Fetal presentation: Anteroparietal

The anterior parietal presentation of the fetus is one of the most common positions of the baby inside the womb. It occurs because the baby is in a flexed position with the fetal head at the top of the uterus and the baby's body at the bottom. This position can be dangerous for the pregnant woman and the baby as it can lead to complications such as malpositioning of the baby and the need for a caesarean section.

How does the presentation of anterior parietal fetuses occur? Typically, the child takes this position during repeated births that have already been completed previously. In such cases, the fetal head may turn slightly or assume a flexed position inside the uterus. However, such positions require additional strength and energy from the baby to overcome the resistance of the uterus and return to the correct position. As a result, the baby may need extra time before being able to get into a good position.

Symptoms to pay attention to: - Reduction or cessation of the baby's movements. - Painful or unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. - You should immediately consult a doctor if you notice the above symptoms during pregnancy.