Open plaster cast

Hypoconical bandage system (plaster cast)

Plaster bandages are made from medical alabaster and cotton-polyester gypsum (gypsum of the first and second grade). It is used for fixing traumatic injuries to the extremities, as well as for the manufacture of splints with an open angle, which allows you to regulate the direction of growth of bone fragments. These bandages are also used as support corsets for uncomplicated injuries of the pelvic bones.

The bandage consists of 20-32 corsets, which are folded in twos and then glued together in the shape of a right triangle. Corsets consist of two ribbons 60 cm long: wide and narrow. A wide tape goes along the outer surface of the leg, a narrow one - along the side and inner surface. Narrow corsets of a different design have been proposed, having a rigid rib that eliminates the parallelogram effect. This corset is applied along the straight front line of the shin and is held in place by appropriate smooth corsets.

Before applying a conical bandage, the leg is wrapped in a diaper or sheet, which covers the entire limb. When marking the bandage, corsets are applied starting from the middle third of the thigh, that is, crossing the inner surface of the thighs along the transverse line. After this, the bandage is distributed over the joint of the limb and a line is drawn between its outer edges. The angle of the closed “triangle” should be approximately 50-80°.

With an open plaster cast, a wooden spacer with rounded ends is inserted into the center of the upper free half of one or all corsets. The plaster cast is then applied in the usual manner. Before applying an open bandage, the affected limb is covered with a thick layer of gauze folded in 6-12 layers. This creates additional pressure and has a local warming effect. Turundas are inserted into this multilayer napkin, filling the entire space of the dressing. In order to prevent the divergence of the edges, every 1-2 cm, in addition to the first two corsets of the lower step, additional wide patches are applied - “corrective”.

The bends of the free ends of the plaster corset measuring 7-10 cm in children and 8-15 cm in adults are noted