Powdered Powder

Benefits of powdered powder:

  1. suitable for any foundation;
  2. absorbs well.


Previously, it was believed that such powder was best applied using a powder puff. But in this case, the powder is distributed unevenly, and it is very difficult to collect the required amount of powder. Therefore, the ideal option is to apply powdered powder using a thick brush.


The brush should be washed systematically so that the hairs do not stick together due to the absorption of sebum.

Powdered powder should be applied only after the foundation has completely absorbed into the skin of the face.

  1. Place a small amount of powder onto the brush, shaking off any excess.

  2. Apply powder to your face, moving from top to bottom, so that the fuzz on your face does not become noticeable.

  3. If as a result you see that there is more powder than expected, then do not try to shake off the excess, but simply brush over these areas with a brush without powder.