
Postinor is a drug to prevent unwanted pregnancy, which is often used by women to prevent conception. This medicine belongs to the group of hormonal drugs and is available in the form of 0.75 mg tablets.

The main active ingredient in Postinor is levonorgestrel, which makes up 40% of the drug dose. The effective dose of the active substance when taking tablets is 0.5-1 mg per day. To ensure strict adherence to the dosage regimen, women are advised to take the drug at the same time every day. In this case, the dosage and duration of use of the drug should be determined by the doctor depending on the characteristics of the woman’s health condition.

Side effects may include bleeding between periods, menstrual cycle changes (eg, painful periods, stopped periods), acne, headaches and dizziness, swelling, dry mouth. Postinor can also cause nausea, fatigue, insomnia, depression and mood swings, especially in young women. Symptoms usually go away when you stop taking the drug.

Women who have a tendency to genital bleeding or who do not want to experience missed periods should consult a doctor about using this medication. In case of termination of pregnancy, the doctor can prescribe Postinor only until the stage of pregnancy at which symptoms of early toxicity begin to appear in the embryo. If a woman suspects that she has terminated her pregnancy, it is best for her to see a doctor to determine the exact cause of her symptoms.

Thus, Postinor is a fairly effective remedy for preventing pregnancy. Like any other medicine, it has its contraindications, side effects and requires compliance with the doctor's recommendations when used. However, before taking this medicine, you should make sure that its use is necessary, and also be sure to consult with a specialist. After all, self-prescription of any medications can lead to negative health consequences.