Potts Window Clamp

A Potts window clamp is a type of scientific instrument used to determine the properties of a material under various loading conditions. It was invented in the early 20th century by John Pott and is now one of the most common tools in materials science and engineering.

How does a Potts-window clamp work?

The Potts Window Clamp consists of two main parts. The first is the supporting surface, which is a metal platform equipped with several holes designed to capture material. The second part is a metal or composite tube that fits into the holes of the supporting surface and fills all the empty space. In this way, the material to be tested is placed between the supporting surface and the clamp tube.

How to Use Potts Window Clamp for Article

1. Preparation of the clamp tube: Make sure that the clamp tube is clean and free of rust or other contaminants. The tube can be made of polished stainless steel, aluminum or plastic and can have different shapes depending on the shape and size of the sample being tested.

2. Setting the clamping device: Before installing the sample, install the tubes on the reference plane, placing them in such a way that the minimum gap between the tubes is at least 0.5 mm. This guarantees the safety and reliability of the tests.

3. Loading