Upper Limb Belt

The upper limb girdle is one of the most important elements of the human musculoskeletal system. It consists of bones and ligaments that provide support and movement to the upper limbs. In this article we will look at the structure and functions of the upper limb girdle.

The upper limb girdle consists of two main elements: the clavicle and the scapula. The collarbone is a long bone that runs through the chest and connects to the shoulder blade. The scapula is a flat bone that is located at the back of the chest and supports the upper limb. Between the collarbone and the shoulder blade is the humerus, which connects them and forms the shoulder joint.

The functions of the upper limb girdle include support and movement of the upper limb, as well as participation in the formation of muscles and joints. The collarbone and scapula form a spherical surface on which the muscles and tendons that provide movement of the arm are located. In addition, the clavicle and scapula are involved in the formation of the shoulder joint, which allows the arm to move freely up and down and rotate in different directions.

In addition, the upper limb girdle is involved in the formation of the rib cage, which protects the internal organs and ensures respiratory function.