The correct procedure for using medications to soften hard joints

You should start by pouring hot water, and after that apply medicinal dressings or emollient rubs made from mucus, gums, fats and oils; if you add hot vinegar to them, they penetrate deeper. Close to this is the use of dates with fat tail fat and sesame oil - this is a good, light medicinal dressing - as well as ground mustard seeds with half the amount of ghee and honey in the amount of one quarter of the mustard seeds, often one wax ointment with iris oil is enough, and sometimes resort to all the emollient medicines mentioned in the paragraph on skyrra; if you feel that the patient’s nature is changing towards coldness, then add to the medicines, for example, beaver stream, sagapen or opopanax.

Good medicine. They take the sediment of linseed oil, the sediment of sesame oil, fenugreek boiled in milk, and roasted fat tail fat and consume it.

Good medicine. Take marshmallow roots, mad cucumber roots, bdellium, usshak and opopanax, dilute with strong vinegar and spread. The ivory patch is also good.

Good medicine. They take fenugreek mucilage, flaxseed mucilage, mad cucumber mucilage, usshak, frankincense, lanolin, iris oil, duck fat, soft bdelium, pure galbanum and veal bone marrow, dilute all this in oil and prepare a plaster.

Another strong medicine. They take old olive oil - two rittles, iris oil - half a ritle, liquid maya - a quarter of a ritle, yellow wax - half a ritle, turpentine tree resin - two uqiyas, furbiyuna - two uqiyas, deer bone marrow - four uqiyas and prepare a plaster.

Description of a plaster good for joint hardening caused by fusion. They take ushshak - one part, bdellium judaica - half a part, incense - half a part, henna oil, duck fat - a quarter of each, the gums are dissolved and bound, all the substances are taken together.

Good patch. They take ushshak - thirty-six mithqals and yellow wax - the same amount of turpentine gum, bdellium, galban - eight ukiyah each, henna oil - four ukiyyah. The gums are ground and diluted. them in vinegar, and then all the substances are combined in a mortar, greased, like the pestle, with iris oil.

If a knot like a lump forms - we have already talked about it in the corresponding paragraph - then where it is, apply the patches we mentioned now, or use beaver stream, bush, pigeon feces and mustard in the form of a bandage. This is an excellent remedy.

Good emollient. They take the sludge of iris oil - uqiya, the sludge of flaxseed - uqiya, liquid maya, galban, opopanax, ushshak - half of each uqiya, soft bdelium - uqiya and two uqiyas of bear, duck, chicken or pork fat - the latter according to the teachings of those Daudit lawyers that allow this. A plaster is prepared from all this.