Practical Tips for Choosing a Name for a Child

1 Tip

When choosing a name, consider all possible options. How will it sound in combination with a middle name or last name? Do you get easy-to-pronounce and sonorous name options for your peers? Finally, will it be easy for the baby to pronounce it, because he will have to do it often! The more different variations of the name there are, the more different aspects of the personality will be able to receive their name. So if you want your child to be flexible, free in different situations and with different people, choose a name that is easily varied. If, on the contrary, you want to encourage his loyalty, stability and constancy, look for a name that is difficult to change.

2 Tip

Whatever path you take, you usually associate the name you give your baby with a certain person. And you subconsciously try to match your baby with him, expecting similar reactions, actions, and abilities from him. This is not bad, it is natural and normal, this is the mechanism of influence, the action of your parental message formulated in the name. You should be wary when the child’s name becomes an excuse for some undesirable traits that hinder him (according to the “aka Vova” principle) or when you begin to pay attention to those shortcomings of the baby that upset you in the prototype.

3 Tip

Be aware that by choosing a name, you are, consciously or not, encouraging and supporting certain traits in your son or daughter. This is your first message to your baby about how you want him to be, what fate you wish for him.