touch the injection site with your hands.
  2. For a week, expose your skin to heat - do not visit a bathhouse, sauna or solarium, be in the open sun, or sit near an open fire.
  3. Doing active physical activity, going to the gym or swimming pool for a week can cause swelling.
  4. Within 1-2 days after the procedure, perform cosmetic manipulations - apply makeup, creams or masks.

How long does it take for changes to be visible?

When correcting the nasolabial area, very little time passes before and after fillers, but the effect of the injection with hyaluronic acid becomes noticeable immediately. Sometimes the picture is blurred due to the presence of edema or hematoma.


Careful adherence to the recommendations of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure will allow the patient to recover quickly. In just 2-3 days, when the swelling or hematoma subsides (and they may not exist at all), you can return to normal activities and your usual lifestyle with a rejuvenated face.

How long does the effect last?

The duration of positive changes from “beauty injections” is influenced by the patient’s age, skin condition, and facial activity of his face. But the durability of the effect also depends on the type of filler chosen. Each type of filler has its own duration of action.

Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite and polylactic acid are more durable; their effect lasts up to two years. But this positive characteristic has an important drawback: if the patient is dissatisfied with the changes made, it will be difficult to return everything to its original state, and you will have to put up with such a persistent effect.


For fillers with hyaluronic acid, the duration of the effect depends on the density of the drug and averages 6-12 months. But even when the drug has already ceased its effect, a natural renewal process will begin in the skin tissues. If you repeat the procedure, even with a smaller amount of injected gel, the effect will be more noticeable and the wrinkles will smooth out more easily.

Today, contour plastic surgery and, in particular, nasolabial correction have gained recognition all over the world. Almost every woman who takes care of herself can feel the difference before and after fillers and see her face renewed.

Nasolabial correction is not very expensive. And isn’t it worth it to feel, after the fillers work, how time has begun counting back, back to youth.

Video about fillers

How to remove nasolabial folds:

Filling nasolabial folds:

To “erase” several years from your face, sometimes it’s enough to smooth out the nasolabial folds. Cosmetologists successfully fight this type of wrinkles thanks to special preparations - fillers.

Find out what it is, when the result will be visible after injecting fillers into the nasolabial folds, read reviews about the procedure and look at photos before and after correction.

Why do nasolabial folds appear on the face?

Age-related changes on the face are indicated not only and not so much by wrinkles, but by deep nasolabial folds. Gravity affects all tissues, including those that form the face. As a result, the cheeks move down and the nasolabial folds deepen.

The facial expression becomes gloomy and gloomy. However, nasolabial folds can be observed not only in mature people, but also in young people.

Heredity plays a significant role in their formation, as well as the individual anatomical characteristics of an individual person.

In addition, the following can speed up the appearance of these folds:

  1. bad habits;
  2. wrong lifestyle and wrong diet;
  3. poor-quality or irregular facial skin care;
  4. high tone of facial muscles;
  5. diseases of internal organs.

In order to significantly reduce the depth of nasolabial folds and rejuvenate the face by 10-15 years, cosmetologists actively use the contour plastic method.

What is the essence of the technique?

The cosmetologist uses injections to inject special preparations called fillers into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Wrinkles in the skin are smoothed out by filling the space under the fold with a substance that was injected by a specialist.

Additionally, your own collagen is produced. Thanks to this method, even deep furrows can be smoothed out, giving the face a fresher and more youthful appearance.

Action and how long the effect lasts

With the help of fillers, the lost volume in the nasolabial fold, formed due to the discrepancy between muscle and fat tissue, is restored.

The duration of the effect depends on the drug chosen for correction and ranges on average from six months to 2-3 years. The face will return to its original state when the gel injected into the area of ​​the creases is completely absorbed and removed from the body.

We invite you to look at the photos before and after the procedure:

What drugs are used for contouring?

Fillers used to straighten nasolabial folds are divided into several large groups:

  1. Gels based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. These are very popular drugs, successfully used not only to combat nasolabial folds, but also other signs of facial aging. Hyaluronic acid is good because it does not cause allergic reactions, since it is a compound related to the human body. The effect of its use does not last very long - from 6 months to a year.

Gels containing calcium hydroxyapatite. This is a young drug that is gradually gaining the trust of cosmetologists.

Its introduction into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds not only smoothes out the skin, but also stimulates the production of new collagen fibers.

These fibers form a kind of framework, thanks to which the effect of the injections lasts for a period of up to 1.5-2 years, despite the fact that the filler is completely absorbed by that time.

Preparations containing collagen of artificial origin are used much less frequently, as they can cause allergic reactions. Fillers containing polylactic acid are very expensive compounds, and therefore are not yet actively used. These preparations are similar to the self-absorbable suture material used in surgical interventions.

All these drugs are biodegradable, therefore they are temporary.

There is also a group of fillers that are called permanent or permanent. These include biopolymer gels and liquid silicone. Once in the body, these drugs will remain there forever, so their correct administration by an experienced cosmetologist is extremely important.

Administration technique, when changes will be visible

The rejuvenation procedure with fillers takes place in three stages:

  1. Anesthesia. 20 minutes before the injection, a special anesthetic is injected into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Alternatively, a numbing cream may be used.
Injections. The cosmetologist injects the drug into the nasolabial folds through a microneedle. The number of injections is calculated individually. As a rule, these are 2-3 injections. The filler fills existing voids, smoothing out creases. Massage . To prevent the gel from accumulating in one area, the specialist distributes it with special massage movements.

The result of the procedure will be noticeable after 7-10 days, when some swelling caused by the injections has passed. The specialist assesses the final effect after 2-3 weeks.

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How does a mesoscooter work against cellulite? Photos before and after the sessions can be viewed here.

Contraindications and possible complications

This type of rejuvenation has a number of contraindications, including the following conditions:

  1. acute inflammatory processes of the facial skin, inflamed acne, herpes;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. allergy to any components of fillers;
  4. violation of the blood clotting process;
  5. renal or liver failure;
  6. diseases of the cardiovascular system during the period of decompensation;
  7. oncological diseases;
  8. immunodeficiency states.

After the procedure, some complications may occur:

  1. edema;
  2. redness;
  3. pain in the injection area;
  4. itching, burning sensation;
  5. injection marks;
  6. minor bruises.

All these unpleasant symptoms do not require treatment and go away on their own within 7-10 days.

After an incorrect procedure for introducing fillers into the nasolabial lips or insufficient competence of a cosmetologist, some consequences are possible:

What is facial reinforcement with gold threads, what is the essence of the method and what are the average prices for the procedure? Read here.

See photos before and after combined cleansing, find out everything about this method of cleansing your facial skin.

Recommendations for skin care before and after treatment

3-4 days before and for 5-6 days after filler injections, taking medications that reduce blood viscosity, such as aspirin and the like, is prohibited. The recovery period after injections passes quickly, the patient is sent home after one hour. It is advisable not to take a horizontal position for the first 4 hours after rejuvenation.

At this time, the head should be higher than the level of the body. In addition, for several hours after the procedure it is forbidden to strain the facial muscles, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

On the day of the injections, as well as in the next 2-3 days, you should not apply correctors, concealers, foundations or skin care products to your facial skin.

While there is swelling and redness in the treated areas of the skin, the face should be protected from direct sunlight, solarium, massage, exposure to high temperatures (bath, sauna), and peelings.

Average prices

Rejuvenation through contouring can occur through various medications. The cost of the procedure for filling nasolabial folds with fillers depends on the price of each specific drug and the number of injections required.

One of the most popular fillers for smoothing nasolabial folds is the Swedish drug Restylane based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. One injection of this product costs about 12,000-23,000 rubles.

Juvederm is a drug from the USA containing hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. One injection will cost the patient 10,000-17,000 rubles.

Teosyal is a gel developed by Swiss biochemists. It contains highly concentrated biosynthetic hyaluronic acid. The price of one injection of Teosyal ranges from 16,000-24,000 rubles.

Radiesse is a filler based on calcium hydroxylopate, synthesized by American scientists. This drug has a high level of compatibility. The cost of one injection into the nasolabial folds of this filler ranges from 16,000 to 40,000 rubles.

The choice of means for correcting nasolabial folds depends on the wishes of the patient, as well as on the condition of his skin. If the wrinkles are of significant depth, then it is recommended to use preparations with high viscosity.

Patient opinion, video

“I was first injected with fillers along the length of all the folds, and after two weeks they made adjustments: they added a little drug and worked on the asymmetry. Both times I was under the influence of local anesthesia. It was unpleasant, but I didn’t feel much pain. Small papules persisted for two days and there was slight swelling.

Fillers filled the nasolabial area and raised the skin in this area. The effect lasted for a whole year, the drug had already completely dissolved, but so far the skin is the same as after the injections. The injections were repeated after 1 year 9 months. The repeated procedure was faster and easier.

There were no bruises or bleeding, just swelling, which went down on the fourth day. I’m very pleased with the results, my face is minus 5 years, my mood is great, I have more self-confidence.”

“I didn’t have any improvement, absolutely none. Moreover, the situation seems to have only gotten worse. Some folds appeared that were not there before!

I heard that fillers in the nasolabial folds are not suitable for everyone and an experienced cosmetologist should immediately see whether they will give an effect or not. I'm really sorry for wasting my money!"
Julia :

“I had a small nasolabial fold. After filler injections, it deepened and lengthened within a month. At the same time, my cosmetologist claims that I am making everything up and nothing like that happened. But I’m scared to look at myself in the mirror now and I don’t know what to do now. Conclusion: don’t rush to inject fillers, read reviews on different sites. And yes, if you are going to have a procedure, choose your cosmetologist more carefully.”

“I put fillers in my nasolabial lips. It was unpleasant, but bearable. In the morning, the mirror shocked me: I was swollen, as if I hadn’t stopped drinking for a month. Moreover, the swelling on the left was greater than on the right, it even caused my mouth to squint. I called the cosmetologist, she reassured me, saying that this is how it should be.

After 2 days, the swelling went down by more than half. After 2 weeks, the face returned to normal, and there were almost no nasal lips left! To say that I am satisfied is to say nothing! The face immediately became younger. I will definitely do it again."

We offer you to see how the procedure for eliminating nasolabial folds goes:

The nasolabial fold is a traitor that reveals a woman’s age. This is why fillers in nasolabial folds are so popular. Turning to contour plastic helps to effectively and quickly remove such a defect.


Read about why it occurs, how fillers cope with it and how long the joy from the procedure will last on this page of the women's website “Beautiful and Successful”.

Why do folds appear between the lips and nose?

The facial muscles are responsible for beautiful, smooth facial features. Over the years, they lose their strength and, obeying the laws of gravity, sag, while pulling the skin down. As a result, the nasolabial triangle is framed by two raised folds.

The appearance of these folds is almost inevitable. Sooner or later they will still appear.

However, some women notice such changes on their faces at a fairly young age. Nasolabial folds not only make the face look older, but also give it a repulsive, sad expression. As the site found out, the reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles in the nasolabial area are:

  1. Genetic predisposition. A special facial structure, muscle weakness - all this is inherited. If your mother had problems with facial contours, you may have to inject hyaluronic acid at the age of 30.
  2. Lack of skin care or improper care. Women who do not take care of themselves may need correction of nasolabial folds with fillers very early.
  3. Bad habits. Smoking and love of alcoholic beverages deprive the body of the necessary moisture, calcium, and impair collagen synthesis. Even those women who often spend long periods of time in smoky rooms are subject to accelerated aging.
  4. Wrong lifestyle. If a woman works a lot and rests little, she loses her youth very quickly. An unhealthy diet also contributes to premature aging. The condition of the skin depends on the internal state of the body, and this, in turn, is greatly influenced by nutrition. If you eat fast food and drink a lot of coffee and soda, you may need to consider getting fillers sooner than you would like.

However, these drugs are used not only for correction, but also to prevent possible problems. Cosmetologists often recommend using fillers even for minor changes.

What fillers are best to inject into nasolabial folds?

In general, corrective agents are used for different purposes. They cope wonderfully with a wide variety of skin defects, being a wonderful alternative to surgical methods.

The effect of fillers lies in their ability to integrate into body tissues and fill creases. Such substances have a gel-like consistency, so when they enter the subcutaneous layers, they do not dissolve immediately, but gradually. This ability helps them have a local effect. Remaining in the place where they were injected, the drugs maintain the volume, smoothness and tenderness of the desired areas of the skin.

To correct nasolabial folds, biodegradable and natural fillers are used, which are divided into several types depending on the composition:

  1. Gels with hyaluronic acid. This substance and its unique rejuvenating abilities have not been heard of except in Antarctica. Hyaluronate is an excellent way to solve skin problems such as creases, wrinkles, and dryness. It retains moisture and also stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen. The result of filling nasolabial folds with fillers based on hyaluronic acid lasts for 1.5-2 years. This filler is used to correct nasolabial folds more often than others.
  2. Preparations with artificial collagen. They give good results, but can cause allergies.
  3. Compositions based on calcium hydroxyapatite. They appeared on the market relatively recently, but are gradually gaining the trust of professionals in the world of beauty. Such preparations create a collagen framework under the skin, thereby smoothing out all the creases and wrinkles. The result of introducing filler into the nasolabial folds lasts from one and a half to two years.
  4. Fillers with polylactic acid. They work in the same way as self-absorbing sutures, so they give a good lasting effect. But the cost of such funds makes them inaccessible until they are very popular.

All drugs from the above groups are biodegradable. Fillers are divided not only into groups by variety, but also by manufacturer. When choosing which filler is best for nasolabial folds, pay attention to the most popular brands that have passed many years of testing in the fight against nasolabial wrinkles and have received the trust of specialists.

The best nasolabial fillers

In what area of ​​production have the Koreans, French, Americans, and Austrians been most successful, it is in the field of corrective compounds. The best French-made drugs for combating nasolabial wrinkles include:

  1. Stylage Laboratoire Vivacy. The drug contains hyaluronic acid, antioxidants and lidocaine. Stylage fillers are available in different concentrations to correct different types of nasolabial folds. Stylage S is used to correct slightly pronounced nasolabial folds; the filler of the same brand under the letter M is intended to combat deeper folds. Stylage L has such a high concentration that it ensures the filling of fairly deep wrinkles and other irregularities. The effect of the filler lasts about a year. The cost of drugs ranges from 13.5 to 17 thousand rubles.
  2. Sonata. The gel contains hyaluronic acid and antioxidant. The drug is valid for at least a year. The cost of the Sonata filler is about 13 thousand rubles.
  3. Juvederm. This remedy is divided into several types depending on the depth of the nasolabial folds that need to be smoothed. If the defect is minor, you can turn to Juvederm 24 HV; older women are better off purchasing Juvederm Ultra 4. For the first you will need to pay about 12 thousand rubles, for the second – about 16 thousand.

If you need to choose the best filler for nasolabial folds among budget options, then you should pay attention to drugs from Korea:

  1. Dermaheal. This filler contains biomimetic peptides that stimulate the body's production of its own hyaluronate, collagen and elastin. The drug is able to regulate the water exchange of the skin, which makes it ideal for people suffering from edema. This is one of the cheapest means. Dermahil costs about 850 rubles.
  2. Revofil. The composition contains biomimetic peptides and antioxidants that stimulate the formation of collagen fibers. If we talk about which filler is best for nasolabial folds in older women, this drug can safely be put at the top of the list. Revofil is recommended for women over 35 years of age. The cost of one bottle is about 4 thousand rubles.
  3. Fillers based on hyaluronate. The drug contains Lidocaine, so it is not suitable for people allergic to this drug. The price of one capsule is about 4 thousand rubles.

Fillers for nasolabial wrinkles from European manufacturers are very popular:

  1. Princess Volume. This Austrian-made drug is designed to combat deep nasolabial lines and medium-depth wrinkles. The composition contains an anesthetic, so the procedure with it is almost painless. One session costs about 16 thousand rubles.
  2. Restylane Perlane. What drug is most famous in the world of cosmetology is Restylane. The filler is produced in Sweden based on non-animal hyaluronate. Does not contain lidocaine, making it ideal for people allergic to this anesthetic. It has a high density, which allows it to effectively smooth out deep folds. The price for one ampoule of the drug is about 16 thousand rubles. The effect of the drug disappears after 8 months.
  3. Radiesse. The product is manufactured in the USA based on calcium hydroxyapatite. It stimulates the formation of your own collagen, the effect of its use lasts about one and a half years. The drug cannot be called cheap: one procedure with Radiesse filler will cost 14 thousand rubles.

Thus, the price range of fillers allows any working woman to choose the option that is best suited. The availability of inexpensive Korean drugs allows even those who cannot boast of a high income to take care of themselves.

However, with any choice, there are contraindications to fillers and rules of behavior after the procedure for filling folds.

Fillers: what not to do after injection into the nasolabial folds

No matter how much you would like to use nasolabial filler, in some cases this procedure cannot be performed. Contraindications to it are:

  1. autoimmune diseases;
  2. intolerance to drug components;
  3. herpes;
  4. hemophilia and other blood diseases;
  5. dermatological diseases;
  6. hair removal in the nasolabial area or chemical peeling done recently;
  7. pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  8. the presence of non-healing postoperative scars;
  9. increased or decreased body temperature;
  10. malignant neoplasms.

In the absence of these contraindications, you can safely turn to fillers. Experience shows that such drugs are well tolerated and rarely cause irritation. Procedures for filling wrinkles and folds on the face, regardless of where these wrinkles are located - under the eyes, on the forehead or in the nasolabial area - are always performed according to the same scheme:

  1. The doctor cleans the face of cosmetics and treats the selected area with an antiseptic.
  2. Using a special marker, he marks the places that need to be corrected.
  3. If necessary, an anesthetic is injected under the skin.
  4. Waits 20-30 minutes for the painkiller to take effect.
  5. The filler is injected pointwise according to the drawn diagram. After each injection, wipe the treated area with an antiseptic.

A few minutes after completion of the procedure, the patient can go home. At the same time, she needs to remember that she cannot take a horizontal position for 4 hours. To ensure that the drug does not cause any complications or problems, after introducing filler into the nasolabial folds, the following rules must be followed:

  1. For the first day, you should not touch your face with your hands. An experienced cosmetologist immediately after administering the drug distributes it with his fingers. If you carelessly touch the filler, which has not had time to distribute, it can turn into a subcutaneous growth.
  2. Washing or wiping your face with milk within 24 hours after the procedure is also prohibited, as this may disrupt the absorption process of the drug.
  3. It is advisable to avoid any physical activity for three days. During this period, all efforts of the body should be directed toward assimilating the filler.
  4. For two weeks after the session, regardless of what composition was used, you cannot undergo thermal procedures. It is better for lovers of solariums and baths to be patient, otherwise their beauty will not last long. Hot baths and showers are also prohibited during this period.
  5. You should not take blood thinners for two weeks.

It is very important to perform the procedure of filling nasolabial folds with fillers from a good professional. Correcting a defect in an amateur can have the following consequences:

  1. Fibrosis. If administered incorrectly, droplets of filler injected under the skin will gather together into a single “bump.”
  2. Transillumination of the drug under the skin if it was not injected deeply enough.
  3. Pain at the site where the fold is filled with the drug.

The effect of the procedure does not become noticeable immediately. The speed at which it manifests depends on what kind of filler was used. After injection of hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial folds, smoothing occurs almost immediately. At the same time, hyaluronate is characterized by an increasing effect.

The results from fillers with collagen can be enjoyed after 2-4 days, since after the procedure for correcting nasolabial folds with these drugs, swelling most often remains.

Lipolifting smoothes out the nasolabial lips in a couple of weeks. Synthetic preparations get rid of folds and wrinkles within 24 hours, but such fillers rarely take root well.

Thus, correction of nasolabial folds using fillers today is relatively easy and inexpensive. However, this is not a reason to run for preventative fillers at the age of 25. Preparations for filling wrinkles and folds on the face should be used precisely if they exist, because without the need to once again introduce any composition into your body, this is simply madness.

Our site advises all mature ladies to find their filler and a worthy master in order to maintain attractiveness for as long as possible, and for young ladies not to rush things and try to take care of themselves so that nasolabials do not spoil their lovely faces ahead of time.